FERNLEY, NV (Oct 13) – Battle Born MX (BBMX) staged round 9 of its season at the Fernley/Wadsworth Lion’s Motocross Track, also known as the Sand Box, this weekend.
There was a good turn out of riders, as some gates were more than 90% full. If this keeps up soon classes will have to be divided.
Seven 250/450 pros were on hand although one of them was only able to complete the second moto.

After sweeping both motos winner Aaron Siminoe said, “Yea it was a good moto for sure. Dylan Galliett kept me a little more honest in that moto, kind of fun. But overall it was a good day on the day.”
Then he thanked his parents as well as sponsors Fly Racing, X Brand Goggles, CD Boots, everyone at Factory Backing, Nature?s Bakery and Moto-Source for all the good parts.
Asked about his future plans he said, “Not going to try, we’re going to do Supercross. We’re going to do the 450 class next year, try and open up some eyes so we can get a factory ride.”
Once the second moto gate dropped Siminoe took off and left everyone in his dust. Behind him Galliett and Alec Green tried their best but ended up a distant second and third.
There were several close races and one was decided at the finish line when the second 250/450 Beginner moto ended. After the gate dropped Ian Breckenridge and Justin Graves were dueling for the lead, but behind them Seth Clark giving chase.

In the final laps Clark moved into second and after the final hill that lead to the finish line he made his move. As they crossed the line he won by half a bike length although second was good enough to give Graves the day’s overall victory.
Like the previous race a person can win the battle yet lose the overall victory. The second 250/450 Junior moto was another example of that.
When the gate dropped to start the second moto Blake Ray led the charge but soon Ayden Katzenmeyer took over the lead. Behind them Chayce Barba was moving forward with the leader in his sights.

Right after taking the white flag Barba made his move and took over the lead, which was enough to give him the victory. Katzenmeyer had to settle for second but that was enough to claim the day’s overall victory.
Asked about the race Barba said, “He (Katzenmeyer) was really tough. There’s an outside that a lot of people are hitting but you can take it wide open.”
Then he thanked his parents for their support.
There were two more pros that raced in the 125/250 group. In the end, after a close race, Alec Green won the day and overall after besting Brad Maga.

After getting some of his wind back a tired Green said, “The race was very tiring, the track’s really rough right now. It’s got some big potholes and everything in it.”
Then he thanked his parents as well as Flex Handle Bars, Bell Helmets, Fly Racing and those that are supporting him.
While their elders were having some good battles on the track the younger set weren’t doing too bad them selves.
When the Supermini race began Chase Cannizzaro led the charge but not far behind were the duo of Otto Albrecht and Nakana C. Domingo.
Eventually Domingo took over the lead but Cannizzaro was close behind him in second. They finished in that order, almost nose-to-tail.

After the race an exhausted Domingo said, “Yea I was feeling a little tired at the start, but I just found my groove and just took it.”
Then he thanked his father, friends and Team Testa for all their support.

Both Women’s classes ran with the Superminis. Shami Potratz won the “A” group but was chased by her niece Hayden Losey. In the “B” group Jen Leppek won with Claire Petrie coming home second.
As usual there is a wide spread of ages in these races. At the top of the age ladder Troy Decker was the 50+ Junior winner while the 50+ Intermediate victor was Mike McMurry.
At the bottom of the ladder are the Pee Wees, the next generation earning their racing spurs on single speed bikes powered by 50cc motors.
Kylan Simpson was the Beginner winner while Wyatt Berrington was the Junior victor. Both the Intermediate and Open races came down to a duel between Jaiden Roberts and Gavin Giomi.

Lap after lap they tore around the course but in the end Roberts scored a double winning both classes.
Next are the 65cc classes, this is where the young riders learn to shift and are riding a slightly bigger, more powerful bike.
Jevin Hubbard won the Beginner class while Junior winner was Hudson Losey.
Reporter’s Note: The score sheets only had the first moto results for the Beginners and Juniors.
Young Lola Turner was the Intermediate winner while making it a double by winning the Open race as well.

Full results are posted at the end of this article.
With all the hard racing there were a few crashes. Only some required the Medics attendance but no one had to be transported.
Now everyone only has a week to prepare for the race this weekend. Once again it will be at the Sandbox and this time the Old Timers will be the hosts. For further information on the group please check their website at www.battlebornmx.com or their Face Book page..
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show will be on the air from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. The show covers all things automotive.

I have a preview at 2:15 where I’ll announce what is coming up for the weekend. You can hear the show over the air, streaming on the internet or see us live on Face Book.
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We now have five very appreciated sponsors that support his site. Please patronize them as they support your sport and help nvracingnews continue.
Our newest sponsor is a fantastic race photographer Melissa Coker. If you have raced at Summit in Elko, Battle Mountain, Lovelock, Rattlesnake or Diamond Mountain Speedway she probably has a photograph of your car on the track.
She also has been at the IMCA Duel in the Desert was well as the Wild West Tour and IMCA Super Nationals in Boone, Iowa. Melissa not only has photos of the cars, and many times drivers, but she can produce hero cards and even a book of from your season.
To see her collections and ordcer please check the website at www.melissasoutonalimb.smugmug.com.
Two of our sponsors are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is, www.rms-renomotorsports.com.
The next shop, and our newest sponsor is Moto Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again there is a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is, www.moto-source.com.
The next sponsor is an excellent place if you need collision repair on your car or truck. It’s Concours Body shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno and has a long history of first class repairs.
Brian Saul is the owner, a car enthusiast himself and he’s committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is, www.concoursbodyshop.net.
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&Company for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. If you’re a rider, well Wednesday evening is Bike Night, always a great time to see some great looking bikes and meet like-minded people.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is www.pjandco.net.
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or an off road demographic? We are always looking for more sponsors and will expose your business to the racing and off road community in this area.
You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
Fernley MX Track – Oct. 18
+ Beginner: 1. Kylan Simpson, 2. Sea Panora, 3. Kayden Brocchini, 4. Parker Geissinger, 5. Gavin Clark 6. Graeson Kahabka, 7. Colby Daniels, 8. Rylan Decender, 9. Talon Baker, 10. Michael McLurry, 11. Nathan Walker, 12. Maverick Parke,13. Grayson Kromberg, 14. Wyatt Lee.
DNS: Alec McLurry.
+ Jr: 1. Wyatt Berrington, 2. Broxton Potratz, 3. Guage Conner, 4. Stephen Worrall, 5. Jayden Latham, 6. Branden Kuhn.
+ Intrm: 1. Jaiden Roberts, 2. Gaven Giomi.
+ Open: 1. Jaiden Roberts, 2. Gaven Giomi, 3. Wyatt Berrington, 4. Jayden Latham, 5. Broxton Potratz, 6. Stephen Worrall, 7. Guage Conner, 8. Parker Geissinger, 9. Graeson Kahabka, 10. Kylan Simpson, 11. Grayson Kromberg, 12. Kayden Brocchini, 13. Rylan Decender, 14. Talon Baker.
+ Beg: 1. Jevin Hubbard, 2.Wyatt Berrington, 3. Broxton Potratz, 4. Jonny Simpson, 5. Chance Hawkins, 6. Keagan Brocchini, 7. Liam Rasmussen, 8. Hadleigh Kahabka, 9. Jace Conner, 10. Vaughn Brannan, 11. Connor Gregg, 12. Kade Christensen, 13. Casey Pinther, 14. Wyatt Lavezzo, 15. Nathan Walker, 16. Barrett Stone, 17. Colt Sweenzy, 18. Bennett Stone.
+ Jr: 1. Hudson Losey, 2. Pierson S. Potratz, 3. Minder Hugwapi, 4. Jaiden Roberts, 5. Kolton Sego, 6. William Teninty, 7. Garrett Berrington.
+ Intrm: 1. Lola Turner, 2. Rocket Richardson.
+ Open: 1. Lola Turner, 2. Hudson Losey, 3. Jevin Hubbard, 4. Rocket Richardson, 5. Pierson S. Potratz, 6. Garrett Berrington, 7. Kolton Sego, 8. Jonny Simpson, 9. William Teninty, 10. Keagan Brocchini, 11. Bennett Stone, 12. Chance Hawkins, 13. Kade Christensen, 14. Barrett Stone, 15. Nia Morgan, 16. Jace Conner.
+ Beg: 1. Nathan Riippi, 2. Zackery O’Niell, 3. Lucas Evans, 4. R.J. Sheehan, 5. Lanndon Tabor, 6. Sage Trebelhorn, 7. Colby Olson, 8. Landon Martin, 9. Devyn S. Leppek, 10. Charlie Grubb, 11. Joey Decker, 12. Austin Squire, 13. Keith Stewart, 14. August Johnson, 15. Mike Sloan.
+ Jr: 1. Declan Kahabka, 2. Joshua Black, 3. Rocket Richardson, 4. Zackery Paulson, 5. Douglas Pena, 6. Luke Kunkel, 7. Hub Losey.
+ Intrm: 1. Owen J. Bills, 2. Chase Cannizzaro, 3. Rogen Hill.
+ Open: 1. Chase Cannizzaro, 2. Owen J. Bills, 3. Declan Kahabka, 4. Rogen Hill, 5. Joshua Black, 6. Rocket Richardson, 7. Douglas Pena, 8. Luke Kunkel, 9. Zackery Paulson, 10. Lucas Evans, 11. Nathan Riippi, 12. Hub Losey, 13. Colby Olson, 14. Charlie Grubb, 15. Zachery O’Neill, 16. Joey Decker.
+ Supermini: 1. Nakana C. Domingo, 2. Chase Cannizzaro, 3. Otto Albrecht, 4. Rogen Hill, 5. Zackery Paulson.
+ Junior: Troy Decker, 2. Bob Heeb, 3. Keith Mansfield, 4. Chris Stone, 5. Tony Torres, 6. Patrick L. Fye, 7. Kandall Larsen.
DNS: John Albrecht.
+ Intrm: 1. Mike McMurry, 2. Bob Woebbeking, 3. Doug Wollum.
+ Beg: 1. Jessie Sadler, 2. Kris Kahabka, 3. Steven Mitchell, 4. James Sloan, 5. Chuck Searcy, 6. Bill Whalen.
+ Jr: 1. Phil Fell, 2. Jason Rubero, 3. Mike Smith, 4. Clint Miller, 5. John Rychlick, 6. Jason Martinez.
+ Intrm: 1. Aaron Bissell, 2. Chad Olson, 3. Chad Johnson, 4. Doug Wollum.
+ Exp: 1. Rich Torwaldson, 2. Tony P. Fagundes.
DNS: Chris M. Ponsock.
+ Master: 1. Scott Stillmock.
+ Beg: 1. Jason Simpson, 2. Alex Wolfe, 3. Seve Worrall, 4. Reynold Hysell, 5. David Squire.
+ Jr: 1. Justin Whaler, 2. Jessie Gregg, 3. Austin Hickman, 4. Michael McLurry, 5. Jason Parke, 6. Phil Fell, 7. Jesse Cunnally, 8. Anthony Lavezzo, 9. Andrew Robinson, 10. Patrick A. Griffith, 11. Nick Petz, 12. John Rychlick.
+ Intrm: 1. Kile Fye, 2. Shane Havens, 3. Machael Worrall, 4. Tyler Rasmussen.
DNS: Scott Polan.
+ Exp: 1. Matt Hall.
+ Mstr: 1. Ryan Eager, 2. Zach Fields.
+ Open: 1. Michael Jepsen, 2. Matt Hall, 3. Kile Fye, 4. Johnathan Ayers, 5. Logan Larive, 6. Justin Whaler.
Club: 1. Scott Polan, 2. Tony P. Fagundes, 3. Scott Stillmock, 4. Michael Worrall, 5. Aaron Bissell, 6. Chad Olson, 7. Mike McMurry, 8. Mike Smith, 9. Bob Woebbeking, 10. Troy Decker, 11. Claire Petrie, 12. Ryan Eager, 13. Keith Mansfield.
DNF: Chris M. Ponsock.
+ A: 1. Shami Potratz, 2. Hayden Losey, 3. Jolita Nava.
+ B: 1. Jen Leppek, 2. Claire Petrie, 3. Hadleigh Kahabka, 4. Christ Ponsock.
College Boy: 1. Johnathan Rychlick, 2. Mason Stone, 3. Garrett Rychlik, 4. Blake Ray, 5. Nick Frankoski, 6. Nick Wilford.
DNS: Jess Wilford.
Schoolboy: 1. Casey Carmichael, 2. Demetre Proutsos, 3. Dylan Thorwaldson, 4. Nakana C, Domingo, 5. Ayden Katzenmeyer, 6. Kai Kapahee, 7. Jared Mariscal, 8. Lux B. Turner, 9. Chandler M. Beveridge, 10. Otto Albrecht, 11. Kyle J. Zimmer, 12. Cole Palotas, 13. Chase Cannizzaro, 14. Jacob Latham,15. Tovin Kahabka, 16. Wyatt Fry, 17. Cody Zimmer, 18. Jayce Hawkins.
2-Stroke Open: 1. Demetre Proutsos, 2. Austin W. Johnson, 3. Lux B. Turner, 4. Collin Huston, 5. Chayce N. Barba, 6. Mason Stone, 7. Ian Knight, 8. Chris M. McPartlin, 9. Joshua Paley, 10. Alec Green.
DNS: Garrett Porter.
Open Big Bike: 1. Dylan Galliett, 2. Jared Mariscal, 3. Tyler Gunn, 4. Edward Mirard, 5. Johnathan Ayers.
+ Beg: 1. Seth Clark, 2. Wyatt Fry, 3. Tsiidopi T. Minder, 4. Hayden Losey, 5. Dustin Reed, 6. Brendin Pinkston, 7. Sean Dingley, 8. Jay Hoovler, 9. Jess Wilford, 10. Nick Wilford, 11. Christian Strange, 12. Dylan W. Thiessen, 13. Bryce Daniels, 14. Matt Dufur, 15. Liam Sears, 16. Michael Chase, 17. Landon Martin, 18 Joshua Paley, 19. Connor Hoovler, 20. Evan Wagoner, 21. Jakob Severne, 22. Christopher Whalen, 23. Ian Breckenridge, 24. Kevin Gonzales, 25. Gabrial Morton, 26. Drew Johnson.
DNS: Tristen Strange.
+ Jr: 1. Demetre Proutsos, 2. Lux B. Turner, 3. Ayden Katzenmeyer, 4. Nakana C. Domingo, 5. Collin Huston, 6. Otto Albrecht, 7. Zayne Bissell, 8. Cole Palotas, 9. Garrett Rychlik, 10. Tovin Kahabka, 11. Chandler M. Beveridge, 12. Reile Cole, 13. Chet Maga, 14. Hayden Fagundes, 15. Jonathan Mayo, 16. Jocob Latham, 17. Cameron Solinski, 18. Chase Rychlik, 19. Jolita Nava.
DNF: Dawson Daniels.
+ Intrm: 1. Casey Carmichael, 2. Dylan Thorwaldson, 3. Tristen Mathisen, 4. Blayne Herrera.
+ Pro: 1. Alec Green, 2. Brad L. Maga.
+ Beg: 1. Justin Graves, 2. Ian Beckenridge, 3. Riley Moran, 4. Andrew Highnight, 5. Seth Clark, 6. Mason Harvey, 7. Robert Callahan, 8. Jerrett Gallagher, 9. Edwardd Ford-Allisen, 10. Rynold Hysell, 11. Dylan Campbess, 12. Christian Strange, 13. Matt Dufur, 14. Gage Gunzsburg, 15. Greg Hicks, 16. Jessie Sadler, 17. Danny Rudd, 18. Jess Wilford, 19. Austyn Barber, 20. Harley Tyree, 21. Steven Mitchell, 22. Steven Mitchell, 23. Jordan Lewis, 24. Christopher Whalen, 25. Josh Tackett, 26. Nick Wilford, 27. Gabrial Morton, 28. Drew Johnson
DNS: Tristen Strange
+ Junior: 1. Ayden Katzenmeyer, 2. Kyle J. Zimmer, 3. Logan Larive, 4. Chayce N. Barba, 5. Chet Maga, 6. Chris M. McPartlin, 7. Blake Ray, 8. Ian Knight, 9. Bryce A. Stapelton, 10. Jordan Harvey, 11. Bear Terry, 12. Jake Williams, 13. Cameron Solinski, 14. Jonathan Sawyer, 15. Jonathan Mayo, 16. Reile Cole, 17. Gabe Merrill, 18. Nick Frankoski, 19. Edward Mirard, 20. Jayce Hawkins, 21. Jolita Nava, 22. Brett D. Thompson, 23. Cody Zimmer, 24. Holland Losey, 25. Errick T. Idle, 26. Clar Belanyer.
+ Intrm: 1. Casey Carmichael, 2. Tim P. Stone, 3. Tristen Mathisen, 4. Kai Kapahee, 5. Blayne Herrera.
+ Pro: 1. Aaron Siminoe, 2. Dylan Galliett, 3. Alec Green, 4. Brad L. Maga, 5. Austin W. Johnson, 6. Michael Jepsen, 7. Zach Fields.