FALLON, NV (April 24) – Rattlesnake Raceway began its 2021 season with a two-day show on Friday and Saturday. While the last day began windy that eased after sunset.
Starting the night were the Hobby Stock racers. When the green waved Richie Altman was briefly in the lead until Victor Richey used an inside pass to take the point. In back of the leader Jacob Dias was charging through the pack. Eventually he scored the victory followed by Richey and Dan Dias.

For Jacob Dias this was his 100th Hobby Stock win. He celebrated by stopping on the front straight then he climbed on top of the car waving a checkered flag.
There were two classes of sprints as the Battle Born Winged Sprints were on hand. The first was the restricted class.
When the green waved all 13 cars took off with Trey Walters on point. After that the cautions began to happen so the race had a stop-and-start feel to it.
Walters seems to have everything in hand but was being chased by Bruce Ferrier. Then things changed when the right side plate of Walters wing came off.
Since he caused the yellow Walters was put to the back while Ferrier was on point for the restart. Now the chase was on as Walters carved his way through the pack.

Late in the race there was one more caution and on that start Walters took the lead back from Ferrier and they finished in that order.
When the Dwarf Car main began Joe Frock rocketed inside and grabbed the lead. Unfortunately he was just a touch early so a restart was ordered.
This time Dan Geil was on point while Frock was giving chase. The race was slowed by two quick cautions but Frock had taken the lead by then.

From that point Frock extended his lead although Tim Fitzpatrick was doing his best to chase him. They finished in that order with Chris Christiano coming home third.
There were only four A-Mods in their main. On the green Chris Olexiewicz was on point while Wade Lumsden was trying to challenge him.

The only caution came after Vincent Evenson spun but up front Olexiewicz held the lead and Paul Culp moved into second. So at the checkered flag the order was Olexiewicz, Culp, Lumsden and Evenson.

There were only four unrestricted sprint cars and it was all Trey Walters, who borrowed a wing from another racer, as he led from green to checkered with Nick Purdy in second.

The Gen-X main began with a few quick cautions. In the last one both leaders caused it so were sent to the back. A couple of more cautions slowed the pace and three cars were unable to finish the race. In the end Travis Showe won followed by Jorden Riley and Cooper Lee.

Finally, after the track was watered, it was time for the Bootleggers main. When the green waved 15 cars took off, although due to the slick track speeds were on the slow side.
In the end three Fallon drivers finished one-two-three; they were Rusty McMillan, Stuart Satathite and Glenn Lee.
REPORTERS NOTE: The Friday results are at the end of this article. However did not find results for the sprint cars.
Now there is a long break until Rattlesnake has races again. The next scheduled events are May 29/30, which is a Saturday/Sunday double header.

• Moto-Source is hiring. If you’re an experienced motorcycle tech this could be an opportunity. Check the poster and send in a resume.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. In Northwest Nevada you can hear the show over the air on 1060 AM.

The show is also on a Podcast at amm.streamon.fm and can be seen live on Face Book. Co-host Emily Cook has a website, www.emilycookracing.com where she has updates and sells merchandise to help fund her racing efforts.
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We now have eight very appreciated sponsors supporting this site.
Please patronize them as they support your sport and help nvracingnews continue. And let them know you heard about them through this site.
Tread Connection is our newest sponsor and Blake Sobiloff owns the local franchise. The business brings the tire store to the customer so they don’t have to take time off work or even leave home.
Once the tires are ordered Sobiloff picks them up and arrives where the customer’s car is in a van packed with state of the art equipment. He observes all safety precautions and it’s no contact so tires can be chosen and paid for online.
Another service he provides is scanning tires as that will tell if any alignment is needed. A useful service for fleet owners so they won’t find several vehicles need new tires at once. There are discounts for First Responders, veterans as well as active duty military and members of the National Guard and Reserves. His primary area is Reno and Sparks and one can either go to the Face Book page or check the website at www.treadconnection.com. The direct line to the business is 775-870-3600.
Next sponsor is G.I.S.L Land Services that, while having a global client base it has a Western U.S.A. Focus. Owner Greg Ekins is a long time off road motorcycle racer competing in the MRANN Series as well as the AMA National Hare and Hound series.
Among the services offers are Surface and Mineral Title Reviews and Cartographic Services. The website is www.gislandservices.com.
Next sponsor is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists owned by former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
The shop services older and new transmissions and how has a section for high performance units and those used in towing. Phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is www.generaltransmissionreno.com.
Racing photographer Melissa Coker is another sponsor. If you raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake Raceway or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a photograph of your car on the track.
She’s also been at the Duel in the Desert, Northern Nevada Modified Tour, Wild West Tour and the IMCA Super Nationals. She produces hero cards and memory books. To see her collections or to place an order check at www.melissasoutonalimb.smugmug.com.
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is, www.rms-renomotorsports.com.
The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is, www.moto-source.com.
Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno, is another sponsor. The shop does quality collision repair for cars and trucks.
Owner Brian Saul is a car enthusiast himself and is committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is, www.concoursbodyshop.net.
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is www.pjandco.net.
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or car enthusiasts? This site is a great way to expose your services to those communities. You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
Rattlesnake Raceway – Fallon, Nevada.
• Saturday, April24:
+ Gen-X: – Heat Winners: #1 Travis Showe, #2 Cooper Lee.
– Main: 1. Travis Showe, 2. Jorden Riley, 3. Cooper Lee, 4.Coltn Blankenship, 5. Ashley Davis, 6.Daniel Kleve, 7. Jerome Kieve, 8. Angelo Rallo, 9. Alessio Burnett, 10. Shane Ussery.
+ Dwarf Cars:
– Heat Winners: #1 Tim Fitzpatrick, #2 DanGeil.
– Main: 1. Joe Frock, 2. Tim Fitzpatrick, 3. Chris Christiano, 4. Dan Geil, 5.Glenn Sciarani, 6. Dillon Kintz, 7. Justin Schilling.
+ Hobby Stocks:
– Heat Winners: #1 Richie Altman, #2 Jacob Dias.
– Main: 1. Jacob Dias, 2.Victor Richey, 3. Dan Dias, 4. Bradley Schmidt, 5. Shane Boyd, 6. Angela Dias, 7. Richie Altman.
– DNS: Ray Eder.
+ Bootleggers:
– Heat Winners: #1. Ace Green, #2 Ray Blankenship.
– Main: 1. Rusty McMillan, 2. Stuart Satathite, 3. Glenn Lee, 4. Logan Sage, 5.Jeff Tuttle, 6. Shari Hollis, 7. Charles Hooten, 8. Roberte Schostag, 9.Ray Blankenship, 10. Taggart Garland, 11. Ace Green, 12. Maverick Boney, 13. Joseph Cook, 14*. Jeremy Lampley, 15* Joseph Keough.
– DNS: Cameron Fortune, Shane Rasmussen Jr., Robbie Schostag.
+ IMCA Mods:
– Heat Winner: Chris Olexiewicz.
– Main: 1. Chris Olexiewicz, 2. Paul Clup, 3. Wade Lumsden, 4. Vincent Evenson.
Northern Nevada Sprints*:
– Restricted Heat winners: #1 Trey Walters, #2 Bruce Ferrier.
– Unrestricted Heat Winner: Trey Walters.
– Restricted Main (14-Laps): 1. Trey Walters, 2.Bruce Ferrier, 3. Unlisted, 4. Seth Jezek, 5. Justin Bolt, 6. Unlisted, 7. Josh Bolt, 8. JustinDe George, 9. Unlisted, 10. Larry Tachovsky, 11. Jacob Dias.
– Unrestricted Main (12-Laps): 1. Trey Walters, 2. Nick Purdy, 3. Orry Stevens, 4. Wade Taylor.
* – Unfortunately on My Laps there are no names listed only car numbers but I was able to find many of the names for the sprint car drivers. Many thanks to Troy White.
• Friday, April 23:
+ Gen-X:
– Heat Winners: #1 Cooper Lee, #2 Travis Showe
– Main: 1.Travis Showe, 2.Jorden Riley, 3. Cooper Lee, 4. Angelo Ralio, 5. Shane Ussery, 6. Jonathan Mearse, 7. Alessio Burnett, 8. Colton Blankenship.
– DNS: Ashley Davis.
+ Dwarf Cars:
– Heat Winners: #1 Glenn Sciarani, #2 Joe Frock.
– Main: 1. Joe Frock, 2. Tim Fitzpatrick, 3. Dan Geil, 4.Chris Christiano, 5.Justin Schilling, 6. John Williams, 7. Samantha Marshall, 8. Kelly Kennemore, 9. Glenn Sciarani.
+ Hobby Stock:
– Heat Winners: #1 Dan Dias, #2 Richie Altman.
– Main: 1. Dan Dias, 2. Richie Altman, 3. Shane Boyd, 4. Angela Dias, 5. Ray Eder.
+ Bootleggers:
– Heat Winners: #1 Glenn Lee, #2 Rusty McMillan.
– Main: 1. Rusty McMillan, 2. Ace Green, 3. Stuart Satathite, 4. Taggart Garland, 5. Charles Hooten, 6. Logan Sage, 7. Shane Rasmussen Jr., 8. Robert Schostag, 9. Joseph Keough, 10. Jeremy Lampley, 11. Joseph Cook, 12. Cameron Fortune, 13.Glenn Lee, 14. Jeff Tuttle, 15. Ray Blankenship, 16. Robbie Schostag.
+ Sport Mods:
– Heat Winner: Ryan Belli.
– Main: 1. Ryan Belli, 2.Jeff Tuttle.
+ IMCA A Mods:
– Heat Winners: #1 Dave Sciarroni, #2 Shawn Natenstedt.
– Main: 1. Wade Lumsen, 2. Jonathan Delavega.