RENO, NV (Oct. 31) — Great weekend for kids with five days of Trunk or Treat events and the final oval track race in our region. And there’s more to come over the next few weeks.
Reporter’s Note: Due to physical problems was unable to attend the Halloween race but am including the results at the end of this article. As a result it’s going to be shorter than my usual Monday post. And want to give a special thanks to those photographers that helped me with their submissions.
• This past weekend, due to a schedule conflict, Diamond Mountain Speedway, held it’s Halloween races at Rattlesnake Raceway in Fallon. This time it was a Friday-Saturday evening show.
On Friday Shawn Natenstedt won the IMCA Modified feature while Tyler Rodgers was the Northern Sport Mod winner and Travis Showe scored the Mini Stock victory. Susanville promoter Jeff Olschowka won in Street Stocks while Wade Kennemore was the IMCA Stock Car winner.

Before the Saturday heat races began there was a Trunk or Treat session on the front straight for all the kids in attendance. Once that was done the racing began.
Saturday’s winners were Chris Nieman for IMCA Modifieds while Tyler Rodgers won the Northern Sportmod main. Travis Showe made it a sweep when he won in Mini Stocks as did Jeff Olschowka in Stocks and Wade Kennemore also swept the weekend when he won IMCA Stock Cars.
There are more results at the end of this article.

• Saturday evening is when the Northern Nevada Classics held their Trunk or Treat at the Reno Town Mall. There were many types of cars and trucks, some decorated while others weren’t.

The youngsters in attendance were able to get many treats from the a various cars, especially those that were open and full of treats. There were also trophies for best costumes and decorated cars.

• On Sunday evening there was another Trunk or Treat event. This time it was at St. Lukes Lutheran church on Lakeside Drive just off the end of Peckham.

There was a huge crowd with many kids, and those young at heart in costume. Everything from trucks to tail gates had the promise of treats and everyone was having a good time not to mention youngsters with bright eyes and huge smiles.
• Finally on Monday, both the actual Nevada Day and Halloween the National Auto Museum held its annual Trunk or Treat. The parking lot was pack as all kind of youngsters, those young at heart and parents flocked to see what was going on.

Several of the cars on display were decked out for the day. Including this vintage fire engine. Besides candy one popular attraction was Sam Guy, the Balloon Guy. He was making balloon in all different shapes and sizes.

After asking a youngster what they wanted he would create a balloon sculpture they asked for. In the picture the boy with the red on his shoulder asked for a shark and Sam is putting the name on it.
After 6:30 the theme turns into Fright Night is more for the older kids and adults. It’s a safe way to end the long Halloween weekend. Of course in various neighborhoods the usual Trick or Treat kids were out a well.

• Remember this week’s Bike Night at PJ&CO is a fund-raiser for several riders hoping to race at the Baja 1000. Times are 5 to 7 p.m. and there is a 50/50 Raffle, Giveaways and Raffle Items.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. In northwest Nevada, it can be heard over the air at 1060 AM AND 93.7 FM.

There is also a Podcast at or it can be seen live on Face Book. The show is focused on all things automotive, trends, new developments and trivia.
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• One of our sponsors is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists owned by former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
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Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
• Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
• The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus the showroom has about any thing a rider might need or want.
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• Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno, is another sponsor. The shop does quality collision repair for cars and trucks.
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• Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. Wednesday evenings, starting around 5 p.m. is Bike Night, good time to meet fellow riders and have a great dinner.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
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Diamond Mountain Halloween Races atRattlesnake Raceway in Fallon, Nevada.
+ Friday, Oct. 28:
IMCA Modified:
– Heat Winners: #1 Shawn Natenstedt, #2 Wade Kennemore.
– Main: 1. Shawn Natenstedt, 2. Chris Nieman, 3. Jake Mayden, 4. Wade Kennemore, 5. Dave Sciarroni, 6. Steven Anderson, 7. Dave Duste Jr., 8. Steve McQueen, 9. Bob Kelly, 10. Tyler Jones, 11. Jeff Whit, 12. Kate Robertson.
IMCA Northern Sportmod:
– Heat Winners: #1 Mark Hain, #2 Tyler Rodgers.
– Main: 1. Tyler Rogers, 2. Jace Wright, 3. Steve Gordon, 4. Colton Chew, 5. Mark Hain,, 6. Dustin Langston, 7. Shayna Nieman.
Mini Stocks:
– Heat Winner: Travis Showe.
– Main: 1. Travis Showe, 2. Glenn Lee, 3. Cooper Lee, 4. Kent Knisley, 5. Joseph Cook, 6. Addison Humphrey.
Street Stocks:
– Heat Winners: #1 Joe Conroy, #2 Dave Sciarroni.
– Main: 1. Jeff Olschowka, 2. Royce Goetz, 3. Dave Sciarroni, 4. Joe Conroy, 5. Doug Weeks, 6. Ryan Parkhurst, 7. Jeff Willis, 8. Don Dieter, 9. Randy Boyd, 10. Dan Dias.
IMCA Stock Car:
– Heat Winners: #1 Wade Kennemore, #2 Terry Kennemore.
– Main: 1. Wade Kennemore, 2. Jeff Olschowka, 3. Rusty McMillan, 4. Gary Huhtala, 5. Jacob Dias, 6. Craig Nieman, 7. Terry Kennemore, 8. Andy Welch.
+ Saturday, Oct. 29:
IMCA Modified:
– Heat Winners: #1 Jake Mayden, #2 Chris Nieman.
– Main: 1. Chris Nieman, 2. Wade Kennemore, 3. Dave Duste Jr., 4. Kaity Sample, 5. Nevin Kennemore, 6. Kate Robertson, 7. Jake Mayden, 8. Steven Anderson, 9. Jeff White, 10. Bob Kelly, 11. James Turner, 12. Steve McQueen Jr.
IMCA Northern Sportmod:
– Heat Winners: #1 Tyler Rodgers, #2 Jason Jovanelly.
– Main: 1. Tyler Rodgers, 2. Jace Wright, 3. Colton Chew, 4. Jason Jovanelly, 5. Shayna Nieman, 6. Dustin Langston, 7. Steve Gordon, 8. Logan Sage
Mini Stocks:
– Heat Winner: Joseph Cook.
– Main: 1. Travis Showe, 2. Kent Knisley, 3. Cooper Lee, 4. Mikki Beuchat, 5. Cody Thunder, 6. Addison Humphrey, 7. Joseph Cook.
Street Stocks:
– Heat Winners: #1 Randy Boyd, #2 Carl Barlow.
– Main: 1. Jeff Olschowka, 2. Carl Barlow, 3. Randy Boyd, 4. Joe Conroy, 5. Royce Goetz, 6. Don Deiter, 7. Jeff Willie, 8. Dwayne Inlow, 9. Ray Blankenship, 10. Rachael Goetz, 11. Doug Weeks.
– DNS: Dan Edgington.
IMCA Stock Car:
– Heat Winners: #1 Taggart Garland, #2 Wade Kennemore.
– Main: 1. Wade Kennemore, 2. Jeff Olschowka, 3. Terr Kennemore, 4. Rusty McMillan, 5. Craig Nieman, 6. Andy Welch, 7. Taggart Garland, 8. Mikki Beuchat, 9. Gary Huhtala.
– DQ: Royce Goetz.