QUINCY, CALIF. (May 7) — This weekend American Valley Speedway hosted the Western States Dwarf Car Nationals. It was also the ninth annual Dave Richardson – Leroy Kay Memorial Race.
The two events honor two area drivers that lost their lives racing a decade ago.

During Saturday’s playing of the National Anthem the Dwarf Car field did a 4-wide salute to the fans.

Then they were joined by Gene Kay, one of Leroy’s relatives, driving his IMCA Modified and carrying the numbers both drivers raced under.
There were three divisions of Dwarf Cars racing, Sportsman, Veterans and Pros. Friday was a series of heat races to help set the field. On Saturday each division had its fastest cars in a Dash while the others were in a Heat race. Those contests set the field for the respective feature races.
First up Saturday were the Sportsmen. John Pope won the heat race while Kinser Endicott was the Dash winner.

When the 20-Lap feature began Endicott was on point with Dan Varner giving chase. Behind them there was duel for third.
There were seven cautions that slowed the pace. On each restart Endicott took off with various drivers not that far behind him.
After things settled down Endicott would extend his lead on the way to taking the victory. Behind him Cody Shrum was second, John Pipe third and Chris Cristiano fourth.

At the post-race interview on the front straight a very happy Endicott said, “Didn’t really know where those guys were behind me but I just tried to stick my lines and man I tell you what, I didn’t not come here and expect to do this two nights in a row.
“I’ve got to give it up to my Uncle Vuki for giving me this opportunity, my cousins helping out on the car as well as Harvey back home since he couldn’t make it tonight. It’s kind of a special weekend as I’ve got my dad out here. He used to race this car 22 years ago and he won some big nationals with it.”

Endicott allowed that it’s been six years since he’s been in a Dwarf Car and said it was amazing.
Asked about the track he said, “Was dry slick for a bit there then started hooking up so you had to change your driving a little bit but man I just hammered down didn’t pay attention to anyone else ahead of me so it worked out. So I’m pumped to bring home two trophies”
Then the Mini Stocks came out for their supporting race. Soon after the green waved Suzi Schmitt took over the lead while Jeff Olschowka gave chase.

They finished in that order with Doug Hast ending up third.
Next feature was for the Veterans Class. Earlier Mark Biscardi won the heat race while Ronnie Williams took the Dash victory.
It took too attempts to start the 20-lap race after one car hit the wall on the exit of Turn 4. Once that car was towed away the field reformed and the green waved.

Up front Ronnie Williams was on point with Mike Reeder and Dan Geil giving chase. Behind them Eric Weisler was moving through the pack into fourth place.
Two cautions slowed the pace but on each restart the trio of Williams, Reeder and Geil took off and soon put some space between themselves and the rest of the pack. They finished in that order although runner up Reeder and third place Geil did duel for the position.

At the ceremony on the front straight Williams said, “Yea this is a good car. Man I thank the Rossi family right here. Also thank Mike Bean for getting me out here and all you fans. The track was excellent track tonight. Lots of grip was really fun for me.

“Want to thank everyone, my family as they are all here, my grandpa and a whole bunch of crew. I don’t really do this much, this is my first race car win and I don’t even own this car so I’m stoked right now.”

Next supporting race were the IMCA Modfieds. First on point was Chris Nieman but soon Gene Kay got the inside line and made the winning pass.

After that Kay went into cruise and left everyone as he headed for victory. Chris Nieman was second followed by Chase Nieman and Joe Blackwell. Later on the front straight Kay said the track was awesome. Then he took a victory lap.
The Pro Division field was set when Vuki Wilson Jr. won the heat race and Tommy Velasquez III took the Dash. Now the final race was ready to go but unfortunately many time winner of this race Joe Frock was sidelined with motor problems.

On the green for the 30-lap feature, Velasquez or T-3 as he’s known led the charge into the first turn. Then Tip Holcombe briefly took the lead until Velasquez got it back.
Not far behind the leader it became a three-way duel for the lead. Three cautions, including one with five to go slowed things a bit.

On the final green Velasquez took off while Shrum was in second chased by Holcombe. They finished in that order.
After the race he said, “That’s so much better than last night, that’s for sure. Want to thank all the fans for coming out. I messed up last night by putting old tires on. I knew this track was going to go dry like last year so I made some changes for tonight and it worked.

“I loved the track as it definitely came back tonight like it was last year. Had a little bad luck last year but tonight it was good for sure.”
Then he thanked his family, his fiancée as well as sponsors Haas Automation, Accu Service, DRI and the Race Restaurant.
• Friday night had a complete show but then heat races determined the field for the features. Those races determined if a driver was in a heat race or dash on Saturday.
Kinser Endicott, on his way to scoring a double for the weekend, won the Sportsman feature. Ronnie Williams also scored a double by winning Friday’s Veteran feature and the Pro feature winner was Nick Velasquez.
Next up for American Valley is racing on Friday, May 13. As usual the start time is 6 p.m. with IMCA Modifieds, Northern Sport Mods, Hobby Stocks, Mini Stocks and Dwarf Cars.

• Wednesday is another cruise in at the Sparks A&W, located across from Reed High School. Start time is 5 p.m. and it’s a great way to see some cars as well as unwind from the workday.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. In northwest Nevada, it can be heard over the air at 1060 AM.

There is also a Podcast at amm.streamon.fm or it can be seen live on Face Book. The show is focused on all things automotive, trends, new developments and trivia.
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• Saturday, May 7:
+ Sportsman:
– Heat: 1. John Pipe, 2. Travis Gergel, 3. Jesse Cook, 4. Kenneth Smith, 5. Mike Aceves.
– DNF: Pete Piantanida.
– DNS: Mack Aceves.–
– Dash: 1. Kinser, Endicott, 2. Dan Varner, 3. Cody Shrum, 4. Brenden Shrum, 5. Kelly Woods, 6. William Christiano, 7. Chris Christiano, 8.Joe Bohard.–
– Main (20-Laps): 1. Kinser Endicott, 2. Cody Shrum, 3. John Pipe, 4. Chris Christiano, 5. Joe Bohard, 6. Travis Gergel, 7. Pete Piantanida, 8. Brenden Shrum, 9. Jesse Cook, 10. Kenneth Smith, 11. Kelly Woods, 12. Mike Aceves, 13. William Christiano, 14. Dan Varner.
+ Veteran Division:
– Heat: 1. Mark Biscardi, 2. Tim Fitzpatrick, 3. Tony Margott, 4. Jack Haverty, 5. Eddy Claessen, 6. David Rosa.
– DNS: Tommy Velasquez.–
– Dash: 1. Ronnie Williams, 2. Mike Reeder, 3. Eric Weisler, 4. Dan Geil, 5. Stacy Woods, 6. Richie Abbott, 7. Kevin Bender, 8. Glenn Sciarani.–
– Main (20-Laps): 1. Ronnie Williams, 2. Mike Reeder, 3. Dan Geil, 4. Eric Weisler, 5. Richie Abbott, 6. Kevin Bender, 7. Jack Haverty, 8. Mark Biscardi, 9. Tony Margott, 10. Tim Fitzpatrick, 11. David Rosa, 12. Tommy Velasquez, 13. Eddy Claessen, 14. Stacy Woods
– DNF: Glenn Sciarani.
+ Pro Division:
– Heat:1. Vuki Wilson Jr., 2. Chance Russell, 3. Patrick Weger, 4. Tanner Curr, 5. Race Shelton, 6. Elli Russo, 7. David Michael Ross, 8. Josh Cochran.
– DNS: Danny Wagner.
– Dash: 1. Tommy Velasquez III, 2. Tip Holcombe, 3. Mike Grenert, 4. Dylan Shrum, 5. Nick Velasquez, 6. Chris Kress.
– DNF: Shawn Whitney,
– DNS: Joe Frock.
– Main (30-Laps): 1. Tommy Velasquez III, 2. Dylan Shrum, 3. Tim Holcombe, 4. Nick Velasquez, 5. Mike Grenert, 6. Shawn Whitney, 7. Chris Kress, 8. Chance Russell, 9. Ellie Russo, 10. Race Shelton, 11. Tanner Curr, 12. Danny Wagner, 13.Patrick Weger, 14. David Michael Rosa, 15. Josh Cochran.
– DNF: Vuki Wilson Jr.
– DNS: Joe Frock.
+ IMCA Modifieds:
– Main:1. Gene Kay, 2. Chris Nieman, 3. Chase Nieman, 4. Joe Blackwell.
+ Mini Stocks:- Main: 1. Suzi Schmitt, 2. Jeff Olschowka, 3. Doug Hast, 4. Molichi Moya, 5.Ashlyn Hogan, 6. Luke Collette..
• Friday, May 6:+ Sportsman Division:
– Heat Winners: #1 John Pipe, #2 Cody Shrum.–
– Main: 1. Kinser Endicott, 2. Cody Shrum, 3. Chris Christano, 4.Brenden Shrum, 5. Joe Bohard, 6. Dan Varner, 7. Kelly Woods, 8. William Christiano, 9.Pete Piatanida, 10. John Pipe.
– DNF: Kenneth Smith, Travis Geregel, Mack Aceves, Jesse Cook, Mike Aceves.
– DNS: Shaun Irwin. + Sportsman Division:– Heat Winners: #1 Dan Geil, #2 Mark Biscardi–
– Main: 1. Ronnie Williams, 2. Dan Geil, 3. Mike Reader, 4. Eric Weisler, 5. Kevin Bender, 6. Richie Abbott, 7. Glenn Sciarani, 8. Stacy Woods, 9. David Rosa, 10. Jack Haverty, 11. Mark Biscardi, 12. Tony Margott, 13. Calvin Ryle, 14. Tim Fitzpatrick, 15. Eddy Claessen, 16. Gary Wegener.
+ Pro Division
– Heat Winners: #1 Nick Velasquez, #2 Tommy Velasquez III.–
– Main: 1. Nick Velasquez, 2. Joe Frock, 3.Chris Kress, 4. Mike Grenert, 5. Shawn Whitney, 6. Tommy Velasquez III, 7. Dylan Shrum, 8. Tip Holcombe, 9. Chance Russell, 10. Tanner Curr, 11. Race Shelton, 12. David Michael Ross.
– DNF: Patrick Wager, Anthony Pope, Josh Cochran.
– DNS: Vukie Wilson Jr.