Here is breaking news that concerns the motocross community in Northwest Nevada.

Exit 28 Starting Gate.
Wednesday, JANUARY 18TH.
Exit 28 will be one of my most coveted and cherished memories that will last a lifetime. The idea of owning and operating a track is the dream that a lot of kids have, as they come up through the ranks as a racer and fan. Motocross has been my life as long as I can remember. My passion and drive to become a professional racer was cemented in at 5 years old when I started riding dirt bikes behind my house in Hidden Valley. My brothers and I had a childhood that you could only dream of. Riding every single day, the moment we got off the school bus. We would beg tractor operators in the pits to build us jumps and forge our own tracks out of the natural terrain. We loved carving in new tracks and ripping around them everyday till it got dark. Building tracks was a way of life.
Greg Garrison and I built 28 so we could ride everyday and not be hassled by outsiders or governing bodies that didn’t like motocross. But by far the coolest and best part about 28 was getting the opportunity to share our passion and love of the sport with all of you, it was a dream come true. Thank you all so much for supporting 28 and allowing myself, Greg and the Livfast team to share our passion with your families and friends. Livfast will carry on as an FMX Team and we will be pursuing a much more aggressive and focused initiative with retailers and venues in FMX.
As of January 1st, 2017 we have decided to close Exit 28 permanently. The track will be leveled and put back to its original condition. We explored opportunities with the Gilman’s to bring in a new owner/operator but in the end we all decided it was in the best interest of the Gilman’s and my family to part ways with 28 and let someone new, in a new location take on the opportunity of running a track. 28 will be closed and reconditioned for new development.
My family and I are looking forward to riding and racing someone else’s dream track and sharing our passion of motocross through their imagination.
Thank you all so much, I will never forget so many great memories and new friendships. See you in the dirt.
Tim O’Brien

Exit 28 from the air.