RENO, NV (March 31) – This time its Weekend’s Variety as we get closer to actual racing at our local tracks. Now if only mother nature will cooperate racing tracks can finally get going.

Before the Ride for Soldiers Street Kings Motorcycle Club president Projex stands in front of the Veteran’s Guest House.
- Weekend’s Variety got rolling Saturday morning in front of the Veteran’s Guest House closest to the V.A. Medical Center. The Street Kings Motorcycle club was hosting their fifth annual Ride for Soldiers that originally came from a tragedy but is now something positive.
Projex, the road name of the club’s president said, “Really how this ride got started, the founder of our club’s son was a National Guardsmen and he actually passed away due to a motorcycle accident. Riding motorcycles and serving in the military were the two things he was passionate about. So we really put this together to keep his memory alive and we take a ride and all the proceeds we make are donated back to the Veteran’s Guest House.”
The ride itself is about two-hours long. After leaving the riders head to the Lowe’s Parking lot at the corner of Fairview and Roop in Carson City.

Riders assembling in front of the Veteran’s Guest House by the V.A. Medical Center.
“That’s the actual intersection where he crashed at,” Projex said. “So we go there, do a memorial for him and going to release some balloons in him memory. From there we’ll come back to our clubhouse at 1939 Prater in Sparks.”
It’s going to be an easy ride, starting around 11 then ending at the clubhouse around 1 p.m. Various motorcycle clubs joined in this effort and ride.
Finally Projex added, “I would say that this if our fifth year, we plan on doing it for years and years to come. It’s really starting to gain quite a following, a lot of support from the community as well. We really appreciate all the support and I know the Veteran’s Guest House appreciates it as well.
“It’s a family friendly event, we’re going to have a bounce house over there so people can feel free to bring their kids out. We’re really just trying to do our part to help the community and really have focus on groups that really need it the most.”

Riders returning to Sparks at the end of the Ride for Soldiers benefit.
He explained there’ another event later in the year to benefit the Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation. If anyone has further questions the Street Kings Motorcycle Club has a Face Book page where people can contact them.
• Next in Weekend’s Variety was the Northern Nevada Camaro Club’s meet at Summit Racing located at 960 East Glendale in Sparks.

Some of the Camaros on display before their cruise on Saturday.
Lance Freitas, who heads the club waited until the group from Carson City arrived. Then the cars were on display for a while before heading out.

Northern Nevada Camaro Club held its meet in the parking lot of Summit Racing in Sparks
This time the cruise went through Virginia City and back into Carson City. The next meet is scheduled for April 13th, for further information please contact them through their Face Book page.
• Next on Weekend’s Variety was a seminar hosted by the Northern Nevada Kart Club. The location was at their track Desert Park Raceway at the Stead Airport off the dirt extension of Lemmon Drive.

Kart drivers watching a video about braking during NNKC’s Seminar.
The seminar began by showing the drivers videos that covered several areas they’ll face on track like braking and over taking.
After that they were taken out in groups, like the Juniors, Seniors and others to make sure everyone was familiar with how their karts handle as well as how the track is configured.

Jacob Ciari leads an on track session at the NNKC Seminar.
This year the club’s president is Rachel Anderline, who said, “It’s a great turnout, we’ve lots of new members this year so we’re really excited about the new year and it looks like they are learning a lot of great things. Jacob Ciari is our trainer and he’s an experienced Senior 206 driver and he’s great with our new members as he knows how to help them from the ground level to the really advanced level. He’s put together some videos to show them then he takes them out on the track to do the same thing, it works great.”
After the on-track session Ciari debriefed everyone and fielded questions from the drivers. Then they got ready for another on-track session.

After the on-track session Ciari gave pointers on what a driver should be aware of during a race.
Looking head to the new season Anderline said, “Very optimistic, we’re very excited, got a significant influx of new members, both new to karting and new to our club and that’s really great for a healthy life for our club.”
• There were a couple of other events in this Weekend’s Variety. At the Fernley/Wadsworth Motocross Track, or the Sand Box as many call it, the local Old Timers had two ride days.
The first part was for any Old Timer members as they got ready for next week’s National round. After that anyone could get track time.
Further east and south of Fallon there was test and tune sessions at Top Gun Dragstrip. From reports there was a good turn out of various cars including several bikes doing runs on the quarter mile.
Have to see what the weather will do next week but the Old Timer’s National round will go no matter what the weather does. As far as NNKC and Rattlesnake Raceway go that depends on what Mother Nature sends out way.
- This week we have a special guest on Teresa’s Garage Radio Show. It is Kathy Mello the award winning owner of TGIF Body Shop in Fremont, California.

Teresa’s Garage Radio Show graphic.
The show runs from 2 until 3 p.m. Tuesdays, I have a preview section at 2:15. We cover a host of topics and you can listen to us over the air, streamed on the Internet or live on Fact Book.
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We now have four very appreciated sponsors that support his site. Please patronize them as they support your sport and help nvracingnews continue.
Two of them are first class motorcycle shops located in Reno.
Our first sponsor is Reno Motorsports. Not only do they have about anything a rider might want or need and the store also has a full service shop.
Their location is at 964 Terminal Way, by the intersection with Mill Street. Store’s phone number is 775-322-1499 and the site is,
The next shop, and our newest sponsor is Moto Source located at 3180 Mill Street. Once again the shop has a full service shop plus about any thing a rider might need or want.
Phone number is 775-856-3855 and the website is,
The next sponsor is an excellent place if you need collision repair on your car or truck. It’s Concours Body shop, located at 250 Telegraph Street in Reno and has a long history of first class repairs
Brian Saul is the new owner, a car enthusiast himself he’s committed to continuing the shop’s history of quality work. The change comes as Gil Grieve, the previous owner has retired.
Phone number for the shop is 775-329-4557 and the website is,
Hungry, want a great place to eat, then try PJ&Company for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and it’s a great place to watch your favorite sports.
If you’re a rider, well Wednesday evening is Bike Night, always a great time to see some great looking bikes and meet like minded people.
The location is 1590 South Wells Avenue, just north of the round about. Phone number is 775-323-6366 and their website is
Have a business targeted toward motorsports or an off road demographic? We are always looking for more sponsors and will expose your business to the racing and off road community in this area.
You can contact us either through the comment section of this site or on our Face Book page.