QUINCY, CALIF (July 20) – This weekend American Valley Speedway ran the Gordon Peard Trucking double header. All classes had two nights of sometimes wild racing on this oval.
There was an added bonus for the IMCA Modified drivers as the winner each night got to pocket $1,000. Needless to say there was some excitement on the track and turned Saturday’s main into a wild affair.

After winning that last Modified main Chris Olexivich said, “It was a crazy night, it was fun racing. Took a chance on the high line as everyone seemed faster than me on the bottom. I was really worried about this left rear tire, not much left going on there, thought it was going to go flat. Fortunately it held together and the top line worked for us tonight.
“I didn’t think it was ever going to end, that was a marathon. Before the race I was sitting there watching them cut that top line and had a feeling if a couple of people used it then it would come in. I was a little bit tight to go up there early one to run that close to the wall but as the fuel was burning off and the car was feeling better the top line was the one working for me.”

Then he thanked Auto Pro Collision, Elkhorn Construction, Quail Run Ranch, Klein Racing Engines as wel as his wife and daughter that put up with his time in the garage.
Before the main event began the drivers did a 4-wide salute to the fans. After that it was time for some serious business.
When the green waved to start the 25-lap main things started with a bang as the cars of Ryan McDaniel and Chris Nieman locked wheels before reaching Turn 2.

The race was stopped so the track crew could get the cars separated. Then the race was restarted but McDaniel only lasted one lap.
After the green waved Jeff Olschowka was on point but things slowed again when one car stopped in Turn 4 with a flat tire. After a brief pause in the action racing resumed and Shane Devolder used an outside pass to take over the lead.
Later Olschowka brought out a caution when he wound up sideways in Turn 2 and Olexivich was just able to avoid hitting him. The ninth lap began with Bud Walburg using an inside pass to take the lead just before there was a scramble in Turn 4.
It took some time to get everyone back into their proper order then the green waved again but this time there was another incident that resulted in the offending driver being black flagged out of the race.
By this time the field had 10 laps of green flag racing and once again it took a bit to get everyone in their proper order. Soon after that another car spun in Turn 2 and somehow everyone missed hitting him but it brought out another caution..
Up front Walburg was on point with another car closing in fast. That chase ended with them crashing on the back stretch bringing out any yellow.
That last caution came with only four laps left in the marathon. By now Olschowka was on point and dueling with Josh Combs.
At this time Olexivich made his move on the outside and passed both of them to take the lead as he stormed off to claim the victory and winner’s prize.

Combs wound up second followed by Jeff Olschowka and Matt Murphy. The entire marathon took just over 41 minutes to complete all 25-laps.
On Friday Chris Nieman scored the IMCA victory with Ryan McDaniel in the runner up spot. That race took just under 19 minutes to complete.
Eight Sport Mods took the green flag when their 20-Lap main began. Things began with a bang as there was a jam up in Turn 2.
Once the order was reset the green waved again and Bill Pearson was on point until Tom Froggatt took the lead. Eventually Pearson faded but behind the leader Jimmy Ray Huffmon and Todd Cooper were disputing second place.

On lap 12 both Huffmon and Cooper tangled bringing out the caution and putting them at the back of the field when the green waved again. Up front Froggatt took off showing everyone his heels.
At the checkered flag Froggatt scored the victory followed by Huffmon, Cooper and Friday’s winner Mike Ficklin.

At the victory ceremony Froggatt said, “It was a long day, I don’t know if everybody knows but my car broke last night. It took everybody to get it back on the track, want to thank Joe and Jeff my new friend Travis that set the car up. Didn’t get the last bolt turned until 6 tonight. I want to thank all the volunteers, my family, my sponsors and everybody that helped me get on the track today.”
Another main beginning with a bang was the Hobby Stock main. Charging through Turn 2 Colton Lawson on point but then second place Rick Miller was punted and spun. This brought out a caution and led to a full restart.

On the green Lawson and Miller were side-by-side while Tom Haxall held down third place. Eventually Miller got the lead and began to pull away.
As the race progressed the lead duo pulled away from the pack as they engaged in their own private chase. The real deciding factor was when the leaders caught two lappers and Miller got through first.
At the flag Miller scored his second victory in as many days followed by Lawson and Haxall with Jim Erle finishing fourth.

After stopping on the front stretch Miller said, “Last night I won the heat race and the main event and tonight I won the heat race and the main event. That’s four checkered flags over the weekend. Lap traffic is a little challenging, you’ve got to read those guys and try to get through them the best you can.”
Then he thanked Miller’s Chop Shop, Shuman’s Custom Cycle and the Sparks A&W, D&D Transmission and Shumway’s Mobile Home Service.
When the Mini Stock main began Will Evenson was up front with Kyle Froggatt right behind him and Suzie Schmitt behind them.

Both Evenson and Froggatt would swap the lead and at one time Schmitt was challenging Frogatt for second. Finally at the 10-lap mark Froggatt used an outside move to make the winning pass and score his second win in two days.
Evenson wound up second ahead of third Schmitt while Bion Barr was fourth.

After the race Froggatt said, “My cousin usually drives the car, my uncle owns it so I’m kind of filling in. It was good, I’ve been helping out last couple of years so it was good to finally get the opportunity to step on the other side and get to drive a few times.
Next race for American Valley is on August 3rd, racing begins at 6 p.m. and all four regular classes will be there.
• Rattlesnake Raceway was in action Saturday. Visiting was the Northern Nevada Winged Sprints and seven of these cars were on hand.
At the end of their main Bruce Ferrier won followed by Bob Cooney and Dalton Christiani. Eight Hobby Stocks were on hand and Tori Edgington won their main.
Other winners were Jessie James in Mod Minis, Mikki Beuchat in the Gen-X class while the modified winner was Wade Lumsden.
Also racing where the Rattlesnake Outlaw Karts. Aiden Albury was the Beginner winner while the Box Stock winner was Peyton Albury.
• Teresa’s Garage Radio Show can be heard from 2 until 3 p.m. on Tuesday afternoons. The show covers all things automotive.

I have a preview section from 2 until 3 p.m. and you can hear us over the air in Reno, listen to it being streamed on the Internet as well a live on Face Book. Hope you’ll check the program out.
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Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&Company for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports. If you’re a rider, well Wednesday evening is Bike Night, always a great time to see some great looking bikes and meet like-minded people.
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Have a business targeted toward motorsports or an off road demographic? We are always looking for more sponsors and will expose your business to the racing and off road community in this area.
You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
American Valley Speedway – Gordon Perad Trucking Races
• Saturday, July 20:
A Mods:
+ Heat Winners: #1. Jeff Olschowka, #2 Ryan McDaniel, #3. Shane Devolder.
+ Main (25-Laps): 1. Chris Olexdvich, 2. Josh Combs, 3. Jeff Olschowka, 4. Matt Murphy 5. Joe Wood, 6. Jake Dewsbury, 7. Anthony Slaney, 8. Ron Brown, 9. Chase Nieman, 10. Bud Walburg, 11. Vince Evenson, 12. Shane Devolder, 13. Kellen Chadwick, 14. Chris Nieman, 15. Ryan McDaniels.
Sport Mods:
+ Heat Winners: #1 Tom Froggatt, #2. Mike Fickin.
+ Main (20-Laps): 1. Tom Froggatt, 2. Jimmy Ray Huffmon, 3. Todd Cooper, 4. Mike Fickin 5. Colby Russell, 6. Keith Mikelson, 7. Bill Pearson, 8. Brittney Nieman.
Hobby Stocks:
+ Heat Winners:#1 Rick Miller, #2 Colton Lawson.
+ Main (20-Laps): 1. Rick Miller, 2. Colton Lawson, 3. Tom Haxall, 4. Jim Erle, 5. Doug Weeks, 6. Steve Buhr, 7. David Woods.
Mini Stocks:
+ Heat Winner: Kyle Froggett.
+ Main (15-Laps): 1. Kyle Froggett, 2. Will Evenson, 3. Suzie Schmitt, 4. Bion Barr, 5. Joey Blackwell.
• Friday, July 19:
IMCA Modifieds:
+ Heat Winners: #1 Buddy Wallburg, #2 Chase Nieman, #3 Ryan McDaniels.
+ Main (25-Laps): 1. Chris Nieman, 2. Ryan McDaniels, 3. Shane Devloder, 4. Anthony Slaney, 5. Josh Combs, 6. Matt Murphy, 7. Kellen Chadwick, 8. Scott Forman, 9. Jake Dewsberry, 10. Richard Papenhausen, 11. Buddy Wallburg, 12. Chase Nieman, 13. Joe Blackwell, 14. Joe Wood, 15. Walter Ball, 16. Jeff Olschowka, 17. Vincent Evenson, 18. James Hite.
Sport Mods:
+ Heat Winner: 1. Tom Froggatt.
+ Main (20-Laps): 1. Mike Ficklin, 2. David Pierce, 3. Scott Savell, 4. Brittney Nieman, 5. Keith Michelson, 6. Colby Russell, 7. Tom Froggatt.
Hobby Stock:
+ Heat Winners: #1 Tom Hozam, #2 RickMiller.
+ Main (20-Laps): 1. Rick Miller, 2. Colton Lawson, 3. Tom Hozam, 4. Jerry Stark, 5. Steve Buhr, 6. Jim Erle, 7. Dave Woods, 8. Connor McMillian.
Mini Stocks:
+ Heat Winner: Kyle Froggatt.
+ Main (15-Laps): 1. Kyle Froggatt, 2. Will Evenson, 3. Suzie Schmitt, 4. Bion Barr, 5. Joey Blackwell.
• Rattlesnake Raceway- July 20
Northern Nevada Winged Sprints:
+ Heat Winners: #1 Bob Cooney, #2 Joran Garretson.
+ Main: 1. Bruce Ferrier, 2. Bob Cooney, 3. Dalton Christiani, 4. Jordan Garretson, 5. Bob Shank, 6. Jay Bradley.
DNF: Kurt Goddard.
IMCA Modifieds:
+ Heat Winner: Wade Lumsden.
+ Main: 1. Wade Lumsden, 2. Craig Maestretti.
Hobby Stocks:
+ Heat Winners: #1. Chris Christiano, #2 Crystal Kontny.
+ Main: 1. ToreEdgington, 2. Dan Dias, 3. Shane Cazel, 4. Chris Christiano, 5. Roy Petersen, 6. Robert Crane, 7. Crystal Kontny.
DNF: Shane Rasmussen.
Mod Mini/SS4:
+ Heat Winner: Dennis Crook.
+ Main:1. Jessie James, 2. Steve Crook Sr., 3. Stephen Crook.
DNF: Kevin Reuter, Dennis Crook.
+ Heat Winner: Mikki Beuchat.
+ Main: 1. Mikki Bauchat, 2. Jordan Lumsden, 3. Joie ßGibbons.
• Rattlesnake Outlaw Karts:
+ Heat Winner: Aiden Albury.
+ Main: 1. Aiden Albury, 2. Rory Petersen, 3. Austin Husley.
Box Stock:
+ Heat Winners: #1 Logan Goffinet, #2 Peyton Albury.
+ Main: 1. Peyton Albury, 2. Logan Goffinet, 3. Angelina Petersen, 4. Kaden Detomasi, 5. Kirsten Detomasi, 6. Austin Enox, 7. ??? Peterson, 8. Kenzie Husley.