RENO, NV (June 6) – This weekend was highlighted by two well attended car shows. One was to benefit Disabled American Veterans while the second, on Sunday, was the first of the month staged by Reno Cars & Coffee.
Saturday began in front of Sportsman’s Warehouse where the 2nd Annual Cars & Stripes Classic Car Celebration was help. The proceeds were to benefit the Disabled American Veterans and the turn out was pretty good.

Among those present was the Wheel Chair project and a group from the Vietnam Veterans. A free hot dog lunch was offered along with water and chips. The Disabled American Vets were having a raffle for several prizes including a rifle and pistol.

Among the classic cars was an immaculate 1969 Chevrolet Impala owned by Howard Johnson. He stated it is pretty much as he bought it but there have been some changes. “Been customized a little bit in the front and given a wild looking paint job,” he said. “I bought it pretty much the way you see it, as a matter of fact I’ve only got 50 miles on the car since I bought it. I’ve been spending the last couple of weeks cleaning it up just to get it here for this car show.”
He admitted not knowing the actually mileage on the car since the gentleman that owned it has passed away.
“All I’ve done is to clean the outside and polished it,” he said.

There was also a 1969 VW Convertible as well as a 1955 Chevrolet that has been souped up.
Bob Atkins brought his 1952 Chevy Coupe and while it looks stock the car is anything but stock.

Ask to describe the car Atkins said, “It’s a ’52 Chevy coupe with a 350 and a 350 trans, Mustang II front end, Ford 9 inch rear end, 4-wheel disc brakes and I just installed air conditioning this past winter.”
It’s very different from when he bought it six years ago. He bought it from a gentleman in Woodland, California and while it would start the car wasn’t road worthy and didn’t have much of an interior.
“Took me a year to make it road worthy,” he said. “I put it on a trailer and got it home. Started working on it, front suspension, rear suspension, brakes, the electrical I’ve done from taillights to head lights. Entire electrical system with the door poppers, air conditioning, radio has GPS, back up camera, blue tooth.”

His reason for choosing this model was that Atkin’s first car he bought at age 15 was a ’52 Chevy coupe. He found this one in Craig’s list offered by a guy that had rebuilt several cars.
“He was my age and this was about the 10th car he’s built over the years but he was just burned out with doing it. So anyways we struck up a bargain and I purchased it, been working on it every since. This is about as far as I’m going to go with it. It drives great, very reliable, doesn’t overheat, no issues with braking or anything like that,” he said.
Atkins has taken the car to other shows, including one out at Austin, Nevada. If he slightly detunes it it will get from 20 toe 22 miles a gallon. The car has also been shown in Yerington and that’s when his wife drives it while brings their fifth wheel so they have a place to stay.

In addition to these two cars there were roadsters as well as a 1949 Cadillac that looked pristine. There were many spectators looking at the cars and just enjoying the nice weather as well as helping a good cause.
• Sunday, being the first weekend of the month was when Reno Cars & Coffee had a meet at the Keitzke Starbucks. As usual there were many types of cars, some exotic as well as more stock looking and a few trucks and motorcycles rounded out the meet.

One of the more exotic cars was a 1973 DeTomaso Pantera owned by Bill Block. The car was just shining in its black paint and what is amazing is that the car, which had 100,000 miles on it, was originally painted 44 years ago.

“Forty four years ago they didn’t have very good paint, back in the 70’s they had really crappy paint, especially black,” he said. “This paint has held up well, I believe it’s Imron, a paint that was toxic to spray so they took it off the market for health reasons. It was outstanding and I believe that’s what it is painted with. Forty four years on the paint and 100 thousand miles.”
Block added he put a Russ Racing Engine in it about three years. The car is also a daily driver, as he said ‘very streetable,’ and last month he put 500 miles on it just in Reno.
Mixed in with the Corvettes, Lambos and other cars was a 1957 Morris Minor Traveler owned by Rich Lehto.

“It’s the woody version. Real English Ash, imported, all the original steel and aluminum and chrome. Has the flip up turn signals but haven’t wired them up yet,” he said. “When I bought it the Morris was a solid vehicle but the interior was trashed.
” This is the original engine and it hasn’t been rebuilt. Tires and wheels were stock black rims, the wood was in fair condition but not great. The interior I didn’t have door cards, the back seat was the original leather.”

He added the front seats he got from a junkyard as they fit his size more than the originals. Lehto has had the car for many years.
Asked about what he’s done with it over the years he said, “Actually all I ever did was to start the engine about every two years for the past 30 years. I’ve had it since 1978 and it’s a simple car to work on, basic, everything is accessible but one of the worst things dealing with this car is that it has three different bolts on it.
“Not different size but different style; American, metric and the old English standard. metric, and the old English standard. You tend to use cheaters quite a lot with this car as you get tired of running after a wrench that fits.”
Once again the meet was highlighted by good weather and a lot of looking as well as visiting with other crowd people. All in all it was a good day.
Next up for Reno Cars & Coffee will be their next meet in two weeks. That one is held by the Human Bean coffee stand close to the corner of Moana Lane and Keitzke.
REPORTER’S NOTE: There is a photo gallery at the end of this article.

• Are you an experienced motorcycle tech looking for work. Well there is an opportunity for you as Moto-Source has a job opening. If that’s you please send your resume to
• Want a place to show your vehicle off and have a fun time Tuesday evening. Well the Grid in Fallon, located behind the Walmart, has a Sock Hop starting at 5:30 p.m. Good way to show off your car, truck or motorcycle and have a good time.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. In northwest Nevada, and all the way up to Susanville, it can be heard over the air at 1060 AM.

There is also a Podcast at or it can be seen live on Face Book. The show is focused on all things automotive, news, trends and trivia.
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Tread Connection is our newest sponsor and Blake Sobiloff owns the local franchise. The business brings the tire store to the customer so they don’t have to take time off work or even leave home.
Once the tires are ordered Sobiloff picks them up and arrives where the customer’s car is in a van packed with state of the art equipment. He observes all safety precautions and it’s no contact so tires can be chosen and paid for online.
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His primary area is Reno and Sparks and one can either go to the Face Book page or check the website at The direct line to the business is 775-870-3600.
Next sponsor is G.I.S.L Land Services that, while having a global client base it has a Western U.S.A. Focus. Owner Greg Ekins is a long time off road motorcycle racer competing in the MRANN Series as well as the AMA National Hare and Hound series.
Among the services offers are Surface and Mineral Title Reviews and Cartographic Services. The website is
Next sponsor is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists owned by former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
The shop services older and new transmissions and how has a section for high performance units and those used in towing. Phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is
Racing photographer Melissa Coker is another sponsor. If you raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake Raceway or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a photograph of your car on the track.
She’s also been at the Duel in the Desert, Northern Nevada Modified Tour, Wild West Tour and the IMCA Super Nationals. She produces hero cards and memory books. To see her collections or to place an order, check
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno, is another sponsor. The shop does quality collision repair for cars and trucks.
Owner Brian Saul is a car enthusiast himself and is committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
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Jeeps in a row Rich Lehto stands by his Morris Minor Traveler he’s owned for the past 30 years. Purple Dodge Truck on display. About three years ago Block put a new engine in his Pantera. There was a Morris Minor Traveler at the Cars & Coffee meet. Bill Block stands by his Pantera he brought to the Cars & Coffee meet. Smallest car at the meet was this Fiat. This Blue Lambo was parked away from the main area. This Lambo was behind the row of Corvettes. This beautiful VW Convertible was also at the Cars & Stripes show. Howard Johnson brought his 1969 Chevy Impala to the Cars & Stripes show. Bill Atkins stands by his 1952 Chevy Coupe he’s restored and enhanced. Another car on display at the Cars and Stripes was this 1949 Cadillac. The motor in Atkin’s ’52 Chevy. Vietnam Veterans of America trailer was at the show. These two roadsters were in the Cars & Stripes show. This 1962 Cadillac was on display at the Cars & Stripes Show. Another car at the Cars & Stripes show was this beautiful 1956 Chevy Bel Air.