FALLON, NV (Sept. 21) – Rattlesnake Raceway closed its 2019 regular season this weekend. It was the night when championships were secured and celebrations began.
After winning the Hobby Stock main the new class champion Chris Cristiano said, “Its been a heck of a run all season, couldn’t ask for a better track our here at Rattlesnake. They did a heck of a job prepping this track and making sure us drivers get out power to the ground.”
While he won it wasn’t easy. Going into the night he led Shane Cazel by only six points.

On the green Roy Petersen used his front row position to grab the lead. Christiano started at the back of the seven-car field but was charging to the front.
There was an early caution when one car almost hit the wall at the top of Turn 3 but got stopped in time. Then another car stopped on the backstretch and had to be pushed to the pits.
When the green waved again Petersen took off with Ray Davis in second. Close behind was Christiano and soon he took over second.
After catching some lap traffic Petersen’s car began to smoke due to a tire going flat. That eventually sent him to the pits and gave the lead to a very happy Christiano.

At the finish Christiano, who set the fast lap of 17.385, took the victory followed by Shane Cazel and Ray Davis.
After stopping on the front stretch where he got out of his car, stood on top of it and waved the checkered flag the new champion did some donuts on the infield.

Asked about racing his teammate he said, “Had to wait for the right move, especially being a teammate as you’ve got to drive him a s clean as possible. Roy’s gotten real fast these last few races and the competition out here is extremely fierce.
Then he thanked TK Racing, “they make every bit of this happen and I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for them.” He expressed his appreciation to his crew, family and the fans that help keep the track alive.
Although only four Gen-X racers took the green they probably put on the race of the night. Up front Jorden Lumsden grabbed the lead but high school senior Joie Gibbons wasn’t about to make it an easy race for him.

Lap after lap she would catch the leader but just couldn’t get ahead of him. Back and forth they went for the entire race where Gibbons set a fast lap of 19.065 and they finished one-two.
Lumsden did his victory lap with the checkered flag then Gibbons was handed the flag and she too did a victory lap as her runner up finish gave her the class championship.

Back in the pits she said, ”I was so close and I just stayed right on him. This is my second year and it felt great to win the title. I have to thank all my racing buddies that helped me improve as well as my father Dennis.”
On this night only three IMCA Modifieds were on hand. It would be a two-driver showdown during the main.
Melissa Natenstedt won the heat but when the main began Wade Lumsden was on point followed by Natenstedt and Jay Bradley.

Although Lumsden led the entire way and set the fastest lap of 15.497 he couldn’t afford to make a mistake since Natenstedt was not far behind him. They would finish in that order.

Asked if the start made the difference Lumsden said, “Pretty much, kind of what happened in the heat race so I had to get a really good start. With the track the way it was you could have raced anywhere but I still had to be on my A game or Missy would have gotten me. I mean it was a hammer down type of tract and of course the track got rough, which usually happens.
“If you mess up a little bit on your line it would rough up your car and allow her to catch up to me. Yea it was tough but it does give me the championship amd this will be my first modified championship. I’m pretty stoked about it.”
Then he thanked Gilmore Graphics, All About Caring, Senior Living Center, Liberty National Life Insurance (His mom), family and girlfriend, Bob Shankand the Natenstedts for their help.
Five out of the seven Mod Minis were able to take the green flag. Going into the night Stephen Crook led Jesse James by only one point so the race would determine the championship.
When the green waved Dennis Crook was on point followed by his brother Stephen, Aaron McIlvain and Jesse James.

Round and round they went in a tight nose-to-tail formation. After the halfway point Dennis Crook began to fade and that allowed Stephen Crook to take over the lead with Aaron McIlvain into second followed by James
Exiting Turn 2 apparently Dennis Crook spun and James was unable to avoid him. Both wound up on the infield where James had to be towed back to the pits while Crook was unable to continue.

While Stephen Crook won the race the finish was actually determined in the post race tech inspection.
The cars of Stephen Crook and McIlvain failed the inspection and they were disqualified. This gave Dennis Crook the victory and put James into second place.
So for the time being it appears James will once again be the Mod Mini champion for this season.
Next up for the track is the annual Dirt Track Championships. It’s a two-day affair with full programs on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. The class champions are determined by a driver’s combined finishes.
For further information please check the website at, www.rattlesnakeraceway.net.
• That same night American Valley Speedway down in Quincy, California ended it season with the Timber Cup races. The results from the mains are listed in the results section of this article.
• This Wednesday is the final Show N’ Shine at the Sparks A&W located across from Reed High School. Starts at 5:30 p.m., goes until closing and a D.J. will supply the music.

A nice way to see cars, meet other car people and get ready for Street Vibrations.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show will be on from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. The show covers all things automotive.

I have a preview section at 2:15 and you can either listen to the show over the air, streaming on the Internet or watch us live on Face Book.
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Two of them are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports (RMS). Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is, www.rms-renomotorsports.com.
The next shop, and our newest sponsor is Moto Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again there is a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
The phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is, www.moto-source.com.
The next sponsor is an excellent place if you need collision repair on your car or truck. It’s Concours Body shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno and has a long history of first class repairs
Brian Saul is the owner, a car enthusiast himself and he’s committed to continuing the shop’s reputation of quality work. Phone number is 775-329-4557 and the website is, www.concoursbodyshop.net.
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&Company for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. If you’re a rider, well Wednesday evening is Bike Night, always a great time to see some great looking bikes and meet like-minded people.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is www.pjandco.net.
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or an off road demographic? We are always looking for more sponsors and will expose your business to the racing and off road community in this area.
You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
Rattlesnake Raceway – Sept. 21
Hobby Stocks:
+ Heat #1: 1. Roy Petersen, 2.Ray Davis, 3.Crystal Kontny.
DNS: Tori Edgington.
+ Heat #2: 1. Shane Cazel, 2. Chris Christiano, 3. Jacob Dias, 4.Shane Rasmussen.
+ Main (24-Laps): 1. Chris Christiano, 2. Shane Cazel, 3. Ray Davis, 4. Jacob Dias, 5. Crystal Kontny, 6. Roy Petersen.
DNF: Shane Rasmussen.
DNS: Tori Edgington.
+ Heat: 1. Jorden Lumsden, 2. Joie Gibbons, 3. Daniel Kleve, 4. Shawna Ott.
+ Main (20-Laps): 1. Jorden Lumsden, 2. Joie Gibbons, 3. Daniel Kleve, 4. Shawn Ott.
SS4/Mod Mini:
+ Heat #1: 1. Stephen Crook, 2. Jesse James, 3. Aaron McIlvain.
DNF: Travis Showe.
+ Heat #2: 1. Dennis Crook, 2. Kevin Reuter.
DNF: Randy Darst.
+ Main (18-Laps): 1. Dennis Crook, 2. Jesse James.
DNF: Kevin Reuter.
DQ: Stephen Crook, Aaron McIlvain.
DNS: Travis Showe, Randy Darst.
+ Heat: 1. Melissa Natenstedt, 2. Wade Lumsden, 3. Jay Bradley.
+ Main (18-Laps): 1. Wade Lumsden, 2. Melissa Natensdtedt, 3. Jay Bradley.
• Rattlesnake Outlaw Karts:
+ Make Up Races:
– Beginner:
– Heat: 1. Rory Petersen, 2. Aiden Albury.
– Main: 1.rory Petersen, 2. Aiden Albury.
– Box Stock:
– Heat #1: 1. KadenDetomasi, 2. Angelina Petersen, 3. Austin Enox.
Heat #2: 1. Peyton Albury, 2. Kirsten Detomasi.
+ Races:
– Beginner:
– Heat: 1.Rory Petersen, 2.Auden Albury.
Main: 1. Aiden Albury, 2.Rory Petersen.
– Box Stock:
– Heat #1: 1.Peyton Albury, 2. Angelina Petersen, 3. Austin Enox.
Heat #2: 1.Kaden Detomasi, 2. Kirsten Detomasi
Main: 1. Kaden Detomasi, 2. Angelina Petersen, 3. Kirsten Detomasi, 4. Austin Enox, 5. Peyton Albury.
• American Valley Speedway – Sept. 21
Timber Cup Races.
+ Hobby Stock Main: 1. Doug Weeks, 2. Steve Buhr, 3. Rick Higby, 4. Steve Gordon, 5. Keith Ross, 6. James West, 7. Jerimiah Gredon, 8. Rick Etchieson, 9. Robert Warf, 10. David Paine, 11. Paul Stevens.
+ Mini Stock Main: 1. Joey Backwell, 2. Rich Innis 3. Johnny Moya, 4. Johnny Leach, 5. Fred Kresge, 6. Luke Collette, 7. Juanita LaManita, 8. William Folgal, 9. Suzi Schmitt, 10. Cody Froggatt.
+ Sport Mods: 1. Brent Curran, 2. Richard Longacre, 3. Jason Emmot, 4. Brittney Nieman, 5. Keith Mikelson, 6. Tom Frogatt, 7. Sketter Bethel.
+ IMCA Modifieds: 1. Chris Nieman, 2. Gene Kay, 3. Bud Wallberg, 4. Richard Papenhausen, 5. Adam Walters, 6. Justin Saltel, 7. Jeff Olschowka, 8. Mark Skender, 9. Malen Gonzalez, 10. Chase Nieman, 11. Joe Blackwell, 12. Jim Turner, 13. Joe Wood, 14. Ron Brown, 15. Chris Olexiewicz, 16. Scott Forman, 17. Mark Abouzeid.