MUSTANG (June 10) – Super Crawl visited the Wild West Motorsports Park this weekend. The two-day show includes a Saturday night shootout as well as some foreign drivers.What this sport lacks for speed it more than makes up in the challenges all the competitors face with steep inclines to negotiate, side hills where rollovers are a constant challenge not to mention getting around in some very tight spaces.
This year promoter Jessie Haines and his team made some very challenging courses and there is a set for each type of car. Each team is composed of a driver and observer, who helps direct where the car should be put and many times is actually moving rocks to make things a bit easier.

Spotter Kevin Reimer helps driver Jeff McKinlay though a course at Supercrawl. This duo won the Unlimited championship.
The duo of driver Matt Messer with observer Nick Poudrier won the Unlimited class.
“Two days of racing was awesome. Yesterday was a great day for me I had perfect courses all day until right at the end I hit a cone. I was in first at the end of the day, we did the shoot out last night, that was awesome I think I got second in that,” he said.
During the day they did four courses but in the shoot out each team gets eight minutes to complete it. The winner is the one that needs the least amount of time.
“Then today there were four more courses,” he said. “The put the top six guys in the same class so you kind of knew where you were the whole way. It got down to the last course and there were three of us within three points and Cody Waggoner had trouble with his car and he ended up third.
“And then Tim Scutt from Australia he had a great run on that course, put down a negative 26 and really put the pressure on as that’s what tied him up with me. I was the last one to run and knew I just needed a negative score and I could win. I just went out, completely aced the course and finished with a negative 27 so I won by 28 points I think.”
McKinlay added that he’s competed a lot as he’s won the Trail Hero, the Shootout at King of the Hammers this year as well as We Rocks events. Then he thanked BFG for their tires, Trail Ready, GM Rigging for winch lines, his spotter Kevin Reimer as well as his family.

Unlimited Champions Jeff McKinlay and spotter Kevin Reimer with their trophies and the winner’s check.
There are various classes the run these events. The Unlimiteds are technological marvels sporting differential braking, front and rear lockers, rear-steer and variable suspensions just to name a few things.
Pro Mods have front engines and no rear steer but they too are capable machines in the hands of an experienced driver.

Trail Buggy driver Jeremy Winters makes a sharp turn. His spotter Eerin Motez is out of the frame.
Trail Buggy was the largest class 19 cars entered and they had courses set up just for them. All were still challenging just not as dramatic as those the Unlimiteds and Pro Mods use.
Next are the Legends which are modified but still somewhat stock. Finally the Street Stock is probably as close to stock as one can get but even there modifications are needed to run this type of event.

Despite a right rear flat tire driver Jim Martino, with spotter John Black watching, made it through this Street Stock course.
Each class has a time limit when they run a course and finishing with a minute or more gains a bonus point. On the course the aim is to not hit a cone or the driver gets a penalty point, sometimes missing those cones can be pretty dramatic.
When the final run was completed and the dust settled everyone came off the hill for the awards ceremony.

In his first ever rock crawling event Bailey Cole, with help from his spotter father Dave, was second in Pro Mod.
In his first rock crawling event Bailey Cole and his father Dave placed second in the Pro Mod Class. The elder Cole used to rock crawl but now owns the Ultra 4 series that stages several events including the annual King of the Hammers.
The Pro Mod winner was Jake Hallenbeck, with spotter Chazzy Martin

Pro Mod winner Jake Hallenbeck with his spotter Chazzy Martin.
After accepting the trophies Hallenbeck said, “Thanks to Jessie for a great event. The comaraderie here is one of my favorite things about being out here.”
Next up were the Unlimited winners and third place Cody Waggoner who said, “I want to thank all the volunteers and judges.”
The second place Unlimited driver Tim Scutt probably came the farthest as he’s from Australia.

Australian driver Tim Scutt and his spotter Chris Poblano finished second in the Unlimited Class.
“Thanks to my spotter Chris Poblano and thanks to Jessie for the car as well as the officials,” Tim Scutt said.
There was a team from Japan competing in the Unlimited Class with driver Masanori Tsuda and spotter Naozumi Tsuda. A roll over on Sunday combined with needed repairs put them in a tie for eighth with the Spanish team of Sergio Mirallas-Garcia and spotter Andres Rodriguez.

The team of Masanori Tsuda and Naozumi Tsuda came all the way from Japan to compete.
Now everyone heads home for a few weeks until there is another rock crawling event in Southern California. But hopefully next year the rock crawlers will once again come for the challenge the courses at Wild West Motorsports offers.
REPORTER’S NOTE: There is a photo gallery after the results.
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Wild West Motorsports Park – June 9/10
Super Crawl 2018
+ Unlimited: 1. Jeff McKinlay/Kevin Reimer, 2. Tim Scutt/Chris Pobland, 3. Cody Waggoner/Randall Davis, 4. Dave Wong/Dustin Emick, 5. James Treacy/Graham Tydeman, 6. Matt Messer/Nick Poudrier, 7. Kenny blume/Kyle Bruso, 8. Sergio Mirallas Garcia/Andres Rodriguez*, 8. Masanori Tsuda/Naozumi Tsuda*, 10. Justin Keilman/Graham McMullen, 11. Justin Hall/Josh Buran, 12. Kevin Horbaker/Nathan Reed.
+ Pro Mod: 1. Jake Hallenbeck/Chazzy Martin, 2. Bailey Cole/Dave Cole, 3. Dan Patterson/Bob Roggy, 4. Shawn McNearney/Jordan Cockran, 5. Peter Wells/Troy Bailey, 6. Jeremy Ofstad/Shawn McNearney, 7. Bryan Bennett/Katie Bennett, 8. Victor Buness/C.J. Reber, 9. Holland Fryatt/Kyle Cockran, 10. Kalif Redden.
+ Trail Buggy: 1. Uriel Varela/Randy Southall, 2. Jeremy Winters/Erin Motez, 3. Dan Zeman/Adam Gordon, 4. Phil Pasciak/Chris Larsen, 5. Shaun Wiles/Chris Janeck, 6. Mark Schultz/Denis Volkov, 7. Mackenzie Duncan/Scott Duncan, 8. Chris Larsen/Phil Pasciak, 9. Jon Conner/Thomas Robinson, 10. Eric Wicks/Chris Wicks, 11. Chris Basse, 12. Rich Ennis/Taylor Onhenus, 13. Matthew McKinley/Rhet McClish/ 14. Ashby Bardwell/Randy Morgan, 15. Austin Warden/Branden Pebley, 16. Chase Jones/Frank Banks, 17. Brian Yates/Tylor Onhenus, 18. Charlie Vacha/Uriel Varela, 19. Justin Bissonette.
+ Legends: 1. Kaitlin Tydeman/Graham Tydeman, 2. Derrick Hodge/Dave Roberts, 3. Kolt Mieras/Natasha Eagan-Ambox, 4. Jason Childs/Jillian Justice, 5. Hidetaka Shimizu/Seui Fukumochi, 6. Hansi Stull/Conor Gleason.
+ Street Stock: 1. Mark Hodges/John Hay, 2. Jim Martino/John Black, 3. Wendy Nickell/Ryan Fuqua, 4. Austin Sears/Nick Maher, 5. Aaron Clawson/Amber Turner, 6. Jesse Bennett/Eric Horntvedt, 7. Austin Gordon/Philip Remington, 8. Derrick Hanaway/Jared Kilsove, 9. Marcus Wright/John Hay.