CARSON CITY, NV (Aug. 28) — The fifth annual Outlaw Flat Track races returned for a two-day show this weekend. Both Friday and Saturday were a blizzard of heats and main events inside the rodeo arena at Fuji Park.

Both evenings began with an honor guard from the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare center presenting the colors. After prayers and the national anthem there was a period of silence to remember the Marines and Navy Corpsman lost this week.
After that it was time for racing.

Both evening shoes ended with the Open Pro main where 12 riders raced 20-laps around this bullring. The first start on Saturday didn’t go so well as a crash put Kayl Kolkman on the ground.
Fortunately he was uninjured but his bike needed some minor work adjustment. In fact when he reported back to the starting area he used the back stretch wall for another adjustment.
On the second green Andrew Luker used his inside position to take the point as the field reached Turn 1. Chasing him were Stevie Bonsey and Travis Petten.
As the race progressed Luker extended his lead but behind him Kolkman was carving his way through the pack. When Luker reached the checkered flag Kolkman was second but ran out of time to catch the leader. For Luker the victory capped a winning weekend.

” Night number two, got the win again. There was a restart there, got up into Kale and he unfortunately went down. They started him in the rear so I knew I had to get a good start and focus where I was headed,” he said. “The track’s been good, a bit different than it was last night. A little less grip I’d say but overall a good track to race on.”
Then he tanked two of his supporters for their help.
Asked about his son, that he took on his victory lap, Luker said, “This is my boy Wyatt. It was his first race yesterday and we’re a racing family.”
Part of Saturday and Friday’s shows was a 50cc 4-Stroke exhibition. Wyatt Luker got his laps and even a heat race while his mother Kenzie rode with him. Quite a weekend for this youngster that turns 4-years old in September.

The Holligans are another fan favorite as most are Harley’s stripped down and set up for flat track racing. However one rider was on a Indian.
When the green waved Josh Mott used his inside position to take off. Soon he left everyone in his dust and won the race followed by Robert Bush and A.J. Kirkpatrick.

Another popular event is the Runnin’ Bulls Pro race. Riders race either a two or four-stroke Bultaco. These Spanish motorcycles haven’t produced in decades.
On the green Jonathan Schaefer took off with Rod Spencer and Andrew Luker giving chase. The lead duo pulled away but in the end Spencer had to settle for second place behind Schaefer.
With only a dozen spots for the Open Pro main there was an LCQ. Chris McDougal, Blake Ash and Beranden Weller earned transfer spots.

In the Pro 450 Dash six riders took the green Up front Travis Petton held the lead but right behind him was Kayl Kolkman. The finished in that order.
Later Petton said, “I could feel him the whole time.”
The Buls also had a dash and it too had a close finish. Rod Spencer was able to hold off Dominic Monaco for the win and money.
At the trophy presentation Spencer said, “Had to protect the bottom so everything was in the box,”

The Deuce is one of the highlight events on Saturday. It begins with eight riders that pick numbers and starts eliminations that pit two riders against each other.
The winners go onto the next round until the final pair are left and they race for the money. In that final round Luker was able to beat Grant Holmes for the payday.

One exhibition race is the Crazy 110’s where small bikes are raced by teenagers or adults. Most of the racers are from this area and Dayton’s Dony Clinger was the winner. Reno rider Jose Raze finished second while Brighton Stern from Gardnerville ending up third.
One person adding some excitement with his flamboyant flagging was Robert Lawrence from Boise. He explained his goal is to have each rider feeling like they placed first even if they didn’t win.
Between raffles and donations the event contributed money to several groups. Attendance on Friday was just short of a sell but Saturday’s show had packed grandstands.
• Saturday’s show actually began with an afternoon full of heats and mains for amateurs.

The age ranged from almost 4-year old Wyatt Luker to the Super Seniors 55+ division won by Mike Inderbitzin. In the 65cc/110cc race Dean Rabideau won while Conner Hickerson won in Open Amateur.

All in all it was a great afternoon for these racers and set the stage for the evening program.
REPORTER’S NOTE: Didn’t want to make this report too long so have posted Saturday’s afternoon and evening results at the end of this article. Plus there is a photo gallery after that. Have to apologize for this being so late but have had two days full of distractions I could not avoid.
For Friday’s results please go to, as both day’s are there. For those that missed the event please make sure you’re there next years. It’s quite an weekend of racing.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. In Northwestern Nevada it can be heard on the air at 1060 AM.

There is also a podcast at or it can be seen live on Face Book. The show is focuses on all things automotive.
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We now have eight very appreciated sponsors supporting this site. Please patronize them as they support your sport and help nvracingnews to continue.
• Tread Connection is our newest sponsor and Blake Sobiloff owns the local franchise. The business brings the tire store to the customer so they don’t have to take time off work or even leave home.
Once the tires are ordere Sobiloff picks them up and arrives in a van full of state-of-the-art equipment where the customer’s car is. He observes all safety requirements and tires can be chosen as well as paid for on line.
Another service is scanning tires to check wear and see if any alignment is needed. A useful service for fleet owners as it will track when each vehicle might need new tires. There are discounts for First Responders, Active Duty Military, members of the National Guard and the Reserves as well as Veterans.
His primary area is Reno and Sparks so one can contact him directly at 775-870-3600, through the Face Book page or the website at,
• Next sponsor is G.I.S.L. Land Services that while having a global client base has a western U.S. focus. Among the services offered are Surface and Mineral Title Reviews and Cartographic Services.
Owner Greg Ekins is a long time off-road motorcycle racer competing in the MRANN and AMA National Hare and Hound Series. The website is,
• Next sponsor is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists owned by former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
The shop services older and new transmission and has a section for high performance units and those used for towing. Phone number is 775-786-5888 and the website is,
• Racing photographer Melissa Coker is another sponsor. If you raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake Raceway or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a picture of you on the track.
She’s photographed Duel in the Desert, Northern Nevada Modified Tour, Wild West Tour and the IMCA Super Nationals. She also produces hero cards and memory books, her website is,
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops in Reno.
• Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need, the store also has full service shop.
Their location is 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. The phone number is 775-322-1499 and the website is,
• The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. They too have a full shop plus the showroom has about anything a rider might want or need.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
• Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno is another sponsor. The shop does quality collision repair for cars and trucks.
Owner Brian Saul is a car enthusiast himself and is committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
• Hungry, want a great place to eat? Then try PJ&CO for breakfast, lunch, dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. Wednesday evenings starting around 5 p.m. is Bike Night, great way to meet fellow riders.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is, 775-323-6366 and the website is,
Have a business targeted towards motorsports or car enthusiasts? You can contact us either through the comment section or on our Face Book page.
Outlaw Flat Track Races – Fuji Park, Carson City NV.
Saturday, Aug. 28
• Evening Show:
+ Open Pro: 1. Andrew Luker, 2. Kayl Kolkman, 3.Michael Inerbitzin, 4. Travis Petton, 5. Stevie Bonsey, 6. Grant Holmes, 7. Blake Ash, 8. Tanner Costa, 9. Branden Weller, 10. Chris McDougal, 11. Josh Mott, 12. Kyle Ferris.
+ Hooligan 750cc: 1. Josh Mott, 2. Robert Bush, 3. A.J. Kirkpatrick, 4. Pedro Brown, 5. Stace Richmond.
+ Runnin’ Buls Pro: 1. Jonathan Shaefer, 2. Rod Spencer, 3. Andrew Luker, 4. Dominic Monaco, 5. Anthony Mitchall, 6. Branden Weller.
+ Open Pro LCQ: 1. Chris McDougal, 2. Blake Ash, 3. Branden Weller (All transffered to main)
+ Pro Dash: 1. Travis Petton, 2. Kayl Koldman, 3. Andrew Luker, 4. Stevie Bonsey, 5. Michael Interbitzin, 6. Tanner Costa.
+ Buls Dash: 1. Rod Spencer, 2. Dominic Monaco, 3. Andrew Luker, 4. Jonathan Schaefer, 5. Anthony Mitchell.
+ The Deuce: 1. Andrew Luker, 2. Grant Holmes, 3. Kayl Kolkman, 4. Stevie Bonsey, 5. Josh Mott, 6. Branden Weller, 7. Travis Petton, 8. Chris McDougal.
ExhibitionCrazy 110’s: 1. Dony Clinger, 2. Jose Razo, 3. Brighton Stern, 4. Sean Seehuetter, 5. Lucas Kassity, 6. Liem Spears, 7. Collin Spears, 8. Ryan Leufkens, 9. Stephen Firurski, 10. Casey Brossard, 11. Jake Porter.
+50cc 4-Stroke Exhibition: 1. Wyatt Luker.
• Amateur Afternoon:
+ 50cc 4-Stroke: 1. Wyatt Luker.
+ 65cc/110cc: 1. Dean Rabideau, 2. Ryder Bitz-hay, 3. Jackson Brown, 4. Jett Katarzy, 5. Cameron Neelings, 6. Enzo Tafoya, 7. Emmet Brown.
+ Vet (35+):1. Robert Bush, 2. Nicholas Baugh.
+ 450cc (14+): 1. Jonathan Schaefer, 2. Conner Hickerson, 3. Zach Beach, 4. Kenny Holland.
+ 85cc/150cc: 1. Christian Knox, 2. Tommy Nellings, 3. Ryder Bitz-hay, 4. Emmet Brown, 5. Jett Katarzy, 6. Dean Rabideau, 7. Jackson Brown.
+ Vinatage: 1. Curtis Peebles, 2. Pedro Brown, 3. Mitch Gallagher, 4. Sonny Brown, 5. Keith Eusebio Sr.
+ Run What Ya Brung: 1. Christian Knox, 2. Conner Hickerson, 3. Ray Holt, 4. Enzo Tafoya.
+ 125cc: 1. Nathan Rippi, 2. Dean Rabideau.
+ Senior45+: 1. Dan Cahoon, 2. Robert Bush, 3. Stace Richmond, 4. Bucky Gerolamy, 5. Mitch Gallagher.
+ 140-230cc: 1. Nicholas Baugh, 2. John Retta, 3. Conner Hickerson, 4. Dean Rabideau, 5. Christopher Retta, 6. John O’Connell, 7. Joe Pereira.
+ Crazy 110’s: 1. Trenton Leonard, 2. Donny Clinger, 3. Sid Leonard, 4. Jake Porter, 5. Scott Leonard, 6. Sean Seehuetter, 7. Ryan Leufkens, 8. Stephan Figurski, 9. Casey Brossard, 10. Jose Razo, 11. Collin Spears, 12. Brighton Stern.
+ Super Senior 55+: 1. Mike Inderbitzin, 2. Travis Ward, 3. David Keil, 4. Brad Raymond, 5. Cam Johnson, 6. Rich Holland, 7. John O’Connell, 8. Ray Holt, 9. Mike Pitshchner, 10. Bill Hermant.
+ 250cc: 1. Christian Knox, 2. Ryder Bitz-hay, 3. John Retta.
+ Buls Masters/2-Stroke Framers: 1. Rod Spencer, 2. Anthony Mitchell, 3. Tom Fredrickson, 4. Mike Pitschner.
+ Open Amateur: 1 Conner Hickerson, 2. Nicholas Baugh, 3. Kenny Holland, 4. Kenzie Luker, 5. Zach Beach, 6. Joe Pereira.
At the top of the amateur age scale was Super Senior 55+ winner Mike Inderbitzin. Open Amateur winner Conner Hickerson finishes just ahead of Nicholas Baugh. Curtis Peebles won Saturday’s Vintage race. Christian Knox was the 85cc/150cc winner. The start of the Crazy 110’s main. The 65cc/110cc winner was Dean Rabifeau. The age spectrum started with almost 4-year-old Wyatt Luker, here shown with him mother Kenzie riding shotgun, as he wins his 50cc exhibition race. All the riders in the Deuce line up for introductions. Jonathan Schaefer won the Runnin’ Buls Pro main on his Bultaco. The Pro Dash was close as winner Travis Petten holds off Kayl Kolkman. After winning the Open Pro race Andrew Luker was joined by his son Wyatt for a victory lap. Andre Luker won both Friday and Saturday’s Open Pro main event. Prior to each evening start an honor guard from the Marine Corps Mountain Training Center presented our country’s colors. Josh Mott won the Hooligan 750cc main.