NIGHTINGALE, NV (Nov. 1) – A long time tradition was observed this weekend as the Tank Slappers Motor Cycle club staged the most recent round in the MRANN series. This race always falls on the Nevada Day/Halloween weekend.
Warm dry weather greeted the big bike racers Sunday and they used a Le Mans start to get things going. Each class has a separate start and riders would prop their bikes with either a stake or kickstand if they had one.

When a banner is raised everyone is ready and when it drops the riders run to their bikes. Now motocross boots aren’t the best running foot ware but everyone made it, kicked their bikes to life and disappeared in a long cloud of dust.
As usual to be classed as a finisher a rider has to complete one lap while those going for a better finish will do both of the 53-miles long loops.

After taking the checkered flag winner Brody Honea said, “I definitely didn’t get the hole shot, came through the dust making up a couple of spots ended up about sixth or seventh out of the dust. Then just tried to make clean passes and not make any mistakes.
“Ended up getting all the way to second on the first lap. Austin had about a minute on me at the pits then I just keyed off of him and waited for him to make mistakes on the second loop and I passed him in the big sand wash right before the house.’
Then he thanked Trail Blazers, girl friend Nickie, parents, Oniel, Mika Bars, Pro Circuit, DDC, Bell and One 11 Concepts for suspension work.
As they started each line disappeared in a huge cloud of dust. After that it was on to the loop that actually brought them back to where the start had been. As usual the Experts went first followed, with a good interval of time, by the Amateurs and then Novice riders.
When the lead duo headed into the pits there was about a minute gap between them and they had a huge lead on third place. After leaving the pits Honea made the winning pass and ended the race with almost a five-minute gap between himself and the runner up, Austin Wilson.

After taking the checkered flag Wilson said, “Brody got me probably 10 minutes into the second loop. I gave it my all tried to come in first that first lap kind of feeling he was coming so I pulled off to the side and rode dust free after that. Then I got tired, wasn’t hydrated enough and just wanted to get home safe as I’ve got to go to school tomorrow.”
Then he gave his father special thanks. Josh Wilson was at alternate gas and his quick filling helped keep Austin toward the front. He also thanked Paul Ziegler at Reno Motorsports for helping with bike parts. Then he also thanked Titan for getting the bike ready, DDC and the Trail Blazers for all their help in the pits.
Further back amateur Carson Calder, from Spring Creek, not only overcame the time difference between his line and the experts but entered the pits 15th overall. His second loop was just as good and he finished 13th overall, guess he’ll soon join the expert ranks.

“It was super technical, dusty and I had a flat tire about 30 miles in,” he said. “I just tried to stay smooth and entire time and pushed through.”
Then he thanked his parents and the Gold Diggers Motorcycle Club.

Another riders having a good day was Camie Ingram. She used a good, steady ride to end up 30th overall and was the highest woman finisher.
Not far behind her came the first Novice Mario Murillo from Winnemucca riding in his first ever MRANN race. A last minute challenge by Austin Hough meant Murillo’s lead at the finish was a scant few seconds.

After catching his breath and having a drink Murillo said, “This is the first MRANN I’ve ever done. I’ve had family and friends always want me to raee for year. I’ve always said, ‘no, no its not for me,’ so this is the first one I’ve done.
“It’s a heck of a race, a lot of endurance. It was really silty and we haven’t had rain in months so its definitely bug dusty and a heck of course these guys set up.”

Asked about the close finish he said, “I was in first for the whole race in the very last section in the last mile he came up on me out of no where. It was time to turn up the jets. I give him credit he came from out of nowhere.”
Then he thanked his friends and family for being there to support him and the Tankslappers for putting on the race.

The day was also blessed with the Desert Angel, AKA Rachel Roen. She only raced for one lap due to her wings getting a bit tattered. She was one of the very few adults in costume.
• Saturday was when the Pee Wee racers, Saturday women as well as the Bomber/Vintage bikes took to a short course. Many of the youngest riders were in costume as it is a fun event for them.
That evening there was also trick or treating for the youngsters and they made some great hauls of candy and things. At the same time the adults were visiting and enjoying the family event.
Saturday’s results are posted below.

Next up for MRANN is the season ending race outside of Winnemucca staged by the Gold Diggers Motorcycle Club. For further information please check MRANN’s website at
• This week, due to the election, Teresa’s Garage Radio Show will be a “Best of Show.” Next week the gang will be back live and in the studio.
MRANN – Round 6
Nightingale, Nevada
(Results are unofficial and subject to change. After review they will be posted on MRANN’s website.)
Sunday, November 1.
• Partial Overall (2-lap finishers): 1.Brody Honea, (Open Exp.), 2. Austin Wilson, (250 Exp.), 3.Daron Rahlves, 4. Stephen Tichenor, 5.Wyatt Brittner, 6. Josh Cook (4-Stk Exp.), 7. Walker McGreal (200 Exp.), 8. Stephen Helms, 9. Chris Mass, 10. Geoff Buscho, 11. Henry Anderson, 12. Phil Fell (40+ Exp.), 13. Carson Calder, (250 Ama), 14. Clay Renner (Open Ama), 15. Alex Edwardson, 16. Andrew Robinson, 17. Jesse Richardson (30+ Exp), 18. Kyle Negus,19. Wiles Stapp, (30+ Ama), 20. Jesse White (4-Stk Ama), 21. Nathan Owen, 22.David Inmon, 23. Stu Sears, (40+ Ama), 24. Brooke Fawcett, 25. Tyler Seehuetter, 26. Ian Prince, 27. Logan Larive, 28. Blair Rankin, 29. Will Allen, 30. Camie Ingram (Wmn Ama), 31. Mario Murillo (Open Nov.), 32.Austin Hough, 33. Matt Chamblin, 34. Steven Mitchell (40+ Nov), 35. Zayne Swindells, 36. Jerome Turnbull (33T), 37. Jake Walker, 38. Richie Burr, 39. Danny Young (50+ Exp.), 40. R.J.Moore, 41. Jordan Brown
Saturday, Oct 31
• Pee WeeOverall: 1. Liam Rasmussen, 2. Cash Conner, 3. Mason McGreeal, 4. Wyatt Lavezro, 5. Vaughn Brannan, 6. Quinn Connors, 7. Logan Johnson, 8. Oliver Lapin, 9. Makai Bist, 10. Cruz Grant, 11.Landen Ruano, 12. Billy Smith, 13. Walker Segale-VanDover, 14. Maxwell Wickware, 15. Isaac Bryant, 16. Gage Kelly, 17. Teigen Biddle, 18.Noah Acree, 19. Chase Ruano, 20. Robert Belinger, 21. Ada Sangster, 22. Jake Lazzarino, 23. Hudson Hill, 24. Devon Tichenor, 25. Hunter Wellton, 26. Lilly Johnson, 27. Luke Williams, 28. Kayleen Silva, 29. Jake O’Connell, 30. Scout Grunseth, 31. Brock Belinger.
Class Finishs:
+ 6 & Under: 1. Maxwell Wickware, 2. Robert Belinger, 3. Hudson Hill, 4. Luke Williams, 5. Kayleen Silva, 6. Scout Grupseth, 7. Brock Belinger.
+ 7 & Over: 1. Quinn Connors, 2. Oliver Lapin, 3. Billy Smith, 4. Walker Seagle-VanDover, 5. Tiegen Biddle, 6. Devan Tichenor, 7. Jake O’Connell.
+ 4-Stroke: 1. Logan Johnson, 2. Cruz Girant, 3. Gage Kelly, 4. Ada Sangster, 5.Jake Lazzarino, 6. Lily Johnson.
+ 65 Beginner: 1. Liam Rasmussen, 2. Cash Conner, 3. Mason McGreal, 4. Wyatt Lavezzo, 5. Vaughn Brannan, 6. Makai Bist, 7. Landen Ruaro, 8. Isaac Bryant, 9. Noah Acree, 10. Chase Ruaro, 11. Hunter Welton.
• Mini/Women/Bomber Overall: 1. Austin Ken, 2. Lukas Dean, 3. Joroan Maas, 4. Austin Hough, 5. Jesse Miller, 6. Jacob Engelke, 7. Sarah Marsh, 8. Carson Key, 9. Setten Fullenwider, 10. Wyatt Rankin, 11.Taylor Kemp, 12. Peyton Maas, 13. Arie Furldng, 14. Henry Young, 15. Gatlin Knight, 16. Scott Martin, 17. Titan Allen, 18. Angie Figg, 19. Ted Elswich, 20. Reid Jones, 21. Allison Clift-Jeanings, 22. Ryder Allon, 23. Casey Pinther, 24. Noah Acree, 25. Robert Burns, 26. Luke Brown, 27. Colleen Conners, 28. Ben Malone, 29. Megan West, 30. Kenny Whitwoles, 31. Devyn Leppek, 32. Alex Parker, 33. Lisa Davis, 34. Amanda Novick, 35. Kate Soars, 36. Kaydence Marsh, 37. Chelsea Webber, 38. Max Elswick, 39. Addison Humphrey, 40. Logan Goffiwett, 41. Kyra Tichenor, 42. Shea Zastawniak, 43. Emily Hall, 44. Cash Conners, 45. Landon Gafford, 46. Johnathan Moffitt.
Class Finishes:
+ 65 Exp-Ama: 1. Peyton Maas, 2. Henry Young, 3.Noah Acree, 4. Luke Brown.
+ Mini Bikes: 1. Austin Key, 2. Lucas Dean, 3. Jordan Maas, 4.Austin Hough, 5. Jesse Miller, 6. Jacob Engelke, 7. Carson Key, 8. Setten Fullenwider, 9. Wyatt Rankin, 10. Gatlin Knight, 11. Titan Allen, 12. Reid Jones, 13. Ryder Allen, 14. Casey Pinther, 15. Ben Malone, 16. Devyn Leeppek, 17. Alex Parker, 18. Kaydence Marsh, 19. Logan Goffinet, 20. Kyra Tichenor, 21. Shea Fastawniak, 22. Cash Conners, 23.Landen Gaffod, 24. Jonathan Moffett.
+ Women: 1.Sarah Marsh, 2. Taylor Kemp, 3. Angie Figg, 4. Allison Clift- Jennings, 5. Colleen Conners, 6. Megan West, 7. Lisa Davis, 8. Amanda Novick, 9. Kate Sears, 10. Chelsea Webber, 11. Addison Humphrey, 12. Emily Hall.
+ Bomber/Vintage: 1. Arie Furlong, 2. Scott Martin, 3. Ted Elswick, 4. Robert Burns, 5. Kenay Whitworth, 6. Max Elswick.
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We now have seven very appreciated sponsors supporting this site. Please patronize them as they not only support your sport but they help nvracingnews continue. Please let them know you heard about them through this site.
Our newest sponsor is G.I.S.L Land Services that, while having a global client base it has a Western U.S.A. Focus. Owner Greg Ekins is a long time off road motorcycle racer competing in the MRANN Series as well as the AMA National Hare and Hound series.
Among the services offers are Surface and Mineral Title Reviews and Cartographic Services. The website is
Another great sponsor is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
Former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian is the owner and they not only service older and newer transmission but now have a section dealing with high performance units including those used for towing.
The phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is
Another sponsor is fantastic race photographer Melissa Coker. If you have raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake Raceway or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a photograph of your car on the track.
She’s also been at the IMCA Duel in the Desert was well as the Wild West Tour and IMCA Super Nationals in Boone, Iowa. Melissa not only has photos of the cars, and many times drivers, but she can produce hero cards and even a book covering from your season.
To see her collections or to place an order please check her website at
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
The next sponsor is an excellent place if you need collision repair on your car or truck. It’s Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno and has a long history of first class repairs.
Brian Saul is the owner, a car enthusiast himself and he’s committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. If you’re a rider, well Wednesday evening is Bike Night, always a great time to see some great looking bikes and meet like-minded people.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or an off road demographic? We are always looking for more sponsors and will expose your business to the racing and off road community in this area.
You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.