RENO, NV (Nov 25) — As the 2019 season fades in the rear view mirror it’s time to do a season review for oval tracks. This time I’ll focus on two tracks in Northeastern California plus two Nevada tracks, Lovelock Speedway and 95A Speedway.
• American Valley Speedway is literally in the woods next to the Plumas/Sierra County Fairgrounds. It’s a nice fairgrounds track located on the east side of town.

The season ends with the Timber Cup, which is the final points race of the season. This year the IMCA Modified champion was Chris Nieman, followed by runner up Chase Nieman and in third was Joe Wood.
During the season there were many challenges as well as differing fortunes as drivers raced for points and victories.
The track also had a pretty strong field of IMCA Northern Sport Mods. While they might look similar they are different from the Modifieds.

Thomas Froggatt is this year╒s class champion followed by Brittney Nieman and third place Craig Nieman. Just like the Modifieds the Sport Mods put on fast races.
Next up are the Hobby Stocks, another stout class at the track. These are modified sedans and while slowed than the Modifieds or Sport Modifieds they put a pretty good show of their own.

When the dust settled Jim Erle is this year’s champion followed by runner up Steve Gordon and third place Doug Weeks.
Finally it’s the Mini Stocks, a beginner class where many drivers earn their racing spurs. Their champion is Cody Froggatt with Billy Gibson second and Suzi Schmit holding down third place.

Many times during the season Nevada Drivers come down to race with the regulars. Having the pits literally in the woods really gives the place a very different atmosphere.
Among the two-day shows during the season there is the Western States Dwarf Car National event. This draws Nevada and California drivers to the track.

Saturday is the money day and that’s when Sparks driver ”Smokin’ Joe” Frock won the pro race. Mark Bsieardi was the Vet winner while the Sportsman race went to Steve Nester.
Now the track is quiet until next April when the racing resumes.
• New promoters Jeff Olschowka and Joe Blackwell, who both race at Quincy took over running the Diamond Mountain Speedway in Susanville, California. It has been a success with some pretty good car counts in all classes.
Many Quincy drivers race here and several Nevada drivers made the tow to compete on this fairground oval.
The track operates on Friday night except for a couple of special shows like the 4th of July and the day following as well as their season ending show.
This year Chris Nieman was the IMCA Modified champion so how he has two crowns, one here and the other in Quincy.
Richard Longacre is the IMCA Sport Mod champ while Jacob Hutson has the Hobby Stock crown and Larry Whitebird earned the Mini Stock title.
• Lovelock Speedway had a mixed season due to car counts but also had some pretty good racing. The two-day Frontier Day races had good counts and the I-80 Challenge brought a bunch of racers when it visited the track.

There were only two champions as Bruce Ferrier won the Sprint Car title while Crystal Kontny was the Hobby Stock champion here and in Winnemucca.

Kontny is on active duty with the Navy so this is her last full season for the next few years. In April she heads for Japan where her ship is stationed.
REPORTER’S NOTE: I have tried unsuccessfully to get the final points from Fernley 95A Speedway. That’s the reason they aren’t part of this review. I hope next season this can be addressed and their Face Book page brought up to date.
Now all the oval tracks are hibernation for the winter. But in the spring they’ll come alive again bring grass roots racing as well as color and speed to their fans.
* The Baja 1000 was run this weekend. At least one local racer was involved with the motorcycle team that won the 40+ Pro Class and finished 45th overall.

From the quote with the photo apparently Chad Thornton and Jason Trubey, who was the rider mentioned in the results, put the team together. On the track the riders were David Glass, local Stephen Tichenor, whose father Doug helped the team, Trubey, Paul Luce and Colie Potter. While not all of them took turns racing the motorcycle they all were involved in the effort.
• For some Thanksgiving means a quiet day with family and friends. For several local motorcycle racers it means a great time to be with family, friends and getting to race in the 22nd annual Red Bull Day in the Dirt.

The location is the Glen Helen track in Southern California, this year the event is held November 29 to December 1. For further information please check the website,
• If you’re a race fan and heading to Southern California there is another traditional event you might want to check out. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so it can be held.

Ventura Raceway is hosting the annual Turkey Night Grand Prix. It’s USAC’s final race of the season and will happen Wednesday and Thursday night. The attacked poster has a phone number one can call about tickets.
• Want to hear a radio show focused on all thinks automotive, then on Tuesday from 2 until 3 p.m. you need to listen to Terresa’s Garage Radio Show.

I have a preview section at 2:15 and the show can be heard over the air in the Reno/Sparks area, streaming on the Internet or live of Face Book. The latter two can be listened or watched after the show.
• If you enjoyed this article please “like,” and share it as widely as possible. Comments are welcome.
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We now have five very appreciated sponsors that support his site. Please patronize them as they support your sport and help nvracingnews continue.
Our newest sponsor is a fantastic race photographer Melissa Coker. If you have raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a photograph of your car on the track.
She’s also been at the IMCA Duel in the Desert was well as the Wild West Tour and IMCA Super Nationals in Boone, Iowa. Melissa not only has photos of the cars, and many times drivers, but she can produce hero cards and even a book of from your season.
To see her collections or to place an order please check her website at
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
The next shop, and our newest sponsor is Moto Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again there is a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
The next sponsor is an excellent place if you need collision repair on your car or truck. It’s Concours Body shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno and has a long history of first class repairs.
Brian Saul is the owner, a car enthusiast himself and he’s committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&Company for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. If you’re a rider, well Wednesday evening is Bike Night, always a great time to see some great looking bikes and meet like-minded people.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or an off road demographic? We are always looking for more sponsors and will expose your business to the racing and off road community in this area.
You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
• American Valley Speedway:
+ Mini Stocks: 1. Cody Froggatt, 2. Billy Gibson, 3. Suzi Schmit, 4. Johnny Leach, 5. Luke Colette, 6. Juanity Lamatini, 7. Johnny Moya.
+ Hobby Stocks: 1. Jim Erle, 2. Steve Gordon, 3. Doug Weeks, 4. Steve Buhr, 5. Rick Miller, 6. Connor McMillan, 7. Colton Lawson, 8. Seaton Montgomery, 9. Tom Haxall, 10. Jake Hutson.
+ IMCA Northern Sport Mods: 1. Thomas Froggatt, 2. Brittney Nieman, 3. Craig Nieman, 4. Shayna Nieman, 5. Tyler Eckels, 6. Jimmy Ray Huffmon, 7. Jason Emmot, 8. Keith Mikaelsen, 9. Colby Russell, 10. Keith Brown Jr.
+ IMCA Modifieds: 1. Chris Nieman, 2. Chase Nieman, 3. Joseph Wood, 4. Richard Papenhausen, 5. Matt Murphy, 6. Joe Blackwell, 7. Bud Walberg, 8. Jeff Olschowka, 9. Larry McCracken, 10. Chris Olexiewicz.
• Diamond Mountain Speedway:
+ Mini Stocks: 1. Larry Whitebird, 2. Billy Gibson, 3. Johnny Moya, 4. Bion Barr, 5. Anthony Hovland, 6. Suzi Schmitt, 7. Tom Davis, 8. Cody Kennemore, 9. Matt Canada, 10. Nick Boucher, 11. Randy Black, 12. Will Evenson, 13. Wyatt Spalding, 14. Jack Turner, 15. Colton Lawson, 16. Jacob Dias, 17. Ian Thulin, 18. Oliver Gibbons, 19. Janita Lamattina, 20. Nick Vidovich.
+ Hobby Stocks: 1. Jacob Hutson, 2. Doug Weeks, 3. Steve Buhr, 4. Fred Kresge, 5. David Woods, 6. Connor McMillan, 7. Darren Ballentine, 8. Steve Gordon, 9. Colton Lawson, 10, Rick HIgby, 11. David Flournoy, 12. Tom Haxall, 13. Shannon Collins, 14. Royce Goetz, 15. Richard Italiano, 16. Randy Boyd, 17. Skeeter Bethel, 18. Dan Dias, 19. Don Dieter, 20. Keegan Gundurson, 21. Jeremy Lengenderfer, 22. Rick Miller, 23. Seaton Montgomery, 24. Jacob Dias, 25. Earl Adams, 26. Ronny Goetz, 27. Dale Sanders, 28. Richard Italiano*.
* – Drove two different cars during the season so appears twice.
+ IMCA Sport Mods: 1. Richard Longacre, 2. Shayna Nieman, 3. Craig Nieman, 4. Jimmy Ray Huffmon, 5. Colton Chew, 6. Nathan Howard, 7. Jason Emmot, 8. Rusty McMillan, 9. Ryan Svensson, 10. Kelly Kennemore, 11. Colby Russell, 12. Ray Talavera Jr., 13. Joe Marlow, 14. Keith Brown Jr., 15. Jeff Tuttle, 16. Kevin Johnson, 17. Bill Pearson, 18. Guy Ahlwardt, 19. Jacob Dias, 20. Nick Boucher, 21. Mike Nichols, 22. Randy Wright, 23. Eathan Killingsworth, 24. Tylor Micone, 25. Chad Wormington, 26. Cody Kennemore.
+ IMCA Modifieds: 1. Chris NIeman, 2. Wade Kennemore, 3. Larry McCracken, 4. Matt Murphy, 5. Mitch Murphy, 5.Riley Simmons, 6. Chris Olexiewicz, 7. Nevin Kennemore, 8. Steve Bejcek, 9. Rob Robles, 10. Scott Foreman, 11. Dave Sciarroni, 12. Boyd Murchison, 13. Tyler Patzke, 14. Paris Archie, 15. Ron Brown, 16. Galen Hainline, 17. Jeff Chew, 18. Vincent Evenson, 19. Joe Wood, 20. Tommy Glenn, 21. James Kipke, 22. Mark Skender, 23. Cory Sample, 24. Ryan McDaniel, 25. Travis Peery, 26. Gene Kay, 27. Shawn Natenstedt, 28. Robert Miller, 29. Steve Boucher, 30. Shane Devolder, 31. Richard Papenhauser, 32. Andy Strait, 33. James Riggs, 34. Bud Walberg, 35. Jeff White, 36. Dustin Sell, 37. Robert Brumit, 38. Melissa Natenstedt, 39. Don Childs, 40. James Hite, 41. Alec Childs, 42. Cole Jones, 43. Jim Turn44. Wade Lumsden.
Ñ Lovelock Speedway:
+ Hobby Stock – Crystal Kontny.
+ Sprint Cars – Bruce Ferrier.