RENO, NV (Feb 4) — The Reno chapter of the Over The Hill Gang (OTHG) held its award banquet this weekend. Due to a supply hold up certificates were handed out rather than trophies, which will be given out later.
During the night there were bags of swag and everyone got at least two of them during the raffles.
Before things got started OTHG president Dan Martin had some comments. It was a year of challenges, especially since the Sand Box in Fernley has been lost.

“ The year was okay, kind of a downer because we didn’t have a track with us but we made it work. Went over the hill and raced with Zeb then Winnemucca put on a race for us and we did our national at Riverfront. We made it work with what we’ve got.”
Of course now the group is looking at next season and the schedule.

“We’re still trying to figure it out, we didn’t do any races with BBMX as they don’t want to go over the hill. So we’re still trying to figure out for this year but our national is at Riverfront again,” he said.
Martin added he hopes to be in contact with Tyler, who runs the MX track at Fernley 95A. Right now that track is closed due to snow. He hopes something might be scheduled for that track, which is local.
The Tamarack Casino provided a great buffet and once everyone got their meal the raffles began. The MC was Layne Kolbet from BVH.
Then it was time to start handing out the certificates. First up was 20th in points was Jason Simpson, who races in 38+ Intermediate then Number 19 was Sedanna Losey, who races in the same class.
Next were John Patterson, 45+ Exp, Jessie Gregg, 30+ Intrm., and #16 Jeff Mitchell who is at 58+ Novice. Sitting in 15th was Amy Pizorno-Pilz, who races in Women’s Beginner.
Chad Olson, 45+ Intrem., was 14th in points while the next two, Tony Lavezzo and James Swain race in the 30+ Interm., class. The 11th place person is Ken Gourley, who is in 65+ Novice followed by #10 George Forbes, who is in 38+ Interm and in 9th is 52+ Novice rider Larry Mulock.

The woman with the most points is Claire Petrie; she is 8th in points and rides in Women Interm. Next is #7 Jason Rubero, a 38+ Intrm. racer while #6 was 52+ Beg. Racer Ernie Gonzales.
Next up is the chapter president Danny Martin at 30+ Expert rider then #4 is Blair Richardson a 45+ Novice racer. Layne Kolbet, from BVH, was 3rd in points and he rides in the 52+ Exp. Class while #2 in points is 30+ Intermediate racer Tyler Pizorno.
Earning the #1 in points is 45+ Expert Aaron Bissell. He let it be known that 2023 will be a busy year for him.

“I’m still trying to figure out the finer details. This past year I did 22 races I kind of found out 26 this year so we’ll see what happens,” he said. “This means a lot, everybody wants to have the number 1 plate on their bike and I’ve had it all this year.”
Then he thanked his wife Rachel and daughters Makevi and Jayden for letting him go out and play. He also expressed appreciation for the support he received from Layne Kolbet at BVH.
Once the trophies arrive they’ll be given out to the top 20. Then everyone will be training and preparing for the season’s first race. That will be on the weekend of March 18/19 at Winnemucca MX.
REPORTER’S NOTE: Was unable to get photos of all the award winners. My fault and apologize for that. The photos as well as the list of points are in the gallery at the end of this article.

• The annual King of the Hammers event is going on right now and goes through this coming Saturday. If you want to see a wild and crazy off-road event be sure to check the live feed.
The event draws at least 30 to 40 thousand, and sometimes more, people to camp out at Johnson Valley, located near 29 Palms, California. For further information please check their website at, then click the live feed. That can also be seen through links on
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