DOYLE, CALIF (April 13) – Lassen MC staged the third round of MRANN’s 2019 season. It was the Della Alosi Memorial Hare Scrambles and the site was the Ft. Sage OHV area outside of Doyle, California.
Weather in this region has been very iffy but Mother Nature smiled on the event. The good weather brought 104 riders to test the 28-mile long circuit and only nine of them failed to complete at least two laps.
Winners needed to complete four laps while anyone wanting to be classed as finisher needed only two. And all of them would have to tackle a long, steep downhill known as the “Widow Maker.”
A shotgun start was used where riders wait beside their bikes until the gun is discharged. They then kick their bikes to live and take off.
While each class line was long riders had to funnel down to get through the first turn. Amazingly no one went down as they stormed around the tight turn and headed onto the course.

Ross Neely on his way to winning the MRANN race at Ft. Sage.
After the race winner Ross Neely said, “I think it was the third lap when I actually caught Reece and passed him. We battled a little bit here and there then on the fourth lap we’re still well together there until I could see him getting a little tired. Luckily I pulled a little but of a gap so I could have a breather there.
“It was fun, that last lap was a little struggle going, lap 4 120 miles or whatever it was, it was pushing it but it was fun. The course was not real grooved in at first, once a good line got started you could see brown dirt, it was like brown sugar there in some of the gullies but it was awesome. Got a little chopped up at the end so had to pick lines but it was a killer ride.”
Then he thanked Rhino Welding as well his parents and family that were there rooting for him.

At the Expert start Reece Honea (681), who finished second chases Dan Capparelli (311), who ended the day in third.
After the Expert line started Dan Capparelli briefly held the lead until Reece Honea, Neely and Corey Fletcher swept past him. After that all four were leading and running away from the pack.
Starting their fourth lap Neely had closed the gap on Honea and finally got past. Going down the Widow Maker Honea had a get off that dropped from the lead but he was able to recover and finished a strong second..
Fletcher would suffer bike problems on the final lap that dropped him to 24th while Capparelli’s steady pace rewarded him with a third place finish.
Once Honea reached the finish line, a few minutes after Neely he caught his breath and said, “Kind of pacing off Ross cruising along then unfortunately I crashed down the Widow Maker. That took out a lot of my energy cause the bike was above me so had to turn around and hike back up to it. I was getting a little tired but felt pretty good until that happened then I was worn out.”
Then he thanked Layne from Big Valley Honda, Fiancee` Tina, brother, pit crew, M.J.Barenback Plumbing and Heating and Fly Racing.
Coming home third overall, after a steady run was Capparell, who said, “- The race was good, went really well, got a hole shot, that doesn’t usually happen too often, then Cory got me then Reece and Ross. I was hoping they’d kind of tired out and I’d reel them in, but I’m a little older than they are too. The course was fun,, it was rough it definitely got rocky the second, third and fourth lap. So riding smooth today was the key.”
Then he thanked sponsors RMS, TBT, Chick F Lay, FXR and SXS.

Dan Capparelli used a steady but fast paced ride to finish third overall at Ft. Sage.
Both Neely and Honea ride in the Open Expert Class while Capparelli is in the 30+ Expert Class.
Each group at a MRANN race starts separately. The second one let go are the amateurs and usually the fastest will catch the slowest experts.
This time the first amateur to complete four laps as James McMurray, who wound up 10th overall at the end.

First amateur to finish four laps was James McMurray, who races in 30+ Amateur.
“Man the race was awesome. Whoops didn’t really start to develop until that fourth lap. Every lap before that was gold, just pin it to win it. Went over the bars once, didn’t waste too much time was able to get back on and recover,” he said.
Then the thanked sponsor Reno Motorsports as well as his wife and family.
The final line is the Novice Class. They are a mix of the very new to ones about to move up into the amateur ranks either this season or next.

Zane Bissell, who normally races in Motocross, was the first Novice to complete four laps.
The first one of them completing all four laps was Zane Bissell, who races in the 4-Stroke Class. Since he lives in Susanville his commute to the event was shorter than most of the riders had.
“We normally race motocross tracks so I figured I’d come and try this out. It was insane, wasn’t expecting it to be as rough as it was, or as long as it was, or as dusty as it was but it’s fun. I was fast through the whoops and through the corners using my brakes and stuff but it’s hard to pay attention to where you’re going. I’m used to a groomed track, but I did the Honey Lake one last year and it was fun so I’ll try it again this year,” he said.
Then he thanked Desert Rat Racing, his father, girlfriend and those that support him.
Other class winners were 9th place David Mayer in 40+ Expert, Danny Young in 50+ Expert, Cami Ingram in Women’s Novice and the ageless Pete Prichard, who finished 57th overall and won the 60+ Class.

At the top of the age scale Pete Prichard won the 60+ Class.
- Saturday was the first day of this MRANN event and it’s when the short track racers as well as the kids get their turn to shine.
Winning the Pee Wee race was Ryder Allen in the 65 Novice class while the runner up was 7 & Up racer Walker VanDover. Back in 10th place was the 4-Stroke Novice winner Logan Johnson while Lilly Trotter, in 15th, was the first 6 & Under rider to finish.
Out of 28 riders only three failed to finish.
Next up is a race that combines three classes, V-Women, Mini Bikes and Bombers. It’s quite a mix and usually has some good racing in it. Out of 32 riders only four failed to finish the race.
Bomber racer Kendrick Martin was first overall but Woman’s Expert Crystal Ponsock came in second while Austin Hough in 100 Expert wound up third.
Now everyone gets a month off before the next event the Corey Herring Memorial at Honey Lake in June. Then MRANN takes the summer off until the fall series begins.
REPORTER’S NOTE: Class winners are noted in the results and the full results are on the Lassen MC Face Book Page. There is a photo gallery after the results.
- If possible please listen to Teresa’s Garage Radio Show from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesday. We cover all things automotive as well as trends and this week there is a special guest.

Teresa’s Garage Radio Show will have a special guest this week.
I have a preview section at 2:15 so you can find out what’s coming for the weekend. You can listen to us over the air, stream the program on the Internet and watch us live on Face Book.
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We now have four very appreciated sponsors that support his site. Please patronize them as they support your sport and help nvracingnews continue.
Two of them are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports. Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
The next shop, and our newest sponsor is Moto Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again the shop has a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
Phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
The next sponsor is an excellent place if you need collision repair on your car or truck. It’s Concours Body shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno and has a long history of first class repairs
Brian Saul is the new owner, a car enthusiast himself he’s committed to continuing the shop’s history of quality work. The change comes as Gil Grieve, the previous owner has retired.
Phone number for the shop is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&Company for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports.
If you’re a rider, well Wednesday evening is Bike Night, always a great time to see some great looking bikes and meet like minded people.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or an off road demographic? We are always looking for more sponsors and will expose your business to the racing and off road community in this area.
You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.
MRANN, Round 3 – April 13/14
•   Saturday, April 13:
+ Pee Wee Overall: 1. Ryder Allen, 65 Nov., 2. Walker Van Dover, 7 & up, 3. Trevor Barkull, 4. Liam Rasmussen, 5. Hannah Engleke, 6. Kyra Tichenor, 7. Landen Ruano, 8. Devan Tichenor, 9. Payton Segale, 6 & Under, 10. Logan Johnson, 4-Stk Nov., 11. Shea Zastawniak, 12. Oliver McElroy, 13. Jackson     Sangster, 14. Blake Cox, 15. Lilly Trotter, 16. Maxwell Wickware, 17. Elijah Cox, 18. Paxton Beck, 19. Logan Blaire, 20. Ada Sangster, 21. Robert Belinger, 22. Kayleen Silva, 23. Teigein Biddle, 24. Max Trotter, 25. Gavin Beck.
DNF: Devin Deforest, Loga Blaire, Waylon Crosthwaite.
+ V Women/Mini Bikes/Bomber Overall: 1. Kenrick Martin, Bomber, 2. Crystal Ponsock, Wm Exp., 3. Austin Hough, 100 Exp., 4. Landen Williams, 100 Ama., 5. Alequin Scheetz, Wm. Nov, 6. Garrett Dean, 7. Anthony Braun, 8. Grant Gomes, 100 Nov., 9. Chanel Honea, 10, Claire Petrie, 11. Charles Albert, 12. Robyn Embrey, Wm Am., 13. Jesse Miller, 65 Am., 14. Mackinze Dingley, 15. Brooke Baird, 16. Remi Johnson, 17. Mike Furlong, 18. Jessica Edwards, 19. Allen Gomes, 20. Justin Gomes, 21. Janeen Silva, 22. Morgan Martin, 23. Scott Martin, 24. Erin Grieve, 25. Morgan Caron, 26. Lukas Dean, 27. Titan Allen, 28. Will Allen.
DNF: Ave Delaney, Jacob Englke, Unlisted.
DNS: Rachel Roen.
•    Sunday, April 14:
+ Big Bike Overall: 1. Ross Neely, Open Exp., 2. Reece Honea, 3. Dan Capparelli, 30+ Exp, 4. Austin Wilson, 250 Exp., 5. Miles Barzil, 6. Wyatt Britter, 7. C.J. Crandall, 8. Ricky Dahlberg, 9. David Mayer, 40+ Exp., 10. James McMurray, 30+ Ama., 11. Chuck Paya, 12. Josh Cook, 4-Stk Exp., 13. Josh     Wilson, 14. Evyn Smith, 15. Red Herrera, 30+ Am., 16. Paul Ziegler, 17. Nathan Owen, 18. Justin Bradley, 19. Eric Loer, 20. Dustin Burell, 21. Zayne Billell, 4-Stk Nov., 22, Jesse Richardson, 23. David Inmon, 24. Corey Fletcher, 25. Jesse White, 26. Nathan Delaney.
(All riders after this completed three laps or less)
27. Thomas Sangster, 28. Terry Scheetz, 40+ Am., 29.Danny Young, 50+ Ex., 30. Jason Shakespeare, 31. Shai Raybuck, 32. Carson Calder, 200 Am., 33. Jim Gray, 50+ Am., 34. Jordan Guess, 35. Jeremy White, 36. Clay Renner, 250 Nov., 37. Kurt Crandall, 38. Kevin Peloso, 39. Steve Wakefield, 40. Jeremiah Haskins, 41. Gret Faucet, 42. Josh Adams, Open Nov., 43. Logan Larive, 44. Jerry Harmon, 45. Skip Thompson, 46. Richie Burr, 47. Gerald Luczky, 48. Jared Silva, 49. Camie Ingram, Wm Nov., 50. Jeffery Willis, 51. Conner Heywood, 52. Michael Harding, 53. Thomas Parachou, 54. Robert Egeshahl, 55. R.J. More, 56. Levi Bliss, 57. Pete Prichard, 60+, 58. Cooper Small, 59 C.J. LaCruze, 60. David Bissell, 61. Kody Burrell, 62. David Lektorich, 63. Jerome Turnbull, 64. Darcy Johnson, 65. Enzo Sowle,
(Riders listed below, completed 2 laps)
A.J. Turnage, 67. Ripley Shakespare, 68. Ryan Albert, 69. Scott Gray, 70. Garett Burnett, 71. Craig Rosebarry, 72. Mark Henderson, 50+ Nov., 73. Logan Smith, 74. Jeff Renner, 50+ Nov., 75. Kurt Weil, 76. Jake Barron, 77. Richard Parise, 78. Lane Kolbet, 79. Kevin Willis, 80. Tina Bodden, 81. Tyler Hough, 82. Reese Scheetz, 83. Hayden Losey, Wm Am., 84. Steve Courtney, 85. Mike Newman, 86. Greg Ekins, 87. Teresa Wik, 88. Denny Soltis, 89. Chris LaCruze, 90. Robert Kramer, 91. Sheah Rainbolt, 92. John Barron, 93. Rachel Roen, 94. Wyatt Rentfrom, 95. Russell Tonjum.
DNF: Danielle Horneman, Mark McKenna, Tallon Marsall, Dominick Johnson, Brian Zastawniak, Landen Cohen, Dalton Leone, Alan Cameron, Shawn Hale.
PHOTO GALLERY: Only a small portion of the shots I took.
Hi Dan, curious if there is a place where you post all (or more) of the photos you take at races.
It takes so much time Darcy I usually don’t although at some races I do have
a photo gallery at the end. However if there is a certain bike or car you’d
like to see please send me the event, number and class the racer is in and I’ll
certainly check for you. Then if you want a print I’ll glad sell it to you. Hope
this helps.
Hi Dan-
I hear ya about the amount of time. If you ever come across 337W KTM Women’s class on Sunday….
Cheers, and thanks for the great write-ups.
Let me check this evening and see if I have a shot of you.
Been working a lot this past week but found a picture of you. Since there
are two bikes in the shot the one of you would be vertical. Is the e-mail shown in your comment
he one I should use. If so I’ll send you a proof. Try and let me know by Friday night. After
that I’ll be fully involved with the VCGP and next week with the setting up for the
Miss USA Pageant.
My email shown is correct Dan, thank you very much for digging in. VCGP is going to be a blast! Cheers