RENO, NV (Oct. 20) — It was a mixed bag this weekend with a car show for a benefit then two meets to show off cars. Sunday afternoon at the Automobile Museum there was a planning meeting setting the stage to bringing back an popular event next year.
• Saturday started with Binders for Boobies, a car show to benefit Pinocchio’s Moms on the Reno. This is a group helping deal with breast cancer.
Heading the group is Allison Smith and Joe Healy, both Binder owners. Her husband Adam is a wild land fire fighter so he wasn’t there.
When asked what a Binder is, she replied, “So International Harvester back in the day made tractors, farm equipment so ultimately, Binders would be more like a corn binder. That’s kind of where International Harvester became binders. Currently today we also call our Internationals Binders.”
Then she described her vehicle.

“This is a 1973 International Scout II, they made scouts from 1961 to 1980. It’s 4-wheel drive, has a 304 in it, all original, motor is original and everything. Original color paint, it has been painted but its all stock color.”
She added a previous owner had a motor fire that affected the paint on the hood but they never repainted it.

Asked about the meet Smith said, “Jeff’s wife actually had breast cancer the last couple of years so she was dealing with all of that. We decided that Battle Born Binders, our little car group, would throw a benefit that benefited Pinocchio’s Moms on the Run.
“The group gives back to our community helping the women with funds, medical bills, costs while they’re dealing with cancer. Pinocchio, who owns the restaurant, has his own non-profit, Moms on the Run group so they’re our local chapter.”
She added that last year they had 75 vehicles and raised over four thousand dollars. There were plenty of cars in the late morning and more were arriving so this year might be even better.
• Sunday, at 10 a.m., two groups started car meets.

- Reno Jeeps & Coffee met at the Human Bean Coffee stand located on the corner of Longley Lane and South McCarran. Folks there were admiring their Jeeps and talking about any modifications they have done.
- Over at the Human Bean Coffee stand located by the corner of Keitzke and Moana Lanes Reno Cars & Coffee was meeting.

- As usual there was a combination of the exotic and not so exotic. Always a variety of cars for people to admire and ask questions about them.

- Taylor James brought her Chevy Cobalt that has stripes and matching trim. After buying it she’s been adding trim and other things to the car.

• That the Nevada Car Coalition held a planning meeting at the National Automobile Museum. The meeting was to organize volunteers as the group intends to revive the Summer Salute, a benefit for veterans that happened in two years.
Sitting at the sign in table was Dennis Lindsey He originally was with the Dayton car club then he started the Coalition about five years ago.

Asked about the meeting he said, “The Coalition helps a lot of car clubs around Northern Nevada. We were approached by a car club up here to try to revive the Summer Salute as it’s a very, very big car show in May benefiting the veterans.
“They asked us to come to help, which Alan Jewel will be talking about that and some of the veterans will make presentation’s.”
Then he added, “So we’ve been asked to take it over and what we’re trying to do is getting other car clubs involved to put it on because it’s a Coalition show. We’re going to have a website hooked up for the show but they’ll get all our questions answered here in the theatre.”
Once everyone arrived the presentation started as then the board of directors were introduced. Following that there were two presentations.

First off was John Yuspa, who talked about Honor Flight. He explained what they do, as they mainly offer all expense paid trips to Washington, D.C.
Later Jim Forbes talked about the Veteran’s Guest House and what they do. Then a woman from the group that creates the Quilts of Valor explained what that group does.

Then pages that listed the areas needed to operate the show were projected on the screen. Jewel went through each line as he explained what is needed.
Among the areas were trophies, parking, signs, soliciting funds and other obtaining donations both of funds and items for a silent auction.
Several groups stepped up to help in certain areas. Others will be discussing how they can be of assistance. The meeting took about 90 minutes and in closing, Jewel said they’d like to get everything set by December First.
He added the show is where the Balloon Racers launch and that area has been reserved. The show is Saturday, May24, which is on Memorial Day weekend.

• Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. is when Trucks & Tacos of Northern Nevada meets. Location this week is Cielito Lindo Taqueria at 3687 Kings Row in Reno.

• The next meet for the Nevada Car Coalition is Sunday, November 10th at the National Auto Museum. The topic will be setting the calendar of events so it will be free of conflicts and full of collaboration.
• Davey’s American Racing is found on Face Book. His focus is on western oval tracks as well as national series.

He recently started his broadcasts so check Face Book around 6 p.m. Wednesday. He also posts during the week.
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• Trucks & Tacos of Northern Nevada will meet on Tuesday at Cielito Lindo Taqueria. Time is 6:30 p.m. and locationis 3687 Kings Row in Reno.
• The next meeting for the Nevada Car Coalition is on November 10th when the start to create next year’s calendar. They hope to avoid conflicts and have a year full of collaboration.
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We now have six very appreciated sponsors supporting this site. Please patronize them as they support your sport and help nvracingnews continue. And let them know you heard about them through this site.
• Our newest sponsor is State Farm agent Kelby Schoorl, who was a racer in his younger days. He has some supplemental insurance that racers might be interested in checking out.
There is medical that covers visits to the ER, ambulance rides and if a person has to stay in a hospital. In addition trailers as well as tools and tools in shops can be covered with additional policies.
If Kelby isn’t available the other guys at his office will be very happy to explain what they can offer both to racers and those enjoying motorized recreation.
Office hours are from 9 until 5: 30 Monday through Friday, appointments are needed on Saturday. The phone number is 775-827-2255 or at his website,
• One of our sponsors is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists owned by former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian. The shop is located at 890 Gentry Way.
The shop services older and new transmissions and now has a section for high performance units and those used in towing. Phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
• Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
• The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus the showroom has about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
• Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno, is another sponsor. The shop does quality collision repair for cars and trucks.
Owner Brian Saul is a car enthusiast himself and is committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
• Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. Wednesday evenings, starting around 5 p.m. is Bike Night, good time to meet fellow riders and have a great dinner.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
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