This reporter has never done an editorial on racing but this time I’m going to make an exception. Please read this carefully and help save our sport.
Over the past year this reporter has heard rumblings about the EPA’s attempt to essentially restrict the conversion of a vehicles originally designed for on-street use to a racing vehicle.
After receiving the latest issue of Racing Promotion Monthly, a publication for the short track industry, I decided to write this editorial.
And for those that don’t know people involved in short track racing, fans or drivers, it concerns all types of racing and especially the aftermarket world.
In February SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) issued a release after going through the EPA’s proposed revisions to the Clean Air Act.
Buried in the 600 pages of the revision they found the restriction for converting an on-road car to a racecar. This actually was issued last July of 2015, as there is a 12-month comment period.
The main point is that unless this is stopped the regulation will go into effect July of this year. So time is of the essence.
RPM Editor Stewart Doty was pretty emphatic about how much time is left and what needs to be done to stop this.
Fortunately there is a movement in Congress but in this election year the chance of it getting passed is about 50% or less. However with enough public pressure this could be done.
In the House the bill is HR4715 and was proposed by Florida Representative Bill Posey. Over in the Senate there is a companion bill, S2659 but I wasn’t able find out who is the author.
The House bill is the Protection of Motorsports Act of 2016 or the RPM Bill, as it is known.
The ramifications of this regulation are far reaching and not just to the aftermarket market.

Hobby and Street Stock fields are made from cars originally designed for the street but have been converted to racecars.
In short track racing Pure Stocks and Hobby or Street Stocks fields are made up of cars that were originally designed to be on the roads but now have been converted to racecars.

Pure Stocks, like this Mustang, are a cost effective way for a new competitor to get started in racing.
This could also apply to the many stockcar-based classes in drag racing and for those that compete in rallies. Here again a car that was built for on-street use has been modified for competition.

Many classes in drag racing are using modified or converted street cars for racing.
Those competing with the Sports Car Club of America could also be affected. Cars that were or are street legal are used in everything from autocross, or solo events to all out road racing.
The top racing series aren’t affected as they use purpose built cars that were never, ever designed for street use.
Off Road racing could also be hurt. For example, a truck originally designed for the street might be restricted so it couldn’t be converted for off road competition.

Under the proposed EPA ruling trucks like this probably wouldn’t be allowed to be converted for off-road racing.
Another up and coming class in off road racing are the UTVs These small machines are an economically way to enter the field and even though they’re not designed for street use how long before they too will face this type of restriction.

While they probably won’t be affected now who knows when the proposed EPA regulations might eliminate a UTV being converted to racing use.
Those that are into drifting also modify street legal cars for competition and they too could feel the effects of this regulation. And even motorcycles could someday feel the effect of this regulation.
And the aftermarket will surely be affected both in the major chains like Napa, Summit as well as the smaller speed shops cater to the performance group of fans and hot rodders.
This is an example of over reach by a federal agency, one that has huge economic implications. And, in this writer’s opinion, needs to be stopped now.
The best way is to call or write our congressional representatives, remember they are all up for re-election this year. Be polite but firm in your opposition and also ask that they become co-sponsors of the RPM bill.
If you can personally visit them please do so or send an e-mail, show up at town hall meetings or, better yet, call their office or send them an actual letter. And remember that many might only not be aware about grass roots racing.
Even though the current effort to stop this regulation is coming from the Republican side with enough pressure from the voters both sides will join in this effort.
For those in Northern Nevada I am including the addresses and local office numbers for Congressman Mark Amodie and Senator Dean Heller.
With regards to Congressman Amodie I don’t know his feelings about motorsports. However, he still needs to be informed of what is going on. But Senator Heller grew up in a racing family and is a racer himself although I don’t think he has much time to drive any more.
I’m also including a sample letter you can use or modify to send to them.
Time is of the essence as there are only four months until this regulation goes into effect. The more that call and write the greater the pressure for Congress to act and stifle this proposed regulation from an agency that seemed to have tried to hide this regulation.
Every call, letter or e-mail will count so please join in this effort. And please be polite, it might be the first time most of their staffs or themselves have heard about this.
Thank you and let’s get going – Dan McGee
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Congressional Addresses:
• Congressman Mark Amodei.
5310 Kietzke Lane
Suite 103
Reno, NV 89511
Ph: 775-686-5760
• Senator Dean Heller
400 South Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89501
Ph: 775-686-5770
Possible sample letter that can be modified for individuals:
Draft Letter To Legislators:
Dear [Member of Congress]:
I am a constituent living in your district, and I
request that you support H.R. 4715/S. 2659, the
Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act of
2016 (RPM Act) that preserves the right to convert
Street automobiles into racecars used exclusively in competition.
Converting a stock car into racecar is as
American as apple pie and auto racing is a sport enjoyed by millions of participants and fans in tens of thousands of events in the United States and in your district.
“Stock car racing” is built upon the principle that ordinary street cars can be raced, and today participants, both novice and professional, compete using road vehicles modified exclusively for racing use.
The livelihood of my business as a [track owner, promoter, official, employee.] as well as the past time of millions of participants and fans, including many within your district, is threatened by the U.S. EPA’s, proposed Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles-
Phase 2, which would outlaw the conversion of street vehicles into race-only vehicles.
Congress never intended for the Clean Air Act to regulate vehicles built or modified for competition use only. However, it appears the EPA is attempting to circumvent Congressional intent without authority.
Please support the RPM Act to preserve the right of the racing community.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Not mentioning all the technological automobile advances that have happened through racing would be an injustice. Many vehicles on the roads today have benefitted directly from racing allowing auto makers to develop stronger and safer vehicles. Another issue is the amount of revenue generated by race events. Local businesses would be negatively impacted if racing was stifled!
You are correct. I understand they are going to withdraw that proposed regulation but the effort
to put the restriction into law should continue. That’s the only way to be sure they won’t try to
slip this past us again.
99.9% of the world would still modify their cars, trucks, boats, planes, trains, mini vans, motorcycles, etc. Because that’s who we are as Americans.
I drive a 2010 Jetta TDi. So there’s my opinion of the EPA and CARB and the like.