FERNLEY, NV (Oct. 25) – After a many months long hiatus the Reno chapter of the Over The Hill Gang was able to stage a race at the Sand Box, or Fernley Motocross Track, this weekend.
After a 70-degree Saturday for practice, racers were greeted Sunday by temperatures in the 30’s with a wind blowing. As expected there was a large group ready to race and expecting frozen fingers.

Only two pros were on hand and Justin Minsch scored victories in 125/250 and 259.450 Pro classes. Then Minsch went on to claim the only triple class victory of the weekend by also winning the 25+ Open motos, the last one actually closed out the racing day.
At the lower end of the age scale there are the Pee Wees. These youngsters race 50cc single speed bikes and are earning their riding and racing spurs.

Maverick Parke won the 4to 6 class while Jayden Latham scored double victories when he won both the7 and Up as well as the Open races.

Once riders move up to the 65cc Class they now have to learn shifting as well as racing a faster bike. Jevin Hubbard won the 9 & Under victory while Garrett Berrington was another double winner when he topped the 10 and Up Class and the 65cc Open races.
Moving up to the 85cc division these little speedsters are the last small bike class. Graduating from this means a rider will finally reach the big bike divisions.

Connor Gaarenstroom won the 85cc 13 and Up class while Rogen Hill scored a double victory winning both the 85cc Open and, being the only Supermini on hand, won that division as well.

Another double winner for the day was Mike McMurry scoring victories in the 60 plus as well as the 50 plus Intermediate classes. Keven Stewart was the 50 plus Junior winner while Anthony Fagundes won in the 50 plus Expert class.
There are also classes in the 40 and 30 plus age groups as well as the 25 plus class. In the two school related classes Demetre Proutsos won the Schoolboy overall while Eddy Minard was the Collegboy winner.
Casey Carmichael was another double winner when he topped the Big Bike Open and the 125/250 Intermediate Class while Chase Cannizzaro won the 2-Stroke Open.

Ashleigh Trapanese won the Women’s A class while Sierra Koch was the Women’s B winner. In another special race Tommy Jean won both club motos.
The large fields reflected the strength of the motocross community in Northern Nevada. In fact there were so many in the125/250 Beginner class it had to be broken into a pair of divisions as each either filled the starting gate or almost did.
Matthew Dufue won division one while the division two winner was Jess Wilford and Cole Palotas was the junior winner.
The fastest and biggest bikes are in the 250/450 classes. Nicholas Wilford was the beginner winner while Otto Albrecht won in the junior division. On this day Kyle Zimmer was the only Intermediate racing so he won that division.
With few exceptions the medics weren’t busy at all and no one earned an ambulance ride to the hospital. Considering the day’s temperature there were plenty of frozen fingers and a lot of hot showers Sunday evening were probably going to happen.
As it currently stands the next BBMX race at Fernley is scheduled for November 8. In these uncertain times be sure to check their website at www.battlebornmx.com or the Face Book page.
REPORTER’S NOTE: For some reason was unable to load a photo gallery I had made of most of the second moto winner. Sorry I can’t include that right now.

• For those wishing to race in the Tankslappers event this weekend on line sign ups end on Wednesday. This is the preferred way so be sure to do that if possible.
For further information please check, www.racemrann.com.
• Tuesday from 2 until 3 p.m. is when Teresa’s Garage is on the air. In the Reno/Sparks area the show can be heard on 1180 AM.

There is also a Podcast at amm.streamon.fm or it can be watched live on Face Book.
+ (4 to 6): 1. Maverick Parke, 2. Leo Dailey-Reynolds, 3. Eli Lapin, 4. Wde Lavezzo, 5. Callan Geissinger, 6. Lorenzo Inman, 7. James Pomeroy.
+ (7 & Up): 1. Jayden Latham, 2. Gavin Clark, 3. Grayson Kromberg, 4. Easton Yates, 5. Easton Kerns, 6. Colby Daniels, 7. Billy Smith, 8. Oliver Lapin, 9. Andrew Berner, 10. Landyn Stills, 11. Samuel Berner, 12. Justin Jones, 13. Lilly Dailey-Reynolds,14. Michael Tully, 15. Breighdon Swenson.
DNS: Ryan Pacella.
+ Open: 1. Jayden Latham, 2. Gavin Clark, 3. Michael Tully, 4. Billy Smith, 5.Grayson Kromberg, 6. Landyn Stills, 7. Colby Daniels, 8. Easton Kerns, 9. Andrew Berner, 10. Oliver Lapin, 11. Easton Yates, 12. Samuel Berner, Leo Dailey-Reynolds, 14. Breighdon Swenson.
DNS: Ryan Pacella.
+ (9 & Under): 1. Jevin Hubbard, 2. Gaven Giomi, 3. Cord Hunter, 4. Kylan Simpson, 5. Jaiden Roberts, 6. Broxton Potratz, 7. Stephen Worrall, 8. Wyatt Berrington, 9. Bennett Stone, 10. Sean Panora, 11. Michael Steele- Young, 12. Grayson Kromberg, 13. Guage Conner, 14. Parker Geissinger, 15. Degan Jenkins, 16.Riley Gentry.
+ (10 & Up): 1. Garrett Berrington, 2. Liam Rasumssen, 3. Jace Conner, 4. Isaac Bryant, 5. Wyatt Lavezzo, 6 . Nathan Walker, 7. Abigail McIntyre, 8. Barrett Stone, 9. Keeghan White.
+ Open: 1. Garrett Berrington, 2. Gaven Giomi, 3. Jevin Hubbard, 4. Cord Hunter, 5. Jaiden Roberts, 6. Broxton Potratz, 7. Jace Conner, 8. Kylan Simpson, 9. Guage Conner, 10. Stephen Worrall, 11. Wyatt Berrington, 12. Isaac Bryant, 13. Bennett Stone, 14. Michael Steele-Young, 15. Abigail McIntyre, 16. Parker Geissinger, 17. Riley Gentry, 18. Barrett Stone, 19. Nathan Walker, 20. Keeghan White, 21. Sean Panora.
+(12 & Under): 1. Luke Kunkel, 2. Archie Ervin, 3. Hub Losey, 4. Rocket Richardson, 5. Troy Pensotti, 6. Rogen Hill, 7. Hugwapi Minder, 8. Hudson Losey, 9. Jonny Simpson, 10. Colby Olson, 11. Joseph Simpson, 12. Sage Trebelhorn, 13. Mac Roby, 14. William Teninty, 15. Pierson Potratz, 16.Emma Helming, 17. Clayton Shipley, 18. Nick Stander, 19. Mike Sloan, 20. Jayla Baxter, 21. Dexter McCoy, 22. Aiden Fowler, 23. Cameron Perkins, 24. Jesse Miller.
DNS: R.J.Sheehan, Titan Allen.
+ (13 & Up): 1. Connor Gaarenstroom, 2. Zackery O’Neill, 3. Austin Squier, 4. Landon Jeffery, 5. Naomi Wyant, 6. Kyle Felter, 7. Colin Loberg, 8. Devyn Lappek, 9. Johnathan Goerzen, 10. Rylan Padgett.
+ (Open): 1. Rogen Hill, 2. Luke Kunkel, 3. Connor Gaarenstroom, 4. Rocket Richardson, 5. Zackery O’Neill, 6. Tory Pensotti, 7. Archie Ervin, 8. Hugwapi Minder, 9. Jonny Simpson, 10. Sage Trebelhorn, 11. Colby Olson, 12. William Teninty, 13. Joseph Mitchell, 14. Hub Losey, 15. Pierson Potratz, 16. Colin Loberg, 17. Hudson Losey, 18. Mike Sloan, 19. Max Roby, 20. Nick Stander, 21. Thalia Gonzalez, 22. Jesse Miller, 23. Cameron Perkins, 24. Rylan Padgett.
DNF: Cruziot Jimenez.
DNS: Tital Allen.
+ Supermins: 1. Rogen Hill.
+ Open: 1. Mike McMurry, 2. Kevin Stewart, 3. Mark Lane, 4. Chris Ober, 5. Anthony Torres, 6. Dwight Snodgrass, 7. Patrick Fye, 8. Peter Haziel, 9. Gilbert Chick.
DNS: Rod Rohrbacher.
+ Junior: 1. Keven Stewart, 2. Lonnie Madsen, 3. Larry Mulock, 4. Mark Lane, 5. Chris Stone, 6. Ernie Gonzales.
DNF: Keith Mansfield.
+ Interm: 1. Mike McMurry, 2. David Thomas, 3. A.J. McElroy.
DNS: Ty Reillly.
+ Expert: 1. Anthony Fagundes, 2. Nick Nichols.
+ 1. Peter Pensotti, 2. Blair Richardson, 3. Curtis Tackett.
DNS: Josh Sheehan.
+ Junior: 1. Philip Fell, 2. Kris Kahabka, 3. Clint Miller.
DNS: Joe Pomeroy, Kason Martinez.
+ Interm: 1. Aaron Bissell, 2. Chad Johnson, 3. Chad Olson, 4. Jamie Bonner.
+ Expert: 1. Kevin Hargett.
+ Master: 1. Matt Manha.
+ Beg: 1. Paul Stewart, 2. John Marchant, 3. Cuff Richardson, 4. Nick Hagen, 5. Reynold Hysell, 6. Richard Bulmer, 7. Clinton Jones, 8. Michael Walker.
DNS: Jeremy Ellison.
+ Junior: 1. Tony Lavezzo, 2. Jason Simpson, 3. Chad Johnson, 4. Jason Parke, 5. Jamie Bonner, 6. Jonathan Remien, 7. Michael Harding, 8. Philip Fell, 9. Nick Petz.
+ Interm: 1. Josh Gassin, 2. James Swain, 3. Tyler Bryant, 4. Tyler Pizorno, 5. Michael Worrall, 6. Kenny Fye, 7. Tommy Jean, 8. Tyler Rasmussen.
+ Expert: 1. Clay Cutler, 2. Kile Fye.
+ Master: 1. Zach Fields, 2. Matt Manha.
+ Open: 1. Justin Minsch, 2. Zach Fields, 3. Josh Gassin, 4. Tim Stone, 5. Robert Cord, 6. Kenny Fye, 7. Kile Fye, 8. Jake Williams, 9. Austin Hickman, 10. Andrew Hignight.
DNS: Tylor Vanderville.
+ 1. Demetre Proutsos, 2.Casey Carmichael, 3. Ayden Katzenmeyer, 4. Chase Cannizzaro, 5. Kyle Zimmer, 6. Rogen Hill, 7. Wyatt Fry, 8. Seth Clark, 9. Chandler Beveridge, 10. Addam Wisser, 11. Dawson Daniels, 12. Jared Mariscal, 13. Nathan Riippi, 14. Lucas Evans, 15. Cody Zimmer, 16. Haydn Miguel, 17. Cole Palotas, 18. Otto Albrecht, 19. Colton Machado, 20. Holland Losey, 21. Jay Hoovler, 22. Connor Hoovler.
DNS: Gabriel Marchant.
+ 1. Eddy Minard, 2. J.W. Thompson, 3. Kyle Zimmer, 4. Christian Wisser, 5. Nicholas Wilford, 6. Joshua Paley, 7. Blake Ray.
Big Bike Open:
+ 1. Casey Carmichael, 2. Demetre Proutsos, 3. Dylan Thorwaldson, 4. Ayden Katzenmeyer, 5. Clay Cutler, 6. Zayne Bissell, 7. Sam Roby, 8. Chase Cannizzaro, 9. J.W. Thompson, 10. Ian Prince, 11. Danny Rudd.
DNS: Coy Seay.
2-Stroke Open:
+ 1. Chase Cannizzaro, 2. Ian Wrcker, 3. Nakana Domingo, 4. Ollie Bonner, 5. Jared Mariscal, 6. Chandler Beveridge, 7. Austin Hickman.
+ A: 1. Ashleigh Trapanese, 2. Shami Potratz, 3. Hayden Losey.
+ B: 1. Sierra Koch, 2. Naomi Wyant, 3. Cheyann McKern, 4. Claire Petrie, 5. Sam Todhunter, 6. Hadleigh Kahabka.
+ 1. Tommy Jean, 2. Anthony Fagundes, 3. Michael Worrall, 4. Chad Olson, 5. Al McElroy, 6. Nick Nichols, 7. Philip Fell, 8. Chris Ober, 9. Michael Harding, 10. Keven Stewart, 11. Mark Lane, 12. Anthony Torres, 13. Blair Richardson, 14. Larry Mulock,15. Clair Petrie.
DNS: Clint Miller, Jason Simpson, Chad Johnson.
+ Beg:1.Matthew Dufur, 2. AdamGlaster, 3. Richie Whitney, 4.Joshuwah Urie, 5. Dakota Allred, 6. Zackery O’Neill, 7. Hayden Miguel, 8. Conner Gray, 9. Drew Johnson, 10. Cody Seay, 11. Chris Slobogin, 12. Ezra Arneson, 13. Justin Renner, 14. Liam Spears, 15. Nicholas Greene, 16. Charlie Grubb, 17. John Brooks, 18.Zacharie Gafford, 19. Chadrlotte Mathis, 20. Jay Hoovier, 21. Zach Henrickson.
DNS: Tristen Strange.
+ Beg. Div 2: 1. Jess Wilford, 2. Connor Hoovier, 3. Sean Dingley, 4. Grant Bergman, 5. Christian Strange, 6. Terrance Fetterly, 7. Thomas Kelly, 8. Lucas Evans, 9. Nocholas Lapin,10. Dylan Atkinson, 11. Nathan Riipi, 12. Aidan Padgett, 13. Gunner Simeroth,14. Gavin Sheppard, 15. Wyatt Fagundes, 16. Austin Carmack, 17. Evan Gonzalez, 18. Austin Hughes, 19. Kevin Gonzalez.
DNS: LanndonTabor.
+ Junior: 1. Cole Palotas, 2. Zayne Bissell, 3. Seth Clark, 4.Christian Wisser, 5. Justin Graves, 6. Sam Roby, 7. Ollie Bonner, 8. Tsiidopi Minder, 9. Declan Kahabka, 10. Addam Wisser, 11. Hayden Fagundes, 12. Colton Machado, 13. Zach McEley, 14. Nakana Domingo, 15. Wyatt Fry, 16. Riley Cole, 17. Douglas Pena, 18. Johnny Mayo, 19. Aren Duncan, 20. Otto Albrecht.
+Interm: 1. Casey Carmichael, 2. Dylan Thorwaldson.
+ Pro: 1. Justin Minsch, 2. Andy Fahey.
+ Beg: 1. Nicholas Wilford, 2. Tharon Lindekugel, 3. Skyler Giovahwetti, 4. Dylan Campbell, 5. Adam Glaster, 6. Michael Tully, 7. Matthew Dufur, 8. Jess Wilford, 9. Christian Strange, 10. Ian Breckenridge, 11. Joshuwah Urie, 12. Dakota Allred, 13. Thomas Kelly, 14. Rian Greenwell, 15. Brayden Marier, 16. Josh Tackett, 17. Kevin Gonzalez, 18. Ian Prince, 19. Danny Rudd, 20. Austin Hughes, 21. William Carpenter, 22. David Kelly, 23. Nicholas Trainor, 24. Jerrett Gallagher, 25. Evan Gonzalez, 26. Jacob Perrone, 27. Harley Tyree.
DNS: Gage Gunzbury, Jake Barnhart.
+ Junior: 1. Otto Albrecht, 2. Riley Cole, 3. Talon Schwall, 4. Seth Clark, 5. Dawson Daniels, 6. Eddy Minard, 7. Justin Graves, 8. Declan Kahabka, 9. Wyatt Fry, 10. Cody Lookingbill, 11. Gabriel Marchant, 12. Hayden Fagundes, 13. Seth Benedict, 14. Dustin Reed, 15. Aren Duncan, 16. Andrew Hignight, 17. Jexon Pokorny, 18. Johnny Mayo, 19. Joshua Paley, 20. Jonathan Remien, 21. Cody Zimmer, 22. Michael Harding, 23. Jake Williams, 24. Doublas Pena, 25. Holland Losey.
DNF: Demetre Proutsos.
DNS: Michael Huff.
+ Interm: 1. Kyle Zimmer.
+ Pro: 1. Justin Minsch, 2. Andy Fahey.
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We now have seven very appreciated sponsors supporting this site. Please patronize them as they not only support your sport but they help nvracingnews continue. Please let them know you heard about them through this site.
Our newest sponsor is G.I.S.L Land Services that, while having a global client base it has a Western U.S.A. Focus. Owner Greg Ekins is a long time off road motorcycle racer competing in the MRANN Series as well as the AMA National Hare and Hound series.
Among the services offers are Surface and Mineral Title Reviews and Cartographic Services. The website is www.gislandservices.com.
Another great sponsor is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
Former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian is the owner and they not only service older and newer transmission but now have a section dealing with high performance units including those used for towing.
The phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is www.generaltransmissionreno.com.
Another sponsor is fantastic race photographer Melissa Coker. If you have raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake Raceway or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a photograph of your car on the track.
She’s also been at the IMCA Duel in the Desert was well as the Wild West Tour and IMCA Super Nationals in Boone, Iowa. Melissa not only has photos of the cars, and many times drivers, but she can produce hero cards and even a book covering from your season.
To see her collections or to place an order please check her website at www.melissasoutonalimb.smugmug.com.
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is, www.rms-renomotorsports.com.
The next shop is Moto-Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again they are a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is, www.moto-source.com.
The next sponsor is an excellent place if you need collision repair on your car or truck. It’s Concours Body Shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno and has a long history of first class repairs.
Brian Saul is the owner, a car enthusiast himself and he’s committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is, www.concoursbodyshop.net.
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&CO for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. If you’re a rider, well Wednesday evening is Bike Night, always a great time to see some great looking bikes and meet like-minded people.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is www.pjandco.net.
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or an off road demographic? We are always looking for more sponsors and will expose your business to the racing and off road community in this area.
You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.