SPARKS, NV (Dec. 4) – The annual banquet for MRANN (Motorcycle Racing Association of Northern Nevada) is a night to celebrate all the champions, honor special people, award scholarship recipients and sadly to honor one that was lost.

As usual there were two sets of trophies, one for the Saturday racers, where the youngest and others race on short tracks. The other set is for the big bike riders that race on the long course.

The goal of Sunday riders are to score enough points so they qualify for a blue plate with a white number. Only the top 20 achieve this and after dinner the first of order of business was to introduce them.
This season those 20 will carry their number in competition. Of course the goal most want is to carry that Number 1 place and in 2019 the overall points champion is Corey Fletcher, a long time rider that was on the Moto Mouth Mini Team for a few years.

Asked what this first overall championship means to him Fletcher said, “All my friends kept me on my toes all year. It means a huge amount to me I wish that Moto was here to see it, I think he would have been proud of me but I have words for how excited I am as this is my first one.”
Then he thanked Dennis and the crew at RMS (Reno Motorsports), DDC Sprockets, Thomas at Chick0fil-A, Kyle Townsend at Moto Graffiti as well as his entire family and those that supported him.
Each class winner not only got the champion’s trophy but a jacket as well. Many of the youngest riders earned trophies that were taller than they were.

Saturday winners start the awards and first up where the 6 & Under group and their champion was Payeton Segale while Walker Van Dover was the 7 & Older title winner and Logan Johnson took the 4-Stroke Pee Wee title.
Up the age bracket they went and this year’s Women’s expert winner is Chanel Honea while Michael Furlong won the Bomber class.
There were special Saturday awards with one for the Most Improved Rider, Alequin Scheetz, who was the overall Saturday Women’s champion, as well as the Hard Luck Award that went to Shea Zastawniak.
After that the outgoing board members were introduced and they got plaques thanking them for their service as well as jackets. Then the 2020 board was introduced and they too got plaques well as Jackets. This year they got their jackets before the season began.
Then it was time to award the Corey Herring Scholarships to four deserving MRANN members. The two present were Austin Wilson and Jacob Shute while Jaron Thompson and Savannah Ziegler weren’t able to make the banquet.

After that things got somber. This past year previous scholarship winner Conner McGowen lost his life in an accident.
Emotions were so high right then no one could mention his name but everyone observed several moments of silence to honor this young man. Over the years he had helped other riders and from the emotions shared right then he will be truly missed by those that knew him.
We here at nvracingnews want to extend our condolences to his family, both personal and racing.
After a brief pause it was time to hand out Sunday’s trophies. The 200cc class started the roll call. From there the awards went through various classes including 250cc Expert champ Austin Wilson and the Open class where 2019 points champion Corey Fletcher won his title.
This year’s Woman’s champion is Darcy Johnson and the awards continued up the age ladder. Willy Heiss is the 40+ champion while Danny Young earned the 50+ Expert title.

Moving into the Senior Citizen’s class, 60+ Pete Prichard is the champion followed by Greg Ekins and John Barron. Once again Prichard made it a triple by winning not only in MRANN but two other series as well
Then came some special awards as Alequin Scheetz won the Saturday’s Most Improved rider award while Dustin Burrell was Sunday’s Most Improved rider. Saturday’s Hard Luck award went to Shea Zastawniak while the Sunday award went to Russell Tonjum.
The Sangster family won the Family of the Year award while the Corey Herring Memorial, which will return to Honey Lake was the race of the year.
There was also a Sportsman of the Year award handed out. This year it went to 65cc racer Jacob Engelke, who gave up a race to summon help then stayed with an injured rider. He not only received this special award but got a new bicycle as well.

Finally the three title sponsors, Reno Motorsports, Big Valley Honda and The Back Country graphics were honored.
Now only one more item was left. MRANN has a champion’s trophy that’s handed from the previous one to the current winner. So the 2918 champion Stephen Tichenor handed the trophy to the 2918 title holder Corey Fletcher.

Now everyone has returned to their homes and begin preparing for the first race of the 2020 season. Once again it’s on President’s Day weekend February 15 and 16 where Pee Wee’s have the honor of starting the season’s first race Saturday morning and the big bikes will race Sunday.
REPORTERS NOTE: There is an extensive photo gallery after the awards list. If anyone wants a print of an image please contact me as I would be happy to sell them.
• Thursday night is a special evening at Need2Speed, the indoor kart track located by the Reno Target store. It’s a chance to race with some troopers from the Nevada Highway Patrol.

The best part is if you’re faster than they are, no one gets a ticket. The times are from 5 until 7 p.m. and reservations are encouraged if possible and it should be a fun time.
• After I posted my preview article I found that NBC Sports is going to have recaps from the Dakar Rally that began Sunday. On Monday those programs will be from 2 until 3 p.m. but nothing else is listed on the guide.
However usually these programs will repeat through the rally so be sure to check your listings daily. You Tube is also running short recaps from the day’s action.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show is on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. The show covers all things automotive.

I’m back and will have a preview section at 2:15 so hope you’ll give it a listen. It can be heard over the air at 1180 AM, streaming on or watched live on Face Book.
• If you enjoyed this article please “like,” and share it as widely as possible. Comments are welcome.
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We now have six very appreciated sponsors that support his site. Please patronize them as they support your sport and help nvracingnews continue.
Our newest sponsor is General Transmission and Power Train Specialists. The shop is located at 2515 Sutro Street in Reno, a few blocks below Hug High School.
Former motorcycle racer Pete Attashian is the owner and they not only service older and newer transmission but now have a section dealing with high performance units including those used in trucks that tow.
The phone number is 775-786-5888 and the shop’s website is
This year fantastic race photographer Melissa Coker joined the family of sponsors. If you have raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a photograph of your car on the track.
She’s also been at the IMCA Duel in the Desert was well as the Wild West Tour and IMCA Super Nationals in Boone, Iowa. Melissa not only has photos of the cars, and many times drivers, but she can produce hero cards and even a book of from your season.
To see her collections or to place an order please check her website at
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
The next shop, and our newest sponsor is Moto Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again there is a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
The next sponsor is an excellent place if you need collision repair on your car or truck. It’s Concours Body shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno and has a long history of first class repairs.
Brian Saul is the owner, a car enthusiast himself and he’s committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&Company for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. If you’re a rider, well Wednesday evening is Bike Night, always a great time to see some great looking bikes and meet like-minded people.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or an off road demographic? We are always looking for more sponsors and will expose your business to the racing and off road community in this area.
You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
MRANN Awards Banquet – Dec. 4, 2020
• Saturday awards:
+ 6 & Under: 1. Payeton Segale, 2. Teigen Biddle, 3. Maxwell Wickware.
+ 7 & Older: 1. Walker Van Dover, 2. Trevor Barkdull, 3. Mason McGreal.
+ 4-Stroke Pee Wee: 1. Logan Johnson, 2. Ada Sangaster, 3. Oliver McElroy.
+ 65 Amateur: 1. Jesse Miller, 2. Henry Young, 3. Gatlin Knight.
+ 65 Novice: 1. Tucker Whitworth, 2. Hannah Engelke, 3. Kyra Tichenor.
+ 100 Expert: 1. Walker McGreal, 2. Austin Hough, 3. Landen Williams.
+ 100 Ama: 1. Lance Carlo, 2. Charlie Albert, 3. Lukas Dean.
+ 100 Nov: 1. Remi Johnson, 2. Morgan Caron.
+ Saturday Women:
– Exp: 1. Chanel Honea, 2. Cassie Searle, 3. Claire Petrie.
– Ama: 1. Alequin Scheetz, 2. Jamie Jenks, 3. Brooke Baird.
– Nov: 1. Sarah Marsh.
- Overall Saturday Women’s Champion: Alequin Scheetz.
+ Bomber: 1. Michael Furlong, 2. Scott Martin.
• Sunday Awards:
+ Top 20 (Carry Blue Plates this season): 1. Corey Fltecher, 2. Austin Wilson, 3. C.J.Crandall,4. Willy Heiss, 5. Wyatt Brittner, 6. James McMurray, 7. Russell Tonjum, 8. Dan Capparelli, 9. Josh Cook, 10. Josh Wilson, 11. Geoffrey Buscho, 12. Daron Rahlves, 13. Chuck Paya, 14. Reece Honea, 15. Miles Brazil, 16. Nathan Owen, 17. Ryan Johnson, 18. Terry Scheetz, 19. Drew Chattin, 20. Dustin Burrell.
Class Finishes:
+ 200:
– Ama: 1. Walker McGreal, 2. Carson Calder, 3. Caleb Bonneville.
– Nov: 1. Logan Smith, 2. Enzo Sowle, 3. Garrett Dean.
– Exp: 1. Austin Wilson, 2. C.J.Crandall, 3. Evyn Smith.
– Ama: 1. Dustin Burrell, 2. Mikey Majors, 3. Clay Renner.
– Nov: 1. Jeffrey Willis.
4 – Stroke:
– Exp: 1. Nathan Owen, 2. Russel Tonjum, 3. Jeremy White.
– Ama: 1. Josh Cook, 2. Jesse White, 3. Shai Raybuck.
– Nov: 1. Jerome Turbull.
– Exp: 1. Corey Fletcher, 2. Wyatt Brittner, 3. Geoffrey Buscho.
– Ama: 1. Rob Egesdahl, 2. Ian Prince.
– Nov: 1. Josh Adams,2. Mark McKenna, 3. Logan Larive.
– Exp: 1. James McMurray, 2. Justin Bradley.
– Ama: 1. Chuck Paya, 2. Thomas Sangster, 3. Davide Immon.
– Nov: 1.Richardd Parise, 2. Richie Burr, 3. Michael Harding.
– Exp: 1. Willy Heiss, 2. Josh Wilson, 3. Marty McGreal.
– Ama: 1. Terry Scheetz, 2. Jerry Harmon, 3. Gerald Luczyk.
– Nov: 1. R.J. Moore, 2. David Lektorich, 3. Kevin Willis.
– Exp: 1. Danny Young, 2. Mike Carlo, 3. Chris Sunderland.
– Ama: 1. Jeff Shepard, 2. Jeff Renner.
– Nov: 1. Mark Henderson.
60+: 1. Pete Prichard, 2. Greg Ekins, 3. John Barron.
Women: 1. Darcy Johnson, 2. Camie Ingram, 3. Sheah Rainbolt.
Special Awards:
+ Moto Mouth Most Improved Saturday Rider: Alequin Scheetz.
+ Saturday Hard Luck: Shea Zastawniak.
+ Sunday Most Improved Rider: Dustin Burrell.
+ Sunday Hard Luck Award: Russell Tonjum.
+ Race Of the Year: Corey Herring.
+ Family of the Year: Sangster.
+ Sportsman of the Year: Jacob Engelke.
Sunday Women top 3, Darcy Johnson, Camie Ingram and Sheah Rainbolt. Sunday’s trophies and the points champion’s bike. Sunday most improved racer Dustin Burrell. Sunday Hard Luck winner Russell Tonjum. 65cc racer Jacob Engelke is the 2019 Sportsman of the Year and he got a bicycle as well as the award. Saturday Women’s Experts, Chanel Honea, Cassie Searle and Claire Petrie. Saturday Women Amateurs, Jamie Jenks, Brooke Baird. Two of the three. Sarah Marsh was the Saturday Novice winner. Trophies for those that race on Saturday. The 2018 Race of the Year was the Corey Herring Memorial. Alequin Scheetz was the Saturday Women’s Amateur and Overall champion. Open Expert winners Corey Fletcher and Wyatt Brittner. Most Improved Racer for Saturday was Alequin Scheetz. The Shangster’s were the Family of the Year. This year’s Corey Herring Scholarships went to four individuals. Unfortunately Jaron Thompson and Savannah Ziegler were unable to attend but Austin Wilson and Jacob Shute were present to accept them. The final part of the awards was when the 2018 points champion Stephen Tichenor handed the MRANN championship trophy to the 2019 champion Corey Fletcher. Bomber winners; Michael Furlong champion and Scott Martin. Blue Plate winners with the higher numbers. Blue Plate winners starting with #1. Corey Fletcher is the 2019 overall points champion in MRANN. Here he is with his bike and the champion’s trophy. 250cc Amateur winners; Dustin Burrell, mike Majors and Clay Renner. 250cc Expert champion Austin Wilson. 200cc Novice winners; Logan Smith, Enzo Sowle and Garrett Dean. 200cc Amateur winners, Walker McGreal andCarson Calder. 100 Expert winners; Walker McGreal, Austin Hough and Landen Williams. 100 Amateur winners; lance Carlo, Charlie Albert, Lukas Dean. 65cc Novice winners; Tucker Whitworth, Hannah Engelke, Kyra Tichenor. 65 Amateur winners; Jesse Miller, Henry Young ande Gatlin Knight. The 60+ winners were the champion Pete Prichard, Greg Eking (R) and John Barron (L). They are the Senior Citizen’s class. 50+ Experts. Champion Danny Young was too sick to attend so his wife picked up his trophy and jacket. The others were mike Cadrlo and Chris Sunderland. The 59+ amateur attending was Jeff Shepard. 40+ Novice, R.J. Moore and David Lektorich. 40+ Experts Willy Heiss and Josh Wilson. 40+ Amateurs; Terry Scheetz, Jerry Harmon and Gerald Luczyk. 30+ Novice; Richard Parise, Richie Burr and Michael Harding. 30+ Experts, James McMurray and Justin Bradley. 30+ Amateur; Chuck Paya, Thomas Sangster and Davide Inmon. 7 & Over winners: Walker Van Dover, Trevor Barkdull, Mason McGreal. Trophies are awarded starting at the bottom of the age bracket and the 6 & Under winners were Payeton Seagle, the class champion, Teigen Biddle and Maxwell Wickware. 4-Stroke winners; Logan Johnson, Ada Sangster, Oliver McElroy. 4-Stroke Experts; NathanOwen and Russel Tonjum. 4-Stroke Amateurs, Josh Cook and Jesse White.