RENO, NV (Sept. 18) — Despite the cooler weather and a few sprinkles Sunday, two car meets happened this weekend. And they brought very different cars and trucks to each meet.

Saturday got rolling at 4 p.m. when the Rail City Casino in Sparks hosted the Rockabilly Rat Rod and Classic Car show ‘n shine. There were a variety of cars, trucks and motorcycles on display.
One of the Rat Rods on display is owned by R.D. Vanetti from Chilcoot, California.

“A Rat Rod is a truck that is made of many different things,” he said. “This is a ’39 Ford cab and front grill with a big block 454 and a hand made bed.”
He added his friend Russell Butler, who owns Outlaw Kustoms in Oklahoma built the truck.

“I got it on a trade deal and have had it for about 4-years now,” he said. “Drives like a Cadillac, unbelievable as it is all modern suspension underneath. Drives straight as an arrow.”
Then his wife Letina chuckled and said, “It’s just loud.”
He added they have a son attending college in Kansas City so they attend as many car meets between here and Northern California as they can.

There were also two Mopar cars on display as well as the other types. And folks could vote as prizes were awarded at 8 that evening.
One of the trucks on display is owned by Air Force veteran Wade Hollis. For him it’s been a labor of love as the truck has a long history.
“It’s a 1956 International 1-Ton Dually, original from the factory,” he said. “It had a lot of ugly on it when I started.”

In fact Hollis had a photo display showing how the truck looked when he started working on it and how the restoration progressed.
“It was a frame off restoration done by me in my garage and was a part time passion,” he said. “The truck belonged to my dad Floyd, I learned to drive in it so I acquired it when I got old enough and smart enough to understand what it was about instead of just an ugly truck.”
He related the biggest challenge was learning what had to be done as he knew nothing about what it would take. The last Scout International built was around 1976 so there was a huge gap in knowledge about this truck.

“So I learned through the school of hard knocks. Had people teach me what they knew, took it from there and kept going. I grew up with it so I kind of knew about it before I started.“
He added the project took 19 and a half years to complete and for much of that time the truck was in pieces. He also redid the interior.
“Probably five years ago when I finally took it out and finally drove it on the street. It drives like a brick with wheels,” he said. “Takes a long time to get started and almost as much time to get stopped. They were built to work,not to have fun in and not joy ride that’s for sure.”
• On Sunday Reno Cars & Coffee had its second meet of the month by the Human Bean Coffee Stand. Due to the weather the turn out was on the light side.

Despite this there were a variety of cars and trucks for people to see. Early on there was an exotic car owned by David Ramsey, a 2022 Lamborghini Huracan rear wheel drive.
“I’ve had the car for three days. Ordered it in May 2021 and it finally arrived at the dealership in Walnut Creek California. We had to have it trucked down here.
“If you pick it up there you have to pay California sales tax. It’s actually about the same as Nevada sales tax now but I’d rather the money go to Nevada.”

The car is mid-engine powered by a naturally aspirated 5.2 liter V-10 that produces 610 horsepower. It drives the rear wheels through a 7-speed automatic transmission.
“It has paddle shifting and you’ll notice that steering column has no stalks on it. The turn signals are doen with a switch on the steering column,” he said.
He also has other cars including an RS-7 and an Aston Martin DBS. But his daily driver is a Tesla.

Asked how it drives he said,” I’ve not taken it up Mt. Rose yet but is drives in a firm and decisive fashion. So you need to pay attention.”
He added Lamborghini is ceasing production of naturally aspirated models and in less than a year will switch to either hybrid or electrically powered cars.
“I’m hoping this will be somewhat a collector’s item although I plan on keeping it for a long time,” he said.

There was another line of cars that included what appears to be a stock large Dodge van, that has been heavily modified.
REPORTER’S NOTE: Due to the wind the next owner’s last name was garbled. I apologize for that and next time, if its windy will write down the owners name.
Charlie brought his 95 Subaru Wagon L to the meet. It does look a bit unusual but has a story behind it.
“I bought it for $400 and since then put some time into it. It doesn’t not have a lift but has rally tech springs,” he said. “It was kind of an ugly brownish color so my wife and I picked out some colors.
“We mapped it out and it’s all Krylon Spray Paint. We took our time with multiple coats.”
Engines are another story.
“I think I’ve got engine four or five in it. Managed to blow a few of those up,” he said. “Had nitrous on it for a while thinking 100 shots then I stepped up to turbo and that’s when I started blowing up motors. She’s holding together now, still with a turbo but keeping it down to eight pounds so she isn’t blowing anything.”
Asked why he decided to go with a Subaru his answer was pretty simple.
“The junk yards are filthy with them so I can go out and find parts all day long,” he said. “I was shopping around and somebody had a couple of 4-point harnesses sitting around in another Subaru so I yanked them out of there. Then I got a couple of WRX seats for it.”

He also put a JDM transmission in the car as it has dual range, high and low. While it is a 4-wheel drive car he once welded the rear differential but changed that as it was breaking the rear CV joints. So if you see an odd looking Subaru wagon with light bars on it, well it’s his.
Next week is the annual Dolan Auto Group Cars & Coffee meet. Location is the Toyota dealership and should be quite a show plus there is another event at Baldini’s Casino. More in Thursday’s preview article.

• Great news from the Baja 400. The team of StephenTichenor, Justin Shultz and Ryan Liebelt were first in the 0-40 Pro class and 5th overall in bikes.

• Also congratulations to the team of Reno racers Dennis Belingheri and David Mayer, as well as Phoenix rider Vance Kennedy. At this week’s Baja 400 they finished first in the 0-50 Class and were ninth overall in the motorcycles.

• Wednesday, from 5 until 9 p.m. the Sparks A&W is having another cruise in. Weather permitting good time to see some cars as well as enjoy the music. There are only two more left this year.

• One more week to go as sign ups for the Moto Mouth Mini Team end on October 1. If you have a youngster, that fits the requirements, and races motocross be sure to sign them.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. In northwest Nevada, it can be heard over the air at 1060 AM.

There is also a Podcast at or it can be seen live on Face Book. The show is focused on all things automotive, trends, new developments and trivia.
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• Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
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• Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. Wednesday evenings, starting around 5 p.m. is Bike Night, good time to meet fellow riders and have a great dinner.
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