FERNLEY, NV (Nov. 13) — Although it was a cold morning the day turned out to be mild as the Reno Old Timer chapter hosted the final round of the 2022 BBMX season. The turn out was great and speaks well of the future of motocross in our area.
There were a couple of young riders that scored victories in two classes. Young Ducati Fayet won both the 50cc 7 & Over as well as the 50cc Open classes.
Another rider won twice on two different bikes. Kalvin Roberts won in the 65cc 10 and Over Class then in the 85cc he won the 12 and older Class.

One rider, that won three times, didn’t compete in the full series. Chase Cannizzaro, from Spanish Springs, was looking ahead but on this day his focus was on winning.
After his final victory he said, “Three victories on the day but Bryson Olsen, in the pro class, we had some good battles but he got me one moto. Still in the B Class so it’s all good.”
The he explained where his focus is.
“I didn’t do the series, just came out here to race for fun. Want to be good in national races and finish off this year in Arizona. Then I’m getting ready for Loretta’s next year,” he said.
Then he thanked his parents, girlfriend, brother, Moto-Source, Tech One, Fly and Factory Connection for their support.
There were some very full gates for four of the classes with the 125/250 D group starting the day with 32 riders for their first moto. Next was the 85cc 12 & Under class that had 25 riders followed by 85cc Open, with 20 riders.
Finally the 250/450 D group had 21 riders on their starting gate. With so many young riders coming up it speaks well for the future of motocross in our area.
The second moto for one rider was a must win to clinch the day as well as the overall class championship. In the end Hudson Losey reached the checkered flag first and sealed the deal.

After the race he said, “Had to ride smart, look ahead, choose good smooth lines and stay on the gas longer. Me and Jonny Simpson would have tied but I would have actually gotten the over all for the series because I have more overall wins. Now I’ve got both.”
Then he thanked his parents, Uncles Scott and Richie, Bike Guys Off Road, Fly Racing and Jesus Christ for keeping him safe.

There were three classes of women racing and after taking last year off Sedanna Losey got the hole shot. Chasing her and finally scoring the A win as well as the overall was Lucy Moran.
Jaiden Roberts won the B Class while Ann McMillen scored the C Class victory.
In School Boy it was Colton Dickenson that won while only one Collegeboy raced and that was Gabriel Marchant. Only two riders were in the Club Moto with Tyler Pizomo winning followed by Nicholas Trainor.
At the top of the age ladder were the 30+ B, Master and 40+ B Class. While he didn’t get the best start in the second moto Tim Stone managed to pick his way through the pack and emerge the winner.

After taking the checkered flag Stone said, “I got a bad start to begin with, I was trying to stay outside of everyone, stay out of the shenanigans on the first turn then they came outside on me. I had to pick my way through everybody. Those B class guys are starting to get ripped pretty good. Oh and I’m riding my wife’s bike so it’s more interesting.”
Then he thanked his family, the Losey family and his wife, now Hayden Stone, for lending him her bike.
Finally it was time for the final moto of the day and it would bring down the curtain on the 2022 season. When the gate dropped 25 riders took off but up front Kalvin Roberts was on point and being chased by Ryan Pacella, Jaiden Roberts and the pack.

Lap after lap they tore around the track but in the end Roberts scored took the final checkered flag of the season.
Now everyone gets some time to rest and maybe practice if the weather holds. The next event happens on January 21st in the New Year.

It’s the annual BBMX Championship Awards Ceremony and Banquet. A fun night for all involved.
REPORTER’S COMMENTS: Wanted to give a shout out to the track crew and Old Timers. With 19 motos they finished the program around 3:30 in the afternoon.
Special thanks to Dana Losey, especially for the hot chocolate and Chad as they got me to a great place for pictures. The icing on the cake was the Cannizzaro family loaning me their golf kart so I had a comfortable place to sit during the afternoon.
Finally the scoring crew for getting the results out as fast as they did. The day was great, everything came together and want to congratulate all the class champions.

• Saturday night, starting at 7 p.m. the Livestock Events Center will echo with the sounds of Ultracross. Riders race on a course full of obstacles, jumps and the like.
Two riders head into Reno just one point apart so Saturday will be the championship showdown for both riders. For more information please go do www.endurocross.com.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. In northwest Nevada, it can be heard over the air at 1060 AM AND 93.7 FM.

There is also a Podcast at amm.streamon.fm or it can be seen live on Face Book. The show is focused on all things automotive, trends, new developments and trivia.
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• One of our sponsors is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists owned by former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
The shop services older and new transmissions and now has a section for high performance units and those used in towing. Phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is www.generaltransmissionreno.com.
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
• Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is, www.rms-renomotorsports.com.
• The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus the showroom has about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is, www.moto-source.com.
• Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno, is another sponsor. The shop does quality collision repair for cars and trucks.
Owner Brian Saul is a car enthusiast himself and is committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is, www.concoursbodyshop.net.
• Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. Wednesday evenings, starting around 5 p.m. is Bike Night, good time to meet fellow riders and have a great dinner.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is www.pjandco.net.
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or car enthusiasts? This site is a great way to expose your services to those communities. Sponsorships are very reasonable and one can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
Battle Born MX – Round 11
Fernley 95A Motorsports Complex – Nov.13.
- (6 & Under) 1. Suzuki Fayet, 2. Wade Lavezzo, 3. Callan Geissinger, 4. Kyren Roberts, 5.Tanner Hatfield, 6. Clayton Yarborough, 7. Mason Sperry, 8. Kolten Bakken, 9. Sylvia Targosz, 10. Maddex Albury, 11. Blaine Zeddies, 12. Christopher England, 13. Gunner Arbogast, 14. Liam England, 15. Jase Petersen.
- (7 & Up.) 1. Ducati Fayet, 2. Duke Arbogast,, 3. Charlie Bagan, 4. Rowdy Cox, 5. Parker Hatfield, 6. Skyler Leffingwell, 7. Rosalie Brogan, 8. Skyler England, 9. Sylas Thorn.
- (DNS) Isabel Blount.
- (Open) 1. Ducati Fayet, 2. Charlie Bagen, 3. Parker Hatfield, 4. Duke Arbogast, 5. Suzuki Fayet, 6. Wade Lavezzo, 7. Callan Geissinger, 8. Rosalie Brogan, 9. Mason Sperry, 10. Kolten Bakken, 11. Clayton Yarborough, 12. Skyler England, 13. Blaine Zeddies, 14. Christopher England, 15. Sylas Thorn, 16. Gunner Arbogast, 17. Skyler Leffingwell, 18. Tanner Hatfield
- (DNS) Isabel Blount.
- (9 & Under) 1. Parker Geissinger, 2. Talon Baker, 3. Ducati Fayet, 4. Gavin Clark, 5. Mckray Kranovich, 6. Rowdy Cox, 7. Luke Contino, 8. Owen Brown, 9. Lincoln Brown, 10. Teigen Biddle, 11. Jordan Swain, 12. Rylan Decender, 13. Liesel McMillen, 14. Clay Larson, 15. Camden Harrison.
- (DNS) Duke Arbogast.
– (10 & Up): 1. Kalvin Roberts, 2. Jaiden Roberts, 3. Kylan Simpson, 4. Billy Smith, 5. Degan Jenkins, 6. Summer McMillen, 7. Beau Reese, 8. Braydin Price, 9. Jeremiah Horschel, 10. Samantha Mitchell, 11. Danial Felix.
– (Open) 1. Kalvin Roberts, 2. Jaiden Roberts, 3. Talon Baker, 4. Kylan Simpson, 5. Parker Geissiger, 6. Billy Smith, 7. Gavin Clark, 8. Degan Jenkins, 9. Telgen Biddle, 10. Beau Reese, 11. McKray Kranovich, 12. Braydin Price, 13. Colby Daniels, 14. Samantha Mitchell, 15. Owen Brown.
- (12 & Under) 1. Kalvin Roberts, 2. Ryan Pacella, 3. Jaiden Roberts, 4. Jason Carroll, 5. Zachary Purvis, 6. Isaac Bryant, 7. Gunner Guthrie, 8. Parker Geissinger, 9. Liam Rasmussen, 10. Kylan Simpson, 11. Max Sampson, 12. Scottorn McMillen, 13. Wyatt Lavezzo, 14. Nathan Walker, 15. Ivan Lund, 16. Judge Smith, 17. Brooklyn Baker, 18. Haiden Kersey, 19. Jersey Baker, 20. Deegal Selby, 21. Rylan Skulason, 22. John Felix, 23. Boston Mathis, 24. Braxton McIntosh, 25. Connor Gree.
- (DNS) Beau Reese.
- (13 & Up) 1. Hugwapi Minder, 2. Hudson Losey, 3. Jonny Simpson, 4. Nick Stander, 5. Mayson Burns, 6. Joseph Mitchell, 7. Travis Cano, 8. Kolton Sego, 9. Louis Hill, 10. Rocket Richardson, 11. Casey Pinther, 12. William Tenninty.
– (Open) 1. Hudson Losey, 2. Hugwapi Minder, 3. Jonny Simpson, 4. Nick Stander, 5. Joseph Mitchell, 6. Kolton Sego, 7. Travis Canom 8. Wyatt Lavezzo, 9. William Teninty, 10. Jason Carroll, 11. Preston Slater, 12. Gunner Guthrie, 13. Zachary Purvis, 14. Rocket Richardson, 15. Casey Pinther, 16. Louis Hill, 17. Max Sampson, 18. Natalie Stander, 19. Braxton McIntosh, 20 Andy Vigil.
- 1. Luke Kunkel, 2. Jonny Simpson, 3 Rocket Richardson, 4.Preston Slater.
– (Open) (DNS) Ed Park.
- (C) 1. William Whalen, Scott Jones.
– (B) (DNS) Bill Butler.
- (D) 1. Greg Brown.
- (C) 1. Chris Padgett, 2. John Marchant, 3. Jamie Bonner.
– (B) 1. Scotty Guthrie, 2. Adam McMillen, 3. Tyler Rasmussen, 4. Chad Johnson, 5. Jason Simpson.
– (D) 1. Brandon Frunk, 2. Nick Hagen, 3. Edward Downs, 4. Warren Slater, 5. Adam Blount, 6. Jonas Schenzel, 7. Ryan McIntosh, 8. Michael Walker, 9. Richard Parise, 10. Jason Petersen.
- (C) 1. Samuel Hitchbom, 2. Jason Jovanelly, 3. Pezant Attashian, 4. Kyle Frazer, 5. Cody Mathis.
- (B) 1. Logan Larive, 2. James Swain, 3. Tyler Bryant, 4. Nicholas Cassinelli, 5. Justin McVay, 6. Jeremy Ellison, 7. James Chamberlain, 8. Cody Powning, 9. Tyler Pizomo, 10. Tony Lavazzo.
– (Master) 1. Tim Stone.
Club Moto: 1. Tyler Pizomi, 2. Nicholas Trainor.
- (C) 1. Anna McMillen, 2. Harah Losey, 3. Makayla Burns, 4. Bristyl Riley, 5. Halley Mayfield, 6. Brooklyn Baker, 7. Jersey Baker, 8. Natalie Stander.
- (B) 1. Jaiden Roberts, 2. Lillan McMillen, 3. Naomi Wyant, 4. Lainey Garrett.
- (A) 1. Lucy Moran, 2. Sadanna Losey, 3. Hayden Losey.
- (12-17) 1. Colton Dickenson, 2. Luke Kunkel, 3. Hub Losey, 4. Joey Leyba, 5. Rogen Hill, 6. Nathan Riippi, 7. Finn Palmer, 8. Zack O’Niell, 9. Tsiidopi Minder, 10. Rocket Richardson, 11. Charlie Grubb.
- (DNS) Jaiden Combs.
- (18-29) 1. Gabriel Marchant.
- (DNS) Alex Orr.
2-Stroke Open:
- 1. Logan Larive, 2. Andrew Atangan, 3. Wyatt McGehee, 4. Alexander Rivera, 5. Christopher McPartlin, 6. Naomi Wyant.
Big Bike Open:
- (C&D) 1. Kyle Cutler, 2. Tevor Thom, 3. Christopher McPartlin, 4. Wyatt Fagundes, 5. Joey Leyba, 6. Zak O’Neill, 7. Rylan Padgett, 8. Dawson Daniels, 9. Kyler Flood, 10. Aidan Padgett, 11. Kyle Fraser, 12. Cole Liles, 13. Ben Phillips, 14. Cody Mathis, 15. Brandon Frunk, 16. Pezant Attashian, 17. A.J. Hubbard.
– (A&B) 1. Chase Cannizzaro, 2. Ollie Bonner, 3. Jayme Salo, 4. Gabriel Marchant, 5. Jeremy Ellison, 6. Justin McVay.
- (D) 1. Rylan Padgett, 2. Matthew Bums, 3. Aidan Padgett, 4. Cody Vasina, 5. Wyatt Powning, 6. Gavin Sheppard, 7. Austin Squier, 8. Trevor Campbell, 9. Cole Lites, 10. Kyle Felter, 11. Christopher Whalen, 12. Nicholas Greene, 13. Lars Millim, 14. William Teninty, 15. Wyatt McGehee, 16. Dominic Bunn, 17. Charlie Grubb, 18. Evan Smith, 19. Clayton Hummel, 20. Cayden Caudill, 21. Logan Tiearney, 22. Ayden Valies, 23. Blane Nickle, 24. Michael Henn, 25. Hunter Secchi, 26. Donnie Kimpel, 27. Wesley Huntington, 28. Colin Spears, 29. Kaden Appelt, 30. Lainey Garrett, 31. Lainey Garrett, 32. Jason Peterson
– (DNS) Drew Johnson, Jaiden Combs.
- (C) 1. Nakana Domingo, 2. Rogen Hill, 3. Ben Phillips, 4. Colton Dickenson, 5. Reile Cole, 6. Tsiidopi Minder, 7. Wyatt Fagundes, 8. Joey Leyba, 9. Nathan Riippi, 10. Keith Stewart, 11. Hub Losey, 12. Alexander Rivera, 13. Lucy Morn, 14. Conner Gray, 15. Colton Machado
- (B) 1. Chase Cannizzaro, 2. Ollie Bonner, 3. Zayne Bissell, 4. Seth Clark.
– (Pro) 1. Bryson Olson.
- (D) 1. Kyler Flood, 2. Gavin Sheppard, 3. Austin Squier, 4. A.J. Hubbard, 5. Justin Renner, 6. Kyle Felter, 7. Hunter Selby, 8. Christopher Whalen, 9. Finn Palmer, 10. Nicholas Greene, 11. Evan Smith, 12. Dominic Bunn, 13. Charlie Grubb, 14. William Whalen, 15. Chandler Tierney, 16. Kaden Appelt, 17. Donnie Kimpel, 18. Julyn Pinson, 19 Aydn Valles, 20. Ethan Lewis, 21. Clayton Hummel.
- DNS: Drew Johnson.
- (C) 1. Rogen Hill, 2. Kyle Culter, 3. Colton Dickenson, 4. Reile Cole, 5. Christopher McPartlin, 6. Trevor Thom, 7. Jacob Perez, 8. Jacob Baldwin, 9. Keith Stewart.
- (B) 1. Chase Cannizzaro, 2. Ollie Bonner, 3. Zayne Bissell, 4. Seth Clark, 5. Gabriel Marchant,
– (Pro) 1. Bryson Olson.