RENO, NV (Jan. 21) – Reno Cars and Coffee is one of several automotive groups in our area. Unlike having a specific type or brand, they honor all types of cars.
At their gatherings one can find everything from the exotic to the, well not so exotic. Currently the group is run by Lance Freitas.

Lance Freitas stands by his car at the Keitzke meeing earlier this month.
“Lauren Stowell, who used to run it got busy with her start up company and she asked me if I could help with it,” Freitas said. “Steven Lewis actually started the page but he’s super busy also. I just manage the twice a month meets, plan and host them.”
The meets are a gathering of people interested in showing their cars or showing off what they have done to as far as modifications go.
“It’s a little bit of everything from teenagers building their cars from Pick N’ Pull to exotic cars and want to hang out,” he said.

One of the exotic cars at the Keitzke meeting was this Lotus.
Freitas added the group has been going for at least three years and he’s been doing it for a little over a year while Lauren had run it for over a year. The meets usually get a pretty good turn out.
“The Keitzke one we get a little over 200 cars in the summer time,” he said. “Cars and Coffee is pretty much across the country and every major city has one. Folsom has one, San Francisco has one, pretty much every big city in the whole U.S. has Cars and Coffee.”
He continued that there is a national group but that has yearly fees and they will create a logo for a local organization. However he just wants to keep this local.
“Reno is the Biggest Little Town but we get good turnouts. There’s a lot more cars that could be here, I know. Reno is a huge car town but we’re pretty low key,” he said.

And some cars are not so exotic until you look under the hood. This Mercedes is a good example and the exhaust comes out of the side.
The group originally started out at a coffee shop on South Virginia but quickly out grew that parking lot so they have migrated to where there is ample parking space.
“We always check with the local company to make sure its okay, as we try to make everyone happy,” he said. “We meet twice a month on the first and third Sunday.”
This weekend the meet was at 1610 Robb Drive and the next scheduled meets, weather permitting will be the 4th and 11th of February with one of them by the Keitzke Starbucks.
For more information the club has a Face Book page one can access for dates and events. The link is;
REPORTER’S NOTE: There is a photo gallery at the end of this article.
- As usual this reporter will be on the Teresa’s Garage Radio Show from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. Tuesday. It’s a show about all things automotive and I’m on around 2:15.

Teresa’s Garage Radio Show.
• Two weeks ago Team Testa put out its roster for the 2018 racing season. Ty Bibee is manager and the rest are young motocross racers that qualified for membership.
They are: Keegan Brocchini, Garrett Berrington, Gavin Giomi, DiMaggioTesene, Luciano Tesene, Wyatt Brixey, Nakana Domingo, Owen Bills, Elijah Auble, Parker Ross, Cash Dunbar, Colton Chamness, Sam Roby, Max Roby, Colby Booth, Ian Knight, Chandler Munoz, Hannah Monoz, Nate Dains, Julian Domingo, Bodhi Tanner, Devin Leonard, Garret Knudson, Teagan Ellis, Tyler Radtke, Greg Fawcett, Frand Arbot, Sean O’Neil Botelho, Terry Bostard, Jeff Butler, Shane Vandamme, Foster Saunders, Collin McHaney, Chad Heishman, Ryan Eager, T.J. Taylor, and Kenny “Taco,” Bell.
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Our newest is Big Valley Honda and is the first dealer we have as a sponsor. They sell everything from motorcycles, UTV’s, ATV’s and about anything else things one could want.
They are located at 2225 Market Street in Reno and their website is and they have a Face Book page,
Our first sponsor is a full service motorcycle shop, Reno Motorsports and they too have a full service shop as well as about anything a rider could want.
They are located at 964 Terminal way, by Mill Street and their website is,
Sponsor PJ & Co Restaurant and Saloon located at 1590 Wells Avenue in Reno is familiar to most in the riding lifestyle.
Good food, great place and they have Bike Night every Wednesday. For further information please check their website at,
Concours Body Shop, owned by racer and race supporter Gil Grieve, is a business doing quality repair work on cars and trucks.
The business is located at 240 Telegraph Street in Reno and their website is,
If you are into karting or want the most cost effective way to start racing then check out Nevada Kart Sport, our only full service kart shop in this region.
The shop has moved to 894 Deming Way in Sparks and their website is,
Have a business targeted toward the motorcycle, motorsport or off road demographic? Well we are looking for more sponsors.
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PHOTO GALLERY: (From the Keitzke and Robb Drive meeting this month.)