STEAD, NV (May, 23) – Despite a rainy morning that had a start and stop effect on the race the NNKC got its thir point’s race of the season in. Once again there was a good turn out of drivers.
Desert Park can be configured several different ways. This time the hill was not part of it and after entering Turn 3 the drivers went through the other end in a reverse direction before heading up toward Turn 7. This changed the best places to pass.

First up as usual was the Kid Kart class. These are the youngest racers just earning their spurs and they karts are low powered so a standing start is used.
First on point was Jameson Judd but soon Cash Prater took the point and was chased by Drake Kephart. At the end Prater, who uses a Honda motor reached the checkered first followed by Kephart and his kart uses a Comer motor.

On the cool down lap Kephart hit the Turn 2 curbing that flipped his kart onto the grass. Fortunately a bunch a bunch of fathers were near by as they usually are on the infield for these race. They sprinted over, got the upside down kart off him and began to make sure Kephart wasn’t hurt. Thankfully he wasn’t and was able to walk back to the pits.
Next came the Super Stock class and when the green waved five of them headed toward Turn 1. Up front Kory Williams and Edward Atkins began a long nose-to-tail duel for the lead.

Behind them eventual third place Justin Heath turned in the fastest lap of the race, which was 40.709 seconds. While Luke Anderson fell out with mechanical issues the rest completed the full 14 laps.
Up front Williams scored the victory but Atkins did fall back a bit and ended up almost three seconds behind the winner.
The Shifter class uses a standing start and when the green lights went on Jeff Wamre took off with Zeke Corson giving chase with Adam Auerbach in third.

Unfortunately Auerbach dropped out with handling problems while up front the two-way duel between Wamre and Corson continued. Further back were the two 80cc shifters and Skylar Corson, whose father was running second, led Turbo Sombatsiri.

During the race Wamre posted the fastest lap of 36.511 seconds. As a comparison Corson, in her 80cc machine had a best lap of 38.034 seconds.
In the end Wamre pulled a gap and won followed by the father-daughter Corson pair with Sombatsiri ending up fourth.
Asked if he knew how close Corson was behind him Wamre said, “Yes I heard him going into 1 so I know he was close. The guys are getting better and the kart seemed to come to life about half way through. The track’s pretty good today, more grip than I expected after the rain this morning, cooler temperatures today but all is good.”
Then he thanked his wife, Rodney at Nevada Kart Sport and the club.
The Junior 1 class has young drivers that are between Kid Kart and Junior 2. When the green waved 10 headed toward Turn 1 although one of them would be out of the race two-laps later.
Up front Kayden Williams, whose mother and father also race, was on point followed by Jeremiah Nobels, who eventually set the fastest lap of 42.711 seconds. At first there was a three-way train after the lead but later Williams and Nobel were disputing the point.

After passing some lap traffic the gap between both leaders grew and in the end there wasn’t enough time for Nobels to catch the leader. Williams scored the victory followed by Nobels and third place Jeremy Heath.
At the post-race weigh in Williams got a huge welcome from his family. Then he said, “I knew he (Nobles) was in back of me. So you drive smooth, and get through the corners.”
Then he thanked his mother, father, grandpa and sponsors.
The combined KA100 and TAG race has a staggered start. First to take the green are the TAG Masters followed a few seconds later by the KA100 Masters.

Up front Steve Ryckebosch took off followed by a long nose-to-tail duel between Chris Bender and William Owen. Behind them Troy Berry fell out after the start when the chain in his kart failed and the kart of Eric Drummond only lasted one lap.
In the end Ryckebosch scored the overall victory followed by Owen, who turned in the fastest lap of the race at 37.852 seconds and was able to get past Bender, who ended up third overall.

Behind them Sombatsiri won the KA100 Masters class with Mike McMullen ended up second in that group.
The Junior 2 class is the final step for a young driver before they move into the adult classes. When the green waved Isaiah Nobles was on point followed by Joseph Hitti and Brooks Anderline.
Anderline was on a charge and after taking second made a pass for the lead in an unusual part of the track. He did that in the first part of the left-right-left complex known as Tic-Tak-Toe.

From that point it was all Anderline but behind there was a three-way battle for third. In the end Nobles scored the victory followed by Nobles, Giovanni Medina and Joseph Hitti.
After the race Anderline was asked about the start and race.
“That was not a good start for sure. But we battled back, I went into to race get passed mode so tried to get around as many people as I could as fast as I could,” he said. “That pass well I had a run, had to take it I knew me and Isaiah have been racing together so I’m sure we give each other room.
Then he thanked those that have been racing with hmi as they’ve been clean all season. He also gave his appreciation to his parents, Cole Nelson Racing as well as those that support his efforts.
The day ended with a pair of races that have the largest fields.
First up was the Heavy LO206 class. There were 13 that took the green and stormed into the first turn. First on point was Eric Kuzemchak, Brandon Walsh with Rachel Williams following in third. At first this trio was running nose-to-tail then Walsh took over the lead leaving Kuzemchak to fend off Williams.

During the race Kuzemchak turned the fastest lap of 41.991 seconds while Walsh fastest lap was just a tick or so slower. In the final laps Walsh encountered slower kart but was able to quickly get around him. At the checkered Walsh won followed by Kuzemchak, Williams with Josh Prater ending up fourth.
“On this track the best place to pass is at the end of the straight,” Walsh said. “I could hear him (Kuzemchak) right behind and putting the pressure on. Just focused on being consistent, turning in consistent lap times. Catching the slower kart I was getting worried if he was going to play a factor but luckily I got by him going into 3.”
Then he thanked Cole Nelson, Team Invader as well the people in that group.
This time the Senior LO206 class had 17 racers headed for the green. Unfortunately due to problems Kelly Chinander pulled out right after the green waved.
Up front Bryce Dickman as on point but behind him five or six karts tangled. Fortunately all but one or two were able to continue although one of them was black flagged from the race.
Three karts never completed a lap while Asa Gourley had problems and dropped out after four of them. Up front Dickman led Deeahmee Malone and Issac Bourque. Soon Dickman pulled a gap and Jacob Ciari made it a three-way-duel for second. During the race Malone posted the fastes lap at 41.420 seconds.

Right at the very end Alec Beaudoin went off track heading toward the white flag. One more lap and Dickman won the final race of the day followed by Malone, Bourque and Ciari.
After the race Dickman said, “Finally, I believe I led from green to checkered. There was a little bit of racing in the beginning. Guys poked their nose in, just didn’t have enough. I was able to pull away and think they started fighting behind me. Catching that lapper I was a little worried as I was catching them at a bad spot and it ended up working out. Track was great, a little slick this morning but got warmed up, dried off and was good.”
Then he thanked his father, who is the engineer, pit crew and crew chief and Cole Nelson as well as the entire Invader Team.
Next race is Sunday, June 27, for further information please check the club’s website at

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• Want a place to show your vehicle off and have a fun time Tuesday evening. Well the Grid in Fallon, located behind the Walmart, has a Sock Hop starting at 5:30 p.m. Good way to show off your car, truck or motorcycle and have a good time.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. In northwest Nevada, and all the way up to Susanville, it can be heard over the air at 1060 AM.

There is also a Podcast at or it can be seen live on Face Book and You Tube. This week the show will have two special guests.
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Tread Connection is our newest sponsor and Blake Sobiloff owns the local franchise. The business brings the tire store to the customer so they don’t have to take time off work or even leave home.
Once the tires are ordered Sobiloff picks them up and arrives where the customer’s car is in a van packed with state of the art equipment. He observes all safety precautions and it’s no contact so tires can be chosen and paid for online.
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His primary area is Reno and Sparks and one can either go to the Face Book page or check the website at The direct line to the business is 775-870-3600.
Next sponsor is G.I.S.L Land Services that, while having a global client base it has a Western U.S.A. Focus. Owner Greg Ekins is a long time off road motorcycle racer competing in the MRANN Series as well as the AMA National Hare and Hound series. Among the services offers are Surface and Mineral Title Reviews and Cartographic Services. The website is
Next sponsor is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists owned by former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
The shop services older and new transmissions and how has a section for high performance units and those used in towing. Phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is
Racing photographer Melissa Coker is another sponsor. If you raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake Raceway or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a photograph of your car on the track.
She’s also been at the Duel in the Desert, Northern Nevada Modified Tour, Wild West Tour and the IMCA Super Nationals. She produces hero cards and memory books. To see her collections or to place an order, check Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop. Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want. The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno, is another sponsor. The shop does quality collision repair for cars and trucks.
Owner Brian Saul is a car enthusiast himself and is committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or car enthusiasts? This site is a great way to expose your services to those communities. You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
RESULTS: Northern Nevada Kart Club – Round 3
Desert Park Raceway – May 23.
Kid Kart:
+ Heat Winners: #1 Cash Prater, #2 Cash Prater.
+ Main (6-Laps): 1. Cash Prater, 2. Drake Kephart, 3. Cayden Duncan, 4. Jameson Judd, 5. Davey Jorgenson.
+ Class Finishes:
– (Comer):1. Drake Kephart,2. Jameson Judd.
– (Honda): 1. Cash Prater, 2. Cayden Duncan, 3. Davey Jorgenson. ;
Junior 1 LO206:
+ Heat Winners: #1. Jeremiah Nobles, #2 Kayden Williams.
+ Main (14-Laps): 1. Kayden Williams, 2. Jeremiah Nobles, 3. Jeremy Heath, 4. Claire Thompson, 5. Skylar Gagnon, 6. George Hitti, 7. Wyatt Koch, 8. Noah Nobles, 9. Cody Ficarra, 10. Samantha Jalio.
Junior 2 LO206:
+ Heat Winners: #1 Brooks Anderline, #2 Brooks Anderline
+ Main (14-Laps): 1. Brooks Anderline, 2. Isaiah Nobles, 3. Giovanni L. Medina, 4. Joseph Hitti, 5. Nathan Heath, 6. Jack Foy, 7. Carter Chaffey.
+ Heat Winners: #1 Steve Ryckebosch, #2 Steve Ryckebosch.
+ Main (14-Laps): 1. Steve Ryckebosch, 2. William Owen, 3. Chris Bender, 4. Nat Sombatsiri, 5.Ereic Drummond, 6. Mike McMullen, 7 Troy Berry.
+ Class Finish:
– KT100 Masters: 1. Nat Sombatsiri, 2. Mike McMullen, 3. Troy Berry.
– Tag Master: 1.SteveRyckebosch, 2. William Owen, 3. Chris Bender, 4. Eric Drummond.
Super Stock:
+ Heat Winners: #1 Justin Heath, #2 Kory Williams.
+ Main(14-Laps): 1. Kory Williams, 2. Edward Atkins, 3. Justin Heath, 4. Brud Beaudoin, 5. Luke Anderson.
Heavy LO206:
+ Heat Winners: #1 Brandon Walsh, #2 Brandon Walsh.
+ Main (14-Laps): 1. Brandon Walsh, 2.Eric Kuzemchak, 3. Rachael Williams, 4. Josh Prater, 5. Jake Burchette, 6. Derek Anderline, 7. Walter Forbes, 8. Zack Koch, 9. Jessica Mansfield, 10. Ron Duminie, 11. Jazz Manning, 12. Gerry Altamira, 13. Jeff Jallo.
Senior LO206:
+ Heat Winners: #1 Alec Beaudoin, #2 Bryce Dickman.
+ Main(14-Laps): 1. Bryce Dickman, 2. Deeahmee Malone, 3.Issac Bourque, 4. Jacob Ciari, 5. Heavyn Hill, 6. Ethan Senna, 7. Noah Kitchingman, 8. Steve Dow, 9. Chris Echard, 10. Jeremy Clark, 11. Sassy McCormik, 12. Alec Beaudoin, 13. Asa Gourley, 14. Jonathan “Zach” Sievert, 15. Austin Hawkins, 16. Kyle Harlan, 17. Kelly Chinander.
+ Heat Winners: #1 Jeff Wamre, #2 Jeff Wamre.
+ Main (14-Laps): 1. Jeff Wamre, 2. Zeke Corson, 3. Skylar Corson, 4. Turbo Sombatsiri, 5. Adam Auerback.
+ Stock Moto 125: 1. Jeff Wamre, 2. Zeke Corson, 3. Adam Auerbach.
+F80: 1. Skylar Corson, 2. Turbo Sombatiri.