FALLON, NV (June 10) — Rattlesnake Raceway hosted its annual Octane Fest this weekend. Rain Saturday evening slightly delayed the program but it set up the track so it was fast.
First feature were the IMCA Modifieds. After the green waved first on point was Clifton King with Steven Anderson giving chase.
A spin by Wade Lumsden brought out a quick caution. Once again King was on point while behind him there was a three-way duel for second.

Soon Chris Nieman took over second and the chase was on. King was still on point when the lead duo took the white flag.

Coming out of the final corner Nieman made an outside pass and claimed a very narrow victory. King ended up second while Steven Anderson finished third.
During the trophy presentation Nieman explained that last second pass.

“I just went for it,” he said. “Just drove as hard as I could up top, got a little run, diamonded down. Got the inside, rubbed a little bit and we got her done.”

When the Mini Stock feature began Travis Showe was on point but Austin Sprague has his sights on the leader. After a quick caution Sprague made the pass on the outside.
Now Sprague was being chased by Kent Knisley .Then a caution for debris bunched everyone up. After the restart there was a brief three-way duel for second.

In the final laps Shawn DePriest took over second and closed within a second of the leader. At the flag Sprague clinched the victory followed by DePriest and Showe.
Next up were the Sprint Cars and four of them took the green flag. This class is slowly rebuilding and now is the Modern Concrete Winged Sprint Tour.

On the green Brandon Temora took off but close behind was Nick Purdy. The only caution came after Gene Parrott grazed the back stretch wall, which caused a steering failure that ended with a pretty good impact on the Turn 4 wall.
The race was red flagged as the safety crew rushed to Parrott’s aid. Fortunately he was uninjured although the same can’t be said for his car.

Once the green waved again Temora and Purdy resumed their duel for the lead. They would cross the finish in that order.
The Street Stock race was all Randy Boyd as he led from green to checkered despite two cautions that bunched the cars.

In the latter laps Jesse Gonzalez worked his way through the pack but just couldn’t catch the flying Boyd so he finished second. Don Dieter ended up third while Shayna Nieman ended up fourth.

During the trophy presentation Boyd said, “Track is amazing and the race was as fun as it could be. I wish I didn’t start in the front cause I like racing, like passing but I stayed up front and won it.”
When the IMCA Sport Mod feature began Scott Holloway was on point. Not far behind were Mark Hain and Jimmy Ford.

After two cautions Ford was second then he used an inside pass on Turn 4 to take the lead. One more caution slowed the pace and Mark Hain took over second.
At the checkered Ford won the day followed by runner up Hain and Holloway, who ended up third.

Asked about the race Ford said, “That was fun, it’s the fastest time I’ve ever been at this track. It’s hooked up like you would not believe and I love it.”
Now it was time for the IMCA Stock Cars to take the track. On the green Wad Kennemore was on point with Craig Nieman close behind him.
A spin and debris in Turn 1 brought out the caution and bunched the car. When the green waved Kennemore took off with Nieman close behind.

Behind them Jacob Dias was moving forward and after another caution Jacob Dias was second and challenging for the lead.
Passing the white flag both leaders were side by side. Something happened and Kennemore took the checkered flag with Nieman finishing up second.

Behind them Marie Curtis finished third and Dias wound up fourth.
The stock car racing ended up with the Bootleggers. It was all Ryan Parkhurst as he left everyone in his dust.

At the end he had over a straight away lead on second place Andrew Geller while Jerome Kleve finishsd third.

Later Parkhurst mentioned had to be careful as his tires weren’t in the best condition. Having newer tires for the next race might not something his competitors want to hear.
During the program the Tough Trucks ran a contact race on the infield. And the little kids used small karts to had a “destruction derby.” That where their kart have balloons on them and the aim is to pop those on the competitor’s karts.
After this announcer Davey Munoz honored all three youngsters and gave each of them a $20 dollar bill.
After the final race there was a destruction derby with several full sized cars.
• Friday there was a full show as well. Shawn DePriest won the Mini Stock feature while Jesse Gonzalez won in Street Stocks.
Other winners were Ryan Parkhurst in Bootleggers, Grasen Temora in Sprint Cars. The IMCA Modified winner was Melissa Natenstedt, who beat her husband Shawn Natenstedt.
Marie Cutis was the IMCA Stock Car winner while Rafael Flores won the IMCA Northern Sportmod winner.
Next up for Rattlesnake Raceway is a Monday-Tuesday event. They’ll race on July 3rd but Tuesday, July 4th is not only racing but is Fallon’s fireworks show. Results for both days are at the end of this article.

• Once again, on Wednesday starting at 5 p.m. the Sparks A&W has a cruise in. There will be a DJ supplying the music as well as a raffle, it’s a great way to meet fellow car people.
• Daveys Amercian Racing is usually on at 6 p.m. Wednesday evenings. One can see the show on Face Book and get into the chat was well.

Davey covers national series as well as racing in the western United States. His focus is on oval tracks.
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• Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. Wednesday evenings, starting around 5 p.m. is Bike Night, good time to meet fellow riders and have a great dinner.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is www.pjandco.net.
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Saturday: June 10:
- Heat Winners: #1 Colton Blankenship, #2 Travis Showe, #3 Austin Sprague.
- Feature: 1. Austin Sprague, 2. Shawn DePriest, 3. Travis Showe, 4. Colton Blankenship, 5. Kent Knisley, 6. Joseph Cook, 7. Cooper Lee, 8. Jeff Tuttle, 9. Jorden Riley, 10. Howard Miller, 11.Isaac Aquilera, 12. Mike Miller, 13. Kaden Beuchat, 14. Andi Hast, 15. Dakota Thunder, 16. Alessio Burnett.
- DNF: Wyatt Pefold.
- DNS: Blake Bernstein.
Street Stock:
- Heat Winners: #1 Madison Hood, #2 Randy Boyd, #3 Shawn Natenstedt.
- Feature: 1. Randy Boyd, 2. Jesse Gonzalez, 3. Don Deiter, 4. Shayna Nieman, 5. Mikki Beuchat, 6. Jimmy Berhorst, 7. Mikey Johnson, 8. Hailey Conroy, 9. Korey Vernon, 10. Rachael Goetz.
- DNF: Carl Barlow, Madison Hood, Angela Dias, Shane Boyd, Shawn Natenstedt.
- DNS: Grayson Olschowka.
- Heat Winner: Ryan Parkhurst.
- Feature: 1. Ryan Parkhurst, 2. Andrew Geller, 3. Jerome Kleve, 4. Joseph Keough, 5. Robbie Schostag, 6. Ace Green.
- DNS: Ryan Harrison.
Sprint Cars:
- Heat Winner: Brandon Temora.
- Feature: 1. Brandon Temora, 2. Nick Purdy, 3. Jordan Garretson, 4. Gene Parrott.
- DNS: Kurt Goddard, Dan Hatfield.
IMCA Modfied:
- Heat Winners: #1 Steven Anderson, #2 Clifton King.
- Feature: 1. Chris Nieman, 2. Clifton King, 3. Steen Anderson, 4. Kyle Renbarger, 5. Shawn Natensdtedt, 6. Wade Lumsden, 7. Dave Sciarroni, 8. Katelynn Robertson.
- DNF: Matt Kamfraat.
IMCA Stock Car:
- Heat Winner: Marie Curtis.
- Feature: 1. Wade Kennemore, 2. Craig Nieman, 3. Marie Curtis, 4. Jacob Dias, 5. Rusty McMillan, 6. Taggart Garland.
IMCA Northern Sportmod:
– Heat Winners: #1 Mark Hain, #2 Jimmy Ford.
- Feature: 1. Jimmy Ford, 2. Mark Hain, 3. Scott Holloway, 4. Jason Jovanelly, 5. Kevin Kentopp, 6. William Merritt.
– DNF: Connor Metz, Ainsleigh Evenson, Mallory Evenson.
Friday, June 9:
Mini Stock:
- Heat Winners: #1 Cooper Lee, #2 Austin Sprague, #2 Kent Knisley.
- Feature: 1. Shawn DePriest, 2. Austin Sprague, 3. Kent Knisley, 4. Travis Showe, 5. Cooper Lee, 6. Colton Blankenship, 7. Shawn Natenstedt, 8. Jorden Riley, 9. Joseph Cook, 10. Issac Aquilera, 11. Mike Miller, 12. Dakota Thunder, 13. Howard Miller, 14. Kaden Beuchat, 15. Andi Hast.
- DNF: Wyatt Penfold, Blake Bernstein, Jeff Tuttle.
Street Stock:
- Heat Winners: #1 David Ausano, #2 21 Mikki Beuchat, #3 Jesse Gonzalez.
- Feature: 1. Jesse Gonzalez, 2. Randy Boyd, 3. Mikki Beuchat, 4. David Ausano, 5. Madison Hood, 6. Grayson Olschowka, 7. Shayna Nieman, 8. Victor Richey, 9. Jimmy Berhorst, 10. Hailey Conroy, 11. Rachael Goetz, 12. Dave Sciarroni, 13. Korey Vernon, 14. Shane Boyd, 15. Logan Sage, 16. Brad Schmidt.
- Heat Winner: Ryan Harrison.
- Feature: 1. Ryan Parkhurst, 2. Jerome Kleve, 3. Andrew Geller, 4. Joseph Keough, 5. Ryan Harrison.
Sprint Cars:
- Heat Winner: Nick Purdy.
- Feature: 1. Grasen Temora, 2. Nick Purdy, 3. Jordan Garretson, 4. Brandon Temora.
– DNS: Kurt Goddard, Bruce Ferrier.
IMCA Modified:
- Heat Winners: #1 Shawn Natenstedt, #2 Melissa Natenstedt.
IMCA Stock Car:
- Heat Winner: Marie Curtis.
- Feature: 1. Marie Curtis, 2. Rusey McMillan, 3. Jacob Dias, 4. Wade Kennemore, 5. Craig Nieman, 6. Andy Welch, 7. Taggart Garland.
IMCA Northern Sportmod:
- Heat Winners: #1 Joel Dean, #2 Jimmy Ford.
- Feature: 1. Rafael Flores, 2. Jimmy Ford, 3. Jason Jovaelly, 4. Mark Hain, 5. William Merritt.
– DNF: Joel Dean, Ainsleigth Evenson, Ray Ballard, Scott Holloway, Hayden White.