MUSTANG, NV (Sept. 24) – Supercrawl 2017 presented by Maxxis tires and Trail-Gear visited the Wild West Motorsports Park this weekend. What this motorsport event lacks for speed it more than makes up for that in the technical courses and variety of machines used.
Three different courses were set up with four of the five classes using two of them while the stock class was restricted to the “C” course.
Over the two-day event drivers and their observers, who sometimes move rocks, give directions and might even hold a line to help keep the racer stable, work their way through many courses. There is a time where bonus points can be added by completing the run before time runs out.
In a way it’s like golf in that the team with the less penalty points and beating the time given can come out ahead.
Things came down to Sunday when the team of Cody Waggoner/Randall Davis beat out Dave Wong and his observer Dustin Emick and they just bested the team of Matt Deas and Mike Berard.

Unlimited winner Cody Waggoner starts the final part of the run that clinched the championship.
The scores were pretty close and it could have gone either way, which made the final runs Sunday a tense time for the teams.
After clinching the weekend’s victory Waggner said, “This is a new car built by Jesse Haines for this event. I haven’t had any sleep and only put 20-minutes in it on Friday. I’ve never driven a rear steer car in 23-years of crawling so it’s my first time in it and I have got to thank Lasernut for their sponsorship.”
There were only a couple of rollovers and no one was injures in those incidents as the cars are well built with solid roll cages surrounding the driver and observer if they are also in the car.

David Wong wound up second in the Unlimited Class.
The Unlimiteds and Pro Mods are purpose built machines and can have everything from front and read lockers, can switch from front, rear or four-wheel drive, might have rear steer and even winches to lower the chassis when needed. They really are marvels of technology.
The Legends, Trail Buggys and Stock classes are restricted to what can be done with those vehicles besides the mandatory safety additions.
After two long days of crawling promoter Jesse Haines was asked about how the weekend and event went compared to the last two years.
“This was run a little differently and I think it worked out well,” he said. “The format was slightly different for the pro guys, it gets a little bit better every year and I think it was set up really well this year. Spectators is about the same as last year but the weather was a bit cold so I think it might have discouraged some of the people from Sacramento and Northern California to come over. It was a pretty good turnout and I was pretty happy with how things turned out at the end of the weekend.”
He noted the competitor count was 45 against last year’s of 61 but the Unlimited count was the same. He said they did lose a few from the other classes.
“Every year I second guess it at some point whether I want to do it again but at the end of the weekend it turned out great,” he said.
Now Haines, who owns a fabrication shop, will regroup, take a good look at how things might be improved and move on toward next year’s event.
REPORTER’S NOTE: There is a photo gallery after the results.
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Supercrawl 2017 Presented by Maxxis Tires and Trail-Gear
Wild West Motorsports Park – September 2
+ Unlimited: 1. Cody Waggoner/Randall Davis, 2. Dave Wong/Dustin Emick,3. Matt Deas/Mike Berad, 4. Tim Scutt/Chris Poblano, 5. Cody Gabriel, 6. Todd Young/Tate Elquist, 7. KennyBlume/Peter Wells, 8. Matt Messer/Nick Poudrier, 9. Jason Childs/Jill Lague, 10. Laurie Gray/Brian Gray, 11. Jim Martino/John Black, 12. Jake Eberhart/Nathan Reed.
+ Pro Mod: 1. Jake Hallenbeck/Troy Bailey, 2. Robb Kaufman/Joe Maguano, 3. Peter Wells/Kenny Blume, 4. Bryan Bennett/Phil Weeks.
+ Street Stock: 1. Kody Reams/Alec Koch, 2. Josh Wilkins/Matt Kester, 3.Mark Hodges/John Hay, 4. Jared Gloistein/Ryan Sarkissian, 5. Derrick Hanaway/Will Peden, 6. Alec Koch/Kody Reams, 7. Richard William/Robinson Wells, 8. Wendy Nickell/Lisa Trent, 9. Jimmy Young/Jeff Oliver, 10. Mitch Bergstrom/Andrew McComb.
+ Trail Buggy: 1. Daniel Zeman/Adam Gordon, 2. Jeremy Winters/Aaron Montez, 3. Uriel Varela/Randy Southall, 4. Jeremy Ofstad/Shawn McNearney, 5. Mackenzie Duncan/Scott Duncan, 6. Chris Larsen/Phil Pasciak, 7. Jon Conner/Thomas Robinson, 8. Brian Yates/Taylor Ohnemus, 9. Steven Moore/Kurtis Harryman, 10. Ashby Bardwell/Randy Morgan, 11. Mackinzie Alavazo/Kurtis Harryman, 12. Anthony Guillot/Allen Edes.
+ Legends: 1. Doug Straight/Justin Stengel, 2. Cody Schaber/Megan Schaber, 3. Sean McKinney/Tate Elquist, 4. Damon Parker/Brandon Schatz, 5. Kolt Mieras/Joe Pavone, 6. Rhet McClish/Matt McKinley.