FERNLEY, NV (May 20) — This Sunday the Reno chapter of the Old Timers MX hosted the fourth round of the BBMX series. It was a crazy day but had a “winner take all,” special race for the pros.
After the first motos ended there was a “Dash 4 Cash,” where the pros would have a 5-lap winner-take-all race for extra money.
There were seven pros on the line and when the gate dropped Chad Heishman took off and essentially left everyone in his dust.
Lap after lap he increased his lead and won the event.

After taking the checkered and catching his breath he said, “Race was good, track was really slick so getting a good start was a good idea and it was pretty one line too. Want to thank Big Valley Honda for getting the tires I used for a good start.”
He also expressed appreciation for sponsors Quick Moto for the graphic, Fly Racing, Radical and West Coast Concrete.
There were also two pro other pro motos, each in a different class. And one rider scored victories in both making him one of the few double winners for the day.
The first came in the 125/250 Pro race that was paired up with the 125/250 B Class. In the B group Chase Cannizzaro won both motos with Joshua Black taking the runner up spot.

In the Pro side it was no contest. Once the gate dropped Casey Carmichael took off. Dylan Thorwaldson ran the race solo in second place.
After taking the checkered Carmichael said, “Pretty much, tried staying up, track’s a little slippery but fun. It’s pretty good, bumpy, slippery but if you find a good link it’s really good.
Then he thanked his parents for their support.

The only three-time winner was Zach Larsen. He scored victories in College Boy, 250/450 B and in the A&B Big Bike Open.
A little later Casey Carmichael lined up for the 250/450 Pro race, which was paired up with the 250/450 B Class. In a repeat once the gate dropped Carmichael and Dylan Thorwaldson took off and left everyone.
Behind them Zach Larson scored a win in the B Class with Joshua Black ending up second. In the Pro ranks Carmichael scored another run away victory.

Asked about this victory he said, “Just out there having fun, trying to make some money. Track’s pretty good, but it’s late in the day though so pretty rough and dry. “
Then he thanked his parents and Fly Racing.
The women’s motos, which has three divisions had a not-so good first moto. Five riders tangled and went down so the red flag was thrown.
It took a while for things to be sorted out. Unfortunately two riders got ambulance rides. When this was posted their conditions were unknown.
Asked if she missed the carnage Lily Powning said, “by a hair.”
When the second Women’s moto began Lily Powning soon took the point. She then pulled away and headed toward a clear victory. Behind her Lily McMillen won the B division while the D division winner was Hailey Mayfield.

Asked about the race, Powning said, “It’s my first race in the A class. The track’s fine and it’s good.
Then she thanked her parents and brother for their support. She also expressed appreciation for sponosrs Pinnacle Heating & Air Conditioning, Sport Haus, Infinity Diving Services, Silver State Forklift and Reno Motor Sports (RMS).
Any motocross event has a huge age spread. Some start riding early in life and continue through out their years. At the bottom of the age ladder are the Pee Wee racers and they ride single speed bikes.

Wade Lavezzo won the 6 & Under class while Billy Smith was the 7 & Over winner and Suzuki Fayet won the Open race, where both age groups race together.
Moving up to the 65cc classes is when the youngsters learn how to shift while they are riding or racing. This is also where one rider scored a double by winning in two different races.

Young Talon Baker scored a double when he won in the 9 & Under group then later in the 65cc Open race. Bill Smith won the 10 & Over group.

Two girl racers, and there are a bunch that motocross, added their own brand of color to the races. Liesel McMillen, who races in the 65cc 9 & Under group wore a skirt over her riding suit.

In the 10 & Over Summer McMillen has a trademark since she wears a red Tutu with her riding suit. Both girls, like most riders, are having fun racing.

The largest small bike class is the 85cc group. Jevin Hubbard won the12 & Under victory while Mayson Burns was the 13 & Over winner.
In the 85cc Open race the winner was Rocket Richardson while Jesse Miller won in Supermini.
In the Big Bike classes there are many classes but the 125/250 group was large enough there was a Consi race. The winner was Cole Liles.
Along with the big bike classes there are ones for various age groups. They start with 30+ and go up the age ladder. At the top of the age ladder is the 58+ Class, and yes people are still riding and racing at that age.

Only one of the 58+ riders was on the track and that was Tim Anderson, who of course won.
During the day three riders transported with one earlier than both from the Women’s first moto. Later another ambulance arrived but that was to treat some one. Their injuries were unknown when this article was posted.
Next up for BBMX is a race on June 24th. This will be at Elko but, as usual, Saturday is the practice day.
REPORTER’S NOTE: Partial results can be found at the end of this article. For full results, which should be posted later this week at, www.battlebornmx.com.

• Tomorrow, Wednesday is when the Sparks A&W has its weekly Cruise In. Located across from Reed High School things begin at 5 p.m. and there will be music and prizes.

• For you ride street bikes PJ&Co, located at 1590 South Wells has Bike Night on Wednesday evenings. Things get going around 5 p.m. and it’s a great way to meet fellow bike people, not to mention enjoying some great food.
• Daveys Amercian Racing is usually on at 6 p.m. Wednesday evenings. One can see the show on Face Book and get into the chat was well.

Davey covers national series as well as racing in the western United States. His focus is on oval tracks.
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We now have five very appreciated sponsors supporting this site. Please patronize them as they support your sport and help nvracingnews continue. And let them know you heard about them through this site.
• One of our sponsors is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists owned by former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
The shop services older and new transmissions and now has a section for high performance units and those used in towing. Phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is www.generaltransmissionreno.com.
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
• Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is, www.rms-renomotorsports.com.
• The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus the showroom has about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is, www.moto-source.com.
• Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno, is another sponsor. The shop does quality collision repair for cars and trucks.
Owner Brian Saul is a car enthusiast himself and is committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is, www.concoursbodyshop.net.
• Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. Wednesday evenings, starting around 5 p.m. is Bike Night, good time to meet fellow riders and have a great dinner.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is www.pjandco.net.
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or car enthusiasts? This site is a great way to expose your services to those communities. Sponsorships are very reasonable and one can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
- – Due to the length I’m only going to post the Top Five, full results later this week at www.battlebornmx.com.
- (6 & Under): 1. Wade Lavezzo, 2. Tanner Hatfield, 3. Suzuke Fayet, 4. Mason Sperry, 5. Kyren Roberts.
- (7 & Up): 1. Wyatt Huneycutt, 2. Clayton Yarborough, 3. Kolten Bakken, 4.Callan Geissinger, 5. Ducati Fayet.
– (Open): 1. Suzuki Fayet, 2. Mason Sperry, 3. Wade Lavezzo, 4. Callan Geissinger, 5.Clayton Yarborough.
- (9 & Under): 1. Talon Baker, 2. Duke Arbogast, 3. Parker Hatfield, 4. Ducati Fayet, 5. Charlie Bagan.
- (10 & Up): 1. Billy Smith, 2. Degan Jenkins, 3. Rowdy Cox, 4. Summer McMillen, 5. Bennett Stone.
– (Open): 1. Talon Baker, 2. Charlie Bagan, 3. Degan Jenkins, 4. Owen Brown, 5. Parker Hatfield.
- (12 & Under): 1. Jevin Hubbard, 2. Ryan Pacelia, 3. Isaac Bryant, 4. Cord Hunter, 5. Talon Baker.
- (13 & Up): 1. Mayson Burns, 2. Rocket Richardson, 3. Nichols Stander, 4. Joey Mitchell,5. Travis Cano.
– (Open): 1. Rocket Richardson, 2. Jevin Hubbard, 3. Ryan Pacella, 4. Nicholas Stander, 5. Joey Mitchell.
– Supermini: 1. Jesse Miller, 2. Rocket Richardson, 3. Ryder Allen, 4.Mason Main, 5.Ayden Vigil.
– Tim Anderson.
– (C): 1. Bill Whalen, 2. TimAnderson.
- (D): 1. Brian Murdock, 2. William Ratcliff.
- (C): Jason Daniels.
- (B): Adam McMillen.
- (A): 1. Scotty Guthrie, 2.Kevin Hargett.
– (Master): Rich Thorwaldson.
- (D): 1. Ryan McIntosh, 2. Clint Miller, 3. David Squier, 4. Nick Bakken.
– C): 1. John Hatfield, 2. Wes Gilmore, 3. Garrett Gilmore, 4. Warren Slater, 5. Adam Stokes.
– (B): 1. Dale Lundeen, 2. Jason Simpson, 3. Christopher Padgett, 4. Joey York, 5. B.J. Lundeen.
- (D): 1. Brian Clugage, 2. Grant Denny, 3. Michael Walker, 4. Jonas Schenzel, 5. Brandon Zeddies.
– (C): 1. Cody Mathis, 2. Pezant Attashian, 3. Scott Blum, 4. Daniel Henneberger, 5. Michael Harding.
- (B): 1. Bryan Rodgers, 2. James Quaschnick, 3. Colton Smith, 4. Tony Lavezzo, 5. Samuel Hitchborn.
- (A): 1. Logan Larive, 2. Jayme Salo, 3. James Swain, 4. Tyler Pizorno.
- Master: Ryan Ferris.
-(1 Moto): 1.Tim Trainor, 2. Tyler Pizorno, 3. Christopher Padgett, 4. Tony Lavezzo, 5. Adam McMillen.
- (A): 1. Lily Powning.
-(B): 1. Lily McMillen, 2. Brittany Wissenback, 3. Anna McMillen.
-(C): 1. Hailey Mayfield, 2. Brooklyn Baker, 3. Bristyl Riley, 4. Brittany Zeddies, 5. Haley Krueger.
- (12-17): 1. Joshua Black, 2. Seth Clark, 3. Colton Dickenson, 4. Jonny Simpson, 5. Rogen Hill.
- (18-29): 1. Zach Larsen, 2. Alex Orr, 3.Gabriel Marchant, 4. James Quaschnick, 5. Seth Benedict.
2-Stroke Open:
- 1. Ethan Lewis, 2. James Larsen, 3. Andrew Atangan, 4. Tim Trainor, 5. Tharon Lindekugel.
Big Bike Open:
- (C & D): 1. Zackery O’Neill, 2. Connor Gaarenstroom, 3. Kyler Flood, 4. Nathan Riippi, 5. Wyatt Riley.
– (A & B): 1. Zach Larsen, 2.Logan Larive, 3. Jayme Salo, 4. Chase Cannizzaro, 5. William Hansen.
- D, Consi 1: 1. Cole Liles, 2. Logan Tiearney, 3. Memphis Ross, 4. Byren Folden, 5. Bradley Pastro.
– (D): 1. Preston Slater, 2. Louis Hill Jr., 3.Trevor Campbell, 4. Charles Grubb, 5. Wyatt Powning.
- C: 1. Rylan Padgett, 2. Nason McCombs, 3. Jonny Simpson, 4. Colton Dickenson, 5. Hub Losey.
– B: 1. Chase Cannizzaro, 2. Joshua Black, 3. Zach Larsen, 4. James Larsen, 5. Hudson Losey.
- Pro: 1. Casey Carmichael, 2. Dylan Thorwaldson, 3. Justin Minsch.
- (D): 1. Louis Hill Jr., 2. A.J. Hubbard, 3. Justin Renner, 4.Wyatt Powning, 5. Preston Slater.
- (C): 1. Rylan Padgett, 2. Aidan Padgett, 3.Connor Gaarenstroom, 4. Tim Trainor, 5. Kyle Flood.
- (B): 1. Zach Larsen, 2. Joshua Black, 3. James Larsen, 4. Zayne Bissell, 5. Hudson Losey.
- (Pro): 1. Casey Carmichael, 2.Dylan Thorwaldson, 3. Rich Thorwaldson, 4. T-Mo Moore.
Dash For Cash:
– (5-Laps): 1. Chad Heishman, 2. Aaron Siminoe, 3. Zach Larsen, 4. Casey Carmichael, 5. Chase Cannizzaro.