RENO, NV (Jan. 7, 2023) — With a welcome break in the weather the Nevada Jeep Club hosted its 2nd Annual Wine, Women and Jeeps meet. The location was the Whispering Vine Wine located in south Reno.

At first only a couple of parking places were available but as things progressed more and more opened up and Jeep Club members began to back into them. Slowly a line of club member Jeeps grew in front of Whispering Vine Wine.

All the women were treated to a rose when the entered. In fact Sheri Davis handed the first one to Rebecca Colley.
Out in the parking lot Cheyenne Bisilaux brought her very enhanced 1978 JKU to the meet. Something she’s pretty proud of.

Asked about her Jeep she said, “It’s got Dana 60’s front and rear, got basic Taraflex shocks but haven’t decided if we want to do a coil-over on it. Running a Rubicon 5 ½ inch life and we’ve got a 1-inch body life on it.
“Got 1 inch spacers in order to fit the 41 and a half inch Pit Bull tires, bead locks and a Crawler duel transfer case as well so the Jeep has a double low into it. Has a Generate Full Cage in it, CRP Custom Seats and a CRP quick disconnect steering wheel.”
After explaining all that has been done to enhance the Jeep of course the next question was how it drives.
“It’s a learning curve and I’ve driven it for about five or six years now,” she said. “I’ve had TJ’s my whole life but nothing this tall. It’s always fun, I always do challenging things and the can get very uncomfortable. On the street it’s a blast as everything about it is fun. It’s just a learning curve getting used to that tilting feeling.”
Eventually there was a line of Jeeps in front of the business. There was a growing bevy of women very happy to receive a rose for attending.
Matt Bruback created this event last year and was pretty pleased at how things were going.
“I’m the founder of the Nevada Jeep Club,” he said. “It’s our second annual Wine, Women and Jeepsand looks like we’re going to have a bigger turn out than we did last year, which is great. I’m excited about it and hope some of these cars here will move soon.

“We have wonderful people here every year and the Nevada Jeep Club is compromised of wonderful women, who are really nice, they love to wheel and this day is really all about them. This year we have orange and white rose for the ladies and we want to show them the Nevada Jeep Club appreciates them.”
After that he rounded up all the women so he could take individual photos of them by their Jeeps. All in all it was a good day with great weather.
Those wishing more information about the Nevada Jeep Club please check their Face Book page.
• On Sunday there was a meet by Sparks Cars & Coffee. The location was by the Starbucks off Disc Drive at the south end of Spanish Springs.
Due to the threat of weather only about a dozen cars showed up to support the group. As usual there was a mix of cars.

On one line a there was a group from a local car club. Two of the compacts had Carbon Fiber Hoods their owners were showing that to others.

Not far was away were two sedans. One was a Honda while the other was a VW with European license plates.

Sitting at the end of another row were two Porsches, while the appeared similar they weren’t. As explained to this reporter one was a G3 that was rear engine while the G4 was actually a mid engine car.
Next weekend Fallon Cars & Coffee might have a meet on Saturday. Closer to home Reno Cars & Coffee is scheduled for a meet at the Human Bean coffee stand located by the corner of Moana and Keitzke Lanes. More information will appear in Thursday’s preview.
• Over on the Internet there is a lot of racing going on and has highlights for many of them. There are highlights from Supercross as well as a daily post Dakar Rally highlights.

• Another source is, which starts showing the Lucas Oil Chili Bowl Nationals Monday. The event has a huge turn out of cars and the week is full of qualifying, heat races ending with the finals on Saturday.

• Another event on Floracing is the Wild West Shootout. There is a broadcast Wednesday then the action resumes on the 13th and runs through Sunday.
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