FALLON, NV (Sept. 8) – With two races left in the points paying season it’s crunch time at Rattlesnake Raceway. Especially for those trying to sew up the championships or those trying to improve their positions.
This time around many of the regular IMCA Modifieds weren’t running as the Super Nationals were going on at Boone, Iowa. All IMCA tracks aren’t allowed to pay points until the Iowa event is over but next week they can.
At that time the class championship will be decided between Andy Strait, who leads by seven points and second place Dave Sciarroni.

Randy Boyd (18) and Shane Cazel at the start of the Hobby Stock main.
The Hobby Stock class had the most cars and going into the night Dave Ausano an Dan Dias were only six points apart. On the green however Randy Boyd, who is third in points took off chased by 57 and Dias.
It would be Boyd’s night as he led from green to checkered while Dias and Ausano ended up third and fourth. Their championship battle will be settled at the next race.

Randy Boyd takes a victory lap after winning the Hobby Stock main.
Five IMCA Modifieds showed up and their main was one of attrition. On the green Steve McQueen Jr. took off with others giving chase.

In the IMCA Main Jerry Crowley is chasing early leader Steve McQueen Jr.
Behind the leader Steve McQueen Jr., Jerry Crowley moved into second before a caution came for debris in Turn 2. During that time one racer had motor problems and left in a cloud of smoke while another dropped out.
After the restart the car of Jonathan Delavega lost its right front wheel going down the backstretch. The car wound up in the Turn 3 wall and also had the left rear go flat.

The wrecked car of Jonathan Delavega after it lost the right front wheel.
Right after Delavega hit the wall officials stopped everything as they raced to check on the driver. While he was uninjured the same can’t be said for his car.
By now there were only three cars left and when the green waved McQueen gassed but spun out of the lead in Turn 3. This handed the point to Jerry Crowley and caused another caution. After that ended there was another caution when the car of Jim Turner slowed and stopped in Turn 2 then headed for the pits. And debris was found in another turn.
This left only two cars running so the officials had a green-white-checkered finish to the event. So the winner Jerry Crowley was almost the last man standing and McQueen ended up second..

Jerry Crowley wins the IMCA main.
After the race Crowley said, “It wasn’t too bad once we got going and everyone got spread out. Then just picking them all off from starting in the back and work my way forward.”
Then he gave a big thank you to Shawn and Missy Natenstedt for their help. Crowley used to crew for them and bought one of their cars before he got the current one.
While Josh Evans was on pole when the Super Stock 4 main began he was surrounded by members of the Crook family. Brothers Stephen and Dennis were on the outside row while their father Steve Sr., was inside the second row. On the green Stephen had the advantage until Dennis took the point before the first lap ended.

Josh Evens is surrounded by the Crook brothers and their father at the SS4/Mini Stock main.
Behind them points leader Jesse James moved into third after starting at the back. Up front Dennis Crook’s car developed a problem that slowed him before he headed into the pits.
Behind them their father Steve Crook Sr. had problems with his car and pulled to a stop on the infield.
When Dennis Crook pulled into the pits that handed the lead to James, who was second. He then motored off to claim the victory and added to his points advantage.

Jesse James does a reverse victory lap after winning the SS4/Mini Stock main.
The victory allowed James to pad his point lead and back in the pits he said, “I started catching him (Dennis Crook) and it looked like he had some problems. I liked the track, nailed the set up, a really good track for me.”
Then he thanked Raber Fabrication and his fans.
Another tight points race is in Gen-X where Robert Craine held a 10-point advantage over Jesse Showe.
When that main began Joie Gibbons was on point but not for long as took it over when the leader got a flat tire and had to pit. This gave the lead to local Kevin Reuter.

Jesse James is chased by Stephen Crook in the SS4/Mini Stock main.
Later in the race Gibbons did return but was too far down in the standings to be a factor. Up front Reuter was being chased by Travis Showe, who held second place.
In the end Reuter claimed the victory and later said, “It was good. There’s a couple of them (lap traffic) that were staying out there and putting around so I took my time getting around them but I felt a little bump in the back every now and then so I knew somebody was right there. Track was okay, I just kept running my lines and stayed out front.”

Kevin Reuter wins the Gen-X main.
Then he thanked Ron Teeney for letting him drive the car and Marshall Septic Car for the porta potties and donations to the track as well as his wife for letting him race and their kids. He also added thanks to pit crew member Rusty McMillian for his help.
Mad Metal was also on hand with their mud drags. Only the final three runs were made and since the lights didn’t work the starts were made in the old fashion way, when the starter dropped his arms the race was on.
Next up for Rattlesnake Raceway is the final points race of the season starting at 6 p.m. on September 22.
REPORTER’S NOTE: There is a photo gallery after the results.
- Remember to tune in or stream Teresa’s Garage Radio Show between 2 and 3 p.m. Tuesday. We talk about all things automotive.

Teresa’s Garage Radio Show graphic.
I have a short preview segment around 2:15. Hope you will give the show a listen.
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Rattlesnake Raceway – Round 11
September 8, 2018
- Hobby Stock:
+ Heat #1: 1. Shane Cazel, 2. David Ausano, 3. Ray Davis, 4. Kim Plake.
+ Heat #2: 1. Randy Boyd, 2. Dan Dias, 3. Chris Christiano.
DNS: Crystal Kotney.
+ Main: 1. Randy Boyd, 2. Chris Christiano, 3. Dan Dias, 4. David Ausano, 5. Shane Cazel, 6. Ray Davis, 7. Crystal Kotney, Kim Plake.
• IMCA Modified:
+ Heat: 1. Steven Anderson, 2. Jonathan Delavega, 3. Steve McQueen Jr., 4. Jerry Crowley, 5. Jim Turner.
+ Main: 1. Jerry Crowley, 2. Steve McQueen, 3. Jim Turner*, 4. Jonathan Delvega*, 5. Steven Anderson*.
* – Did Not Finish.
• SS4/Mod Mini:
+ Heat #1:1. Jesse James, 2. Kevin Reuter, 3. Josh Evans.
+ Heat #2: 1. Stephen Crook, 2. Dennis Crook.
DNF: Steve Crook Sr.
+ Main: 1. Jesse James, 2. Josh Evans, 3. Stephen Crook, 4. Kevin Reuter*, 5. Steve Crook Sr.*, 6. Dennis Crook.*
* – Did Not Finish.
• Gen-X:
+ Heat #1: 1.Ray Blankenship, 2. Kevin Reuter, 3. Jesse Showe.
DNS: Tyler Hall.
+ Heat #2: 1. Joe Gibbins, 2. Robert Crane, 3. Mike Sciarroni.
DNF: Travis Showe.
+ Main: 1. Kevin Reuter, 2.Travis Showe, 3. Jesse Showe, 4. Robert Crane, 5. Mike Sciarroni, 6. Joie Gibbins, 7. Tyler Hall (DNS), 8. Ray Blankenship*.
*- Did Not Finish.