NIGHTINGALE, NV (Feb. 20) – The Trail Blazers Motorcycle Club opened MRANN”s 2022 season with the Return of the Lost Llama event, two days of racing on the desert. Pretty good weather set the stage for two days of hard racing.

The Big Bike event on Sunday marked the return of a veteran.
After winning the race Dallas Serpa was asked by the announcer, Tina Honea, how long it had been since he raced with MRANN. “It’s got to be at least a year and it’s been a while since I done the whole series,” he said.

Asked about the race itself he commented, “Race was a lot of fun, course was super fun. Just rode smooth made a few mistakes but overall got a second place start tried to stay out of the dust and it happened.”
Then he thanked his father for keeping his bikes dialedin, Carson Motor Sports, Fast House, AO Suspension and thanked those he didn’t mention.
As usual the riders lined up in their class, expert, amateur and novice. The experts go first then the other two are launched when the dust clears from the area in front of them, Russel Tonjum led first but soon Serpa took the point.
They arrived at the end of the first lap less than a second apart and had already put a two second gap on third place. Both riders battled the entire race and at the end Serpa’s elapsed time was 2:34:58.768 while Tonjum was very close behind with a time of 2:35:44.025. Pretty darned closed after riding hard for just over two and a half hours.

Tonjum is MRANN’s Vice President for 2022 and he also got the Hole Shot Award.

Asked about the race he said, “The race was good but a little bummed out as I was trying to keep Dallas behind me as long as I could. I knew he had a little more speed, just tried to keep him in the dust but made one hiccup in the rocks. Nothing major but just enough to let him by. Then I didn’t have enough to get him back but I’m happy though as it was a good day.”
Then he thanked Mickey with Absolute Drain Service, his girl friend, Gilbert with TBT, RMS, BVH and everyone for helping.
Going down the list in 20th place was Tharon Lindekugel, who won the Open Amateur Class. Chris Maas won the 40+ Expert Class when he

Coming home in 27th was Sam Key and he won the 50+ Expert title. A bit further down the list in 31st was the first Novice, Ian Breckenridge.

Christina Courtney won the Sunday Women’s Amateur Class when she finished 59th. Steven Morgan ended up 89th with an elapsed time of 3:44:07.817 and took the 60+ victory.

There were 194 riders that started the race and 12 didn’t finish but 182 did. Pretty good turn out for the first race of the season.
• Saturday was a pretty good day to start the weekend. This is when the youngest riders have a timed race of 45 minutes on a short course, which has many adults standing by to assist any rider.

Bennett Stone got the season started by winning both the overall as well as the 65 Novice Class.
Young Duncan Fayet, who finished 9th was the first PeeWee 6 and Under rider while in 11th place was Stetson Starr, the first PeeWee 7 & Over rider while Brighton Stern, who ended up 26th was the first PeeWee 4-Stroke rider to cross the finish.
There was also a special incentive as Big Valley Honda had Hole Shot awards for each class and a gift.
There were 48 Pee Wee riders that started the event and all finished. After a brief pause the next race lines up and this one was a 90-minute long affair on a larger but still short track.
This event has the Mini Bikes, older kids still too young to compete on a big bike, Saturday Women and the Bombers, older bikes. From the get-go it because apparent the Mini Expert race was between two brothers, Payton and Jordan Maas.

First on point was the older Jordan but on this day he was in the sights of his younger brother Payton. Lap after lap they tore around the course and in the end a very delighted Peyton scored his first victory over his older brother.

Asked about the race Peyton said, “I had to battle him the whole time. I crashed once and he got past me but I made a good pass through a turn. It was a pretty good race just that the Bombers got in the way so I had to pass a lot of them.

“But overall it was really fun. My favorite part was probably the straightaway going out as I just go full throttle. I probably got a 10 second lead out there because of the dust.”

Finishing in eighth place was Chrystal Ponsock, the Saturday Women’s Expert winner. It was a good effort as she’s battling a physical problem that gives her muscle fatigue.
“The race actually wasn’t too bad and it wasn’t as whooped as normal. It was fairly fast, not too sandy and was pretty nice,” she said.
Then she thanked her father as he supports her every race she goes to.
The first Mini Amateur was 6th place Henry Young while 9th place finisher Mayson Burns was the first Mini Novice to reach the finish. Kylah Krups ended up 14th and was the Saturday Women’s Novice winner while 18th place was Lillyahna Mullins the Saturday Women’s Amateur winner.
There was also another race-within-a-race for the Bomber class. These are older bikes but not of the vintage type.

Winning this class was veteran motocross veteran Scott Stillmock, who finished a good 10 minutes ahead of second. Daniel Stinson was the runner up while Scott Burrell ended up third.
Now everyone gets a few weeks off before the next event outside of Toulon, just west of Lovelock, in late March. For further information and results please check
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. In northwest Nevada, it can be heard over the air at 1060 AM.

There is also a Podcast at or it can be seen live on Face Book. The show is focused on all things automotive, trends, new developments and trivia.
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• One of our sponsors is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists owned by former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
The shop services older and new transmissions and now has a section for high performance units and those used in towing. Phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
• Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
• The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus the showroom has about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
• Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno, is another sponsor. The shop does quality collision repair for cars and trucks.
Owner Brian Saul is a car enthusiast himself and is committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
• Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. Wednesday evenings, starting around 5 p.m. is Bike Night, good time to meet fellow riders and have a great dinner.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
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* Full results are at and those posted, like in this report, are unofficial.
• Sunday, Feb. 20:
+ Overall: 1. Dallas Serpa, Open Exp., 2. Russel Tonjum, 3. Shane Siebenthall, 4.Jacob Kinkel, 250 Exp., 5. Mitch Forrest, 6. Wyatt Brittner, 7. Red Herrera, 30+ Exp., 8. Carson Calder, 9. Josh Cook, 10. Preston Pheasant, 4-Stk Exp., 11. Henry Anderson, 12. Jason Alosi, 13. Ricky Dahlberg, 14. Kyle Marsh, 15. Dustin Burrell.
+ Class Winners: – Dallas Serpa, Open Exp., Jacob Kinkel, 250 Exp., Preston Pheasant, 4- Stk Exp., Red Herrera, 30+ Exp., Mark Heater, 40+ Exp., Sam Key, 50+ Exp., Tharon Lindekugel, Open Ama., Austin Key, 250 Ama., Jacksen Sater, 4-Stk Ama., DerekBrowy, 30+ Ama., Will Allen, 40+ Ama., Ryan Tanner, 50+ Ama., Christina Courtney, Sun Wmn Ama., Lukas Tonjum, Open Nov., Ian Breckenridge, 250 Nov., Andy Jenny, 200 Nov., Conner Heywood, 4-Stk Nov., Zack Lawson, 30+ Nov., Rich Mendoze, 40+ Nov., Brad Moore, 50+ Nov., Rachel Roen, Sun Wmn Nov., Steven Moran, 60+.
• Saturday, Feb. 19:
+ Pee Wee:– Overall: 1. Bennet Stone, 65 Nov., 2. Weston Starr, 3. Billy Smith, 4. Maxwell Wickware, 5. Clive Claflin, 6. Barrett Stone, 7. Jordan Jones, 8. Payslee Statt, 9. Ducati Fayet, 6 & Under, 10. Jake O’Connell, 11. Stetson Starr, 7 & Over, 12. Jax Freeman, 13. Nathan Danner, 14. Suzuki Fayet, 15. Telgen Biddle. + PeeWee Class Winners:– Ducati Fayet, 6 & Under, Stetson Starr, 7 & Over, Bennett Stone, 65 Novice, Brighton Stern, 4-Stroke.
+ Mini/Woman:–
Overall: Peyton Maas, Mini Exp., 2. Jordan Maas, 3. Jesse Miller, 4. Landen Williams, 5. Carson Key, 6. Titan Allen, Mini Ama., 7. Henry Young, 8. Chrystal Ponsock, Wmn Exp., 9. Mayson Burns, Mini Nov., 10. Luke Brown, 11. Cassie Searle, 12. Gatlin Knight, 13. Ryder Allen, 14. Kylah Krupa, Wmn. Nov., 15. Liam Rasmussen.– Mini Class Winners: Peyton Maas, Exp., Titan Allen, Ama, Mayson Burns, Nov., Wyatt Mirell, 65 Ama.
+ Women Class Winners: Chrystal Ponsock, Exp., Lillyahna Mullins, Ama., Kylah Krupa, Nov.
Bomber: 1. Scott Stillmock, 2. Daniel Stinson, 3. Scott Burrell, 4. Sean Tuite, 5. William Howard, 6. Tommy O’Connell, 7. Gregory Pheasant, 8. Ted Elswick, 9. Michael Furlong, 10. Kyle Brannan.