For some it was the calm before the storm, for others not so much.
STEAD (Sept. 13) – Air Race Update reflects a somewhat calm Tuesday. Well calm if you qualified but for the others, well time was running out.
There were also practice starts for some classes plus the first T-6 1V1 race, which was decided at the home pylon by a half of a plane length victory. Last year these were called drag races as both aircraft use a standing start.

Revised Logo that will be flown.
Yesterday I showed the Logo that won’t be flying. Well with some changes here is the Logo that will be flown.
And I’ve got another example of nose art on another T-6, glad to see these examples of nose art.

Another bit of nose art on a T-6 racer.
A little before noon James Consalvi strapped into Czech Mate and headed for the course. While it sounded great many around me didn’t think he was at full chat.

Czech Mate up for it’s qualifying run.
However if he wasn’t going as fast as the plane could go his speed put him second in the Unlimiteds as he toured the circuit at 444.121 mph.

Czech Mate recovering from its qualifying run where it is now the second fastest Unlimited.
In the Sport class the new fast time was Race 39 flown by Jeff LaVelle with a speed of 403:411 mph. John Parker is still second and is getting some work done on his motor.
In Formula 1, many time champion Steve Senegal flew Endeavor to a second fast time of 250.431 mph. This year he’s also racing a Sport plane so he’ll be a busy guy this week.
During the morning there was a live radio remote in the media center. The show “Teresa’s Garage,” focuses on women in motorsports.
Host Teresa Aquila is a long time mechanic herself and many of her guest are women racers.
This was the show’s first time at the Air Races and this reporter is a regular guest. First we discussed the history of the National Championship Air Races.
Then it was time for two guests, each appearing on a separate part of the show. First was Santina Estrada, a woman jet mechanic as well as Biplane racer Casey Erickson.
The final guest was Roger Phelps, Corporate Communications Manager, for the event sponsor Stihl. He explained how this family owned corporation feels it’s a good match with the races since they manufacture a whole line of quality tools.

Roger Phelps from event sponsor Stihl with Teresa Aquila on her show Teresa’s Garage.
And he mentioned they got NBC to expand their coverage of the event. Next year there will be three one-hour shows on the Air Races so everything should be covered.
The weather was a bit iffy when the day began but then it got better and better then ended with a beautiful sunset.
Blue Angel #7 also arrived during the day as the team prepares to visit the air races this year.
Tomorrow will start at 8 a.m. with the final qualifying sessions then around 11:10 the Formula 1 racers begin the show with the first of their heats. In fact Sport, Jet and T-6 racers all fly heats.
Finally around 4:45 aircraft to be on static display will begin to arrive.
Starting Thursday things begin to really get going as the event heads toward the weekend.
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