RENO, NV (Dec. 14) – The holidays are a time of giving as people work to help the less fortunate. The Aces High Rally held two toy drives over the past two week to help the Toys for Tots program.

This Sunday the location was the Lucky Beaver Bar and Burger on South Virginia Street not far from the Atlantis. One local shop and a car club were sponsors of this effort while Dreu Murin Productions promoted both events.
Over at one end of the building there was a large stash of toys that kept growing as people stopped by and donated new, unwrapped items.

General manager Kevin McGirk was very pleased and noted the efforts of Dreu Murin, as his Tahoe based production company did the advertising and promotion.
“Great, great turn out, we got so many people in the last week that just stopped by, dropped stuff off as well as today,” McGirk said. “Tahoe was last week and we did over $10,000 in toys so hopefully we’ll be able to match that if not do better. We’re really extremely grateful for all the local support we’ve received for this event. It’s really neat to see everybody come together and help people at really need it during the holidays.”

Murin also had two special guests that were at the Tahoe event come down and help out. The arrival of Santa and Mr. Claus was a huge hit with the youngsters that were there. Not to mention many of the adults as well.

The donations will go to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots campaign. This week is the final one in the effort as the toys now will be wrapped and distributed to those in need. The goal is to make sure as many youngsters as possible have something under their tree on Christmas.
• Earlier that day Sparks Cars & Coffee held its second weekend of the month by Buffalo Wild Wings. Unfortunately the attendance was sparse mainly do to the cold and chance of rain.
One of those attending was Angel Madrid, who bought his 2001 Porsche 996 Carrera.

“It has about 300 horsepower, all stock and is about 2,900 pounds,” he said. “I love it, it’s an amazing car, handles amazing and drives very well and has a lot of performance for what it is.”
While he’s only had the car for two months Madrid has future plans for some mods he’d like to add.
“For now I’m thinking bolt ons I want to do but all are pending,” he said. “For now I’m thinking a colder intake, exhaust work then probably get it dyno tuned to see how hight I can get it up to. Later on I’ll probably do a turbo set up on it.”
Charles Doyle was also there. He runs Sparks Cars & Coffee and brought thee Jeep he’s been working on for his girl friend.

“This Jeep is a ’98 Cherokee XJ, the ’97 to 2001 Cherokee has the same interior and drive train as the Wranglers so they’re really sought after. I’ve had six of them,” he said. “The lift I designed, a LCG, low center of gravity lift, with the newer factory 32’s from the Rubicon. So besides lifting it as minimal as possible I’ve had to make the fenders fit. This came from the factory with 29 inch tires and I’m going to make it look like it came from the factory with 32’s.”
The Jeep is actually being built for his girl friend as it’s her first 4-wheel drive. So far he’s built the engine and transmission and work continues as she can afford it.
Over the years Doyle has produced many car shows and he’s been a producer for most of his life. He also has a plan to expand the Sparks Cars & Coffee.
“I’m going to add the fourth weekend of the month,” he said. “Everyone seems to think that’s what we do anyway and I was keeping that weekend open for the community. I’ve only created this Cars & Coffee as my give back to the community but I’m doing the 4th Sunday so we’ll start that pretty quick.”
He did add that when its winter one never knows what the turn out will be although when the weather was warmer there were more cars.
Next week Reno Cars & Coffee has it’s third Sunday of the month meet at Del Rio Pub & Grill. Of course that turn out will depend on the weather.
• Due to the host being under the weather Teresa’s Garage Radio Show will be a “Best Of,” repeat. The show is on from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoons.

Over the air in the Reno/Sparks area it can be heard on either 1180 or 11 60 AM. If one goes to the program’s Face Book page one can see the videos of past shows. Hopefully she’ll be well and the show will be live next week.
• If you enjoyed this article please “like,” and share it as widely as possible. Comments are welcome.
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We now have seven very appreciated sponsors supporting this site. Please patronize them as they not only support your sport but they help nvracingnews continue. Please let them know you heard about them through this site.
Our newest sponsor is G.I.S.L Land Services that, while having a global client base it has a Western U.S.A. Focus. Owner Greg Ekins is a long time off road motorcycle racer competing in the MRANN Series as well as the AMA National Hare and Hound series.
Among the services offers are Surface and Mineral Title Reviews and Cartographic Services. The website is
Another great sponsor is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
Former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian is the owner and they not only service older and newer transmission but now have a section dealing with high performance units including those used for towing.
The phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is
Another sponsor is fantastic race photographer Melissa Coker. If you have raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake Raceway or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a photograph of your car on the track.
She’s also been at the IMCA Duel in the Desert was well as the Wild West Tour and IMCA Super Nationals in Boone, Iowa. Melissa not only has photos of the cars, and many times drivers, but she can produce hero cards and even a book covering from your season.
To see her collections or to place an order please check her website at
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
The next sponsor is an excellent place if you need collision repair on your car or truck. It’s Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno and has a long history of first class repairs.
Brian Saul is the owner, a car enthusiast himself and he’s committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. If you’re a rider, well Wednesday evening is Bike Night, always a great time to see some great looking bikes and meet like-minded people.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
REPORTER’S NOTE: After being closed for the past weeks PJ&CO will reopen Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 7 a.m.
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or an off road demographic? We are always looking for more sponsors and will expose your business to the racing and off road community in this area.
You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.