FERNLEY, NV (May 16) – Once again a huge number of riders converged on the Fernley Motocross Track, otherwise known as the Sandbox. They were there to compete in round 4 of this year’s Battle Born Motocross (BBMX) series.
For many classes there were almost full gates, always a good sign for the future of motocross in our area. In fact even the women classes nearly filled the starting gate.
Starting at the bottom of the age ladder are the Pee Wee or 50cc racers. These kids are earning their racing spurs and race in age groups like 4 to 6 and 7 years and older.

Ducati Fayet won the 4-6 class riding an electric motorcycle, something that’s not usually seen. Young Talon Baker scored a double when he won the 7 & Up and Open races.

Moving up to the 65cc class riders now have to learn how to shift as well as control a faster bike. It’s the next step up the racing ladder. Kalvin Roberts was another double winner as scored victories in the 9 & Under and Open races. Wyatt Berrington was the 10 & Up winner.

One fixture of the 65cc class is Abigail McIntyre wearing her distinctive pink Tutu as she races.
Next step on the ladder are the 85cc classes. Faster and a bit heavier bikes they are the last step before a rider graduates into the big bike classes. There were so many of them it took a LCQ race to set the final 12 & under and Open gate.

Rogen Hill scored double wins when he took the 13 & Up and Open races. Hudson Losey was the 12 & under winner while Samuel McCord won the Supermini class. The LCQ winners were Louis Hill Jr. in the 12 & under group while the Open LCQ winner was Garrett Berrington.
Motocross is a sport many compete in for most of their lives and at the top of that age ladder is the 60+ Class. They only had an Open group and Chris Ober was the winner.

One step down is the 50+ group and they have three divisions. Dan Galliett was the Open winner while Donald Goines won in Intermediate while Anthony Fagundes topped the Expert class.
In the 40+ division the class winners were Joel Ray, Beginner, Seth Stout in Junior, Bradley Lundeen won in Intermediate and the Expert winner was Dale Lundeen.
Next step down is the 30+ division and those winners were Cody Mathis in Beginner, Nicholas Cassinelli in Junior, Jayme Salo for Intermediate and the only Master was Zach Fields.
There was only the Open race for the 25+ class and Travis McIver was the winner. Club winner was Michael Worrall.
The Women’s A group was a family affair. Shai Potratz beat her sister Sedanna Losey, who was chased by her third place daughter Hayden Losey. The big story was the Women’s B group that had 21 racers at the gate and the winner of that class was Marissa Honeyman.

Both Schoolboy and Collegeboy ran together. Joshua Black was the Schoolboy winner while Garrett Hueftle scored a double when he won both Collegeboy and 250/450 Intermediate races. Another big bike double winner was Dylan Galliett, who both the Big Bike Open as well as the 250/450 Pro race. There was only one 125/250 Pro racer and that was Alec Green.

Otto Albrecht was another double winner when he topped both the 125/250 Junior and 250/450 Junior classes.
There were so many big bike riders it too a pair of LCQ races to set the 125/450 and 250 450 Beginner gates. Blake Morgan won the 125/450 Beginner LCQ while the 250/450 Beginner LCQ as Jeremy Rials. T
here were several crashes during the day but fortunately only two riders were transported to the hospital. Others if needed to be looked at were taken by their parents or pit crews. The conditions of these riders were unknown when this was published.
Next up for the Reno OTHG is the annual Memorial Day weekend national event. That brings riders from across the west and after Saturday’s two motos there is a BBQ. The final two motos are run Sunday. For further information please check the BBMX website at www.battlebornmx.com.
• There is a photo gallery after the results at the bottom of the article. It has most of the winners.

• Are you an experienced motorcycle tech looking for work. Well there is an opportunity for you as Moto-Source has a job opening. If that’s you please send your resume to rich@moto-source.com.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. In northwest Nevada, and all the way up to Susanville, it can be heard over the air at 1060 AM.

There is also a Podcast at amm.streamon.fm or it can be seen live on Face Book. Co-host Emily Cook is a young racer with a website, www.emilycookracing.com where she sells merchandise to help her efforts.
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We now have eight very appreciated sponsors supporting this site. Please patronize them as they support your sport and help nvracingnews continue. And let them know you heard about them through this site.
Tread Connection is our newest sponsor and Blake Sobiloff owns the local franchise. The business brings the tire store to the customer so they don’t have to take time off work or even leave home.
Once the tires are ordered Sobiloff picks them up and arrives where the customer’s car is in a van packed with state of the art equipment. He observes all safety precautions and it’s no contact so tires can be chosen and paid for online.
Another service he provides is scanning tires as that will tell if any alignment is needed. A useful service for fleet owners so they won’t find several vehicles need new tires at once. There are discounts for First Responders, veterans as well as active duty military and members of the National Guard and Reserves.
His primary area is Reno and Sparks and one can either go to the Face Book page or check the website at www.treadconnection.com. The direct line to the business is 775-870-3600.
Next sponsor is G.I.S.L Land Services that, while having a global client base it has a Western U.S.A. Focus. Owner Greg Ekins is a long time off road motorcycle racer competing in the MRANN Series as well as the AMA National Hare and Hound series.
Among the services offers are Surface and Mineral Title Reviews and Cartographic Services. The website is www.gislandservices.com.
Next sponsor is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists owned by former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
The shop services older and new transmissions and how has a section for high performance units and those used in towing. Phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is www.generaltransmissionreno.com.
Racing photographer Melissa Coker is another sponsor. If you raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake Raceway or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a photograph of your car on the track.
She’s also been at the Duel in the Desert, Northern Nevada Modified Tour, Wild West Tour and the IMCA Super Nationals. She produces hero cards and memory books. To see her collections or to place an order, check www.melissasoutonalimb.smugmug.com.
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is, www.rms-renomotorsports.com.
The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is, www.moto-source.com.
Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno, is another sponsor. The shop does quality collision repair for cars and trucks.
Owner Brian Saul is a car enthusiast himself and is committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is, www.concoursbodyshop.net.
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is www.pjandco.net.
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or car enthusiasts? This site is a great way to expose your services to those communities. You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
BBMX – Round 4 2021 Series Fernley Motocross Track – May 16 Due to the results being so late I’ll only post the first five in the results. The complete results can be seen at www.battlebornmotocross.com.
+ (4-6): 1. Ducati Fayet, 2. Parker Hatfield, 3. Suzuki Fayet, 4. Max Trotter, 5. Charlie Bagan.
+ ( 7 & Up): 1. Talon Baker, 2. Billy Smith, 3. Easton Yates, 4. Landyn Stills, 5. Colby Daniels.
+ Open: 1. Talon Baker, 2. Billy Smith, 3. Landyn Stills, 4. Ducati Fayet, 5. Easton Yates.
+ (9 & Under): 1. Kalvin Roberts, 2.Sean Panora, 3. Stephen Worrall, 4. London Wooten, 5. Guage Conner.
+ (10 & Up): 1. Wyatt Berrington, 2. Sam Mukha, 3. Isaac Bryant, 4. Ryder Duncan, 5. Wyatte Lavezzo.
+ Open: 1. Kalvin Roberts, 2. Wyatt Berrington, 3. Jaiden Roberts, 4. Sam Mukha, 5. London Wooten.
+ (12 & Under): 1. Hudson Losey, 2. Jonny Simpson, 3. Rocket Richardson, 4. Pierson Potratz, 5. Garrett Berrington.
+ (12 & Under)(LCQ): 1. Louis Hill Jr., 2. Landon Gafford, 3. Elias Xavier, 4. Deegan Selby, 5 Nathan Kuehner.
+ (13 & Up): 1. Rogen Hill, 2. Luke Kunkel, 3. Hugwapi Minder, 4. Austin Squier, 5. Emma Helming. +
Open: 1. Rogen Hill, 2. Luke Kunkel, 3. Connor Gaarenstroom, 4. Hugwapi Minder, 5. Hudson Losey. +
Open (LCQ): 1. Garrett Berrington, 2. A.J. Culver, 3. Liam Rasmussen, 4. Broxton Potratz, 5. Austin Partelow.
+ Supermini: 1. Samuel McCord, 2. Luke Kunkel, 3. Rogen Hill, 4. Connor Gaarenstroom, 5. Hudson Losey.
+ Open: 1. Chris Ober, 2. Jake Jacobs, 3. Tom Baugh, 4. Mark Lane, 5. Larry Cunnally.
+ Jr: 1. Dan Galliett, 2. Mike Riippi, 3. Bob Heeb, 4. Lonnie Madsen, 5. Larry Mulock.
+ Interm: 1.Donald Goines, 2. Zak Shules.
+ Exp: 1. Anthony Fagundes, 2. Gilbert Chick.
+ Beg: 1. Joel Ray, 2. Mike Cross, 3. Jeremy Rials, 4. David Squier, 5. Curtis Kibbe.
+ Jr.: 1. Seth Stout, 2. Dan Galliett, 3. Adam McMillen, 4. Peter Pensotti, 5. Jason Rubero.
+ Intrm: 1. Bradley Lundeen, 2. Chad Olson, 3. Aaron Bissell, 4. Chad Johnson. + Exp: 1. Dale Lundeen, 2. Rich Thorwaldson.
+ Beg: 1. Cody Mathis, 2. Joey Trotter, 3. Warren Slater, 4. Peter Pensotti, 5. John Marchant.
+ Jr.: 1. Nicholas Cassinelli, 2. Swade Malloy, 3. Casey Segale, 4. Jason Simpson, 5. Jeremy Ellison.
+ Intrm: 1. Jayme Salo, 2. Logan Larive, 3. Michael Worrall, 4. Cody Powing, 5. Tyler Bryant.
+ Master: 1. Zach Fields.
+ Open: 1. Travis McIver, 2. Tyler Pfeifer, 3. Zach Fields, 4. Logan Larive, 5. Rowdy Wachsmuth.
Club Moto: 1. Michael Worrall, 2. Aaron Bissell, 3. Jessie Gregg, 4. Chad Olson, 5. Chris Leone.
+ B: 1. Marissa Honeyman, 2. Emma Helming, 3. Lilian McMillen, 4. Naomi Wyant, 5. Christian Courtney.
+ A: 1.Shami Potratz, 2. Sedanna Losey, 3. Hayden Losey.
2-Stroke Open: 1. Ethan Lewis, 2. Connor Clifford, 3. Ayden Katzenmeyer, 4. Ian Wicker, 5. Richard Parise.
Big Bike Open: 1. Dylan Galliett, 2. Joshua Black, 3. Gabriel Marchant, 4. Geoffrey Buscho,5.Christopher McPartin.
Schoolboy: 1. Joshua Black, 2. Ayden Katzenmeyer, 3. Samuel McCord, 4. Rogen Hill, 5. Gabriel Marchant.
Collegeboy: 1. Garrett Hueftle, 2. Ethan Lewis, 3. Mason Stone, 4. Tristen Mathisen.
125/250: +Beg: 1. Skyler Giovannetti, 2. Zachary Cardenas, 3. Gunner Smieroth, 4. Justin Curtis, 5.Blake Morgan.
+ Beg. (LCQ): 1. Blake Morgan, 2. Terrance Fetterly, 3.Brin Reynolds, 4. Justin McCord, 5. Kelly Enget.
+ Jr: 1. Otto Albrecht, 2. Seth Clark, 3.Declan Kahabka, 4. Tsiidopi Minder, 5. Dawson Daniels.
+ Intrm: 1.Zayne Billell.
+ Pro: 1. Alec Green. 250/450:
+ Beg (main): 1.Rian Greenwell, 2. Zachary Cardenas, 3. Christian Parker, 4. Chris Slobogin, 5. Justin Curtis.
+ Beg (LCQ): 1. Jeremy Rials, 2. Tyler Jones, 3. Michael Tully, 4. Enzo Sowle, 5.Jacob Perez.
+ Jr: 1. Otto Albrecht, 2. Seth Clark, 3. Gabriel Marchant, 4. Reile Cole.
+ Intrm: 1.Garrett Hueftle, 2. Mason Stone, 3. Tristen Mathisen, 4. Kyle Zimmer, 5. Tyler Gunn.
+ Pro: 1. Dylan Galliett, 2. Tyler Pfeifer, 3. Tim Stone, 4. Nate Tiearney, 5. Travis McIver.
Super Mini Winner Samuel McCord. Schoolboy winner Joshua Black Collegeboy and 250/450 Intermediate winner Garrett Hueftle. Dylan Galliett scored victories in both the Big Bike Open as well as topping the 250/450 Pro class. 125/250 Beginner winner Skyler Giovannetti. Otto Albrecht scored wins in the 125/250 Junior and 250/450 Junior classes. Hudson Losey won the 85cc 12 & Over race. Kalvin Roberts leads a start. He scored victories in both the 65cc Open as well as the 9 & Under classes. 65cc Open winner was Cruzite Jimenez. One feature of the 65cc class is Abigail McIntyre as she wears a pink tutu when racing. The 65cc 10 and over winner was Wyatt Berrington. Another double winner was Talon Baker as he topped the 50cc 7 & Over as well as the 50cc Open races. The 50+ Junior winner was Dan Galliett. One unusual bike, at least for now, is the electric motorcycle Ducati Fayel rode to victory in the 50cc 4 to 6 Class. Joel Ray won the 40+ Beginner class. The 40+ Junior winner was Seth Stout. Cody Mathis was the 30+ Beginner winner. Nicholas Cassinelli won the 30+ Junior class. The 30+ Intermediate winner is Jayme Salo The 25+ Open winner was Travis McIver. Rian Greenwell won the 250/450 Beginner class. Rogen Hill was another double winner when he topped the 85cc 13 & Over as well as the 85cc Open races. Ethan Lewis was the 2-Stroke Open winner.