The Two Day Show at the 95A Speedway is an annual happening, of the wild kind.
FERNLEY (Oct. 10/11) – The racing year ends at Fernley 95A Speedway with an annual two-day show. It’s always been a wild show full of action, carnage, speed and this year was like the last ones.
Saturday is reserved for heat races and mains for the two smallest classes.
For everyone else there were two sets of heats with a driver’s average being used for placement in Sunday’s main events.
After the dust settled and the checkered flag waved on the 40 or 45 lap main the winner took a deep breath and climbed out of his IMCA Modified.
“Honestly, I didn’t think the poor car was going to hold up and take the beating and I don’t know how much damage that been done to it. But man, the track is good right now, too bad we couldn’t get back on it. I like this place, I do like it but I didn’t like the dust. I can’t believe it stayed together, this has to be the luckiest place for me,” Paul Stone said after winning the race.
Then he gave special thanks to his wife Jill and their three daughters for letting him continue to race. While he’s pretty much self sponsored Stone gave thanks to supporters KS Engineering, for the motors he usually runs, Bellville Motor Sports Speed Shift TV and his parents.
There were 53 IMCA modifieds that showed up to try and earn a place in the 24-car field for Sunday. After all the heats and B Mains two provisional, Royce Goetz and Collen Weinburger, were added to the field.
And as usual the IMCA drivers did a 4-wide salute to the fans before getting down to business.
On the green Bill Pearson and Jeff Olschowka led the charge but a pair of cautions led to a pair of full restarts. Once things got rolling Pearson was again on point with Olschowka right behind him.

Bill Pearson (7n) and Jeff Olschowka were the early IMCA leaders. However the were spun out of contention on a restart.
Then the wheels came off.
First there was a caution and the restart ended with a pile up in Turn 1 causing the race to be stopped so the officials could clean up the mess. At that time it was 22 minutes after the initial start and only three green flag laps had been run.
On the next restart Olschowka used an outside move to take the lead. Pearson was now in second with Stone, Chris Nieman and Brian Poppa leading the pack.
Eight laps later there were three back-to-back cautions and Pearson had retaken the lead. A half dozen laps after that restart there was another caution.
This time on the restart both Pearson and Olschowka were taken out in a Turn 1 scramble that involved at least three cars. By now 18 of the 40+ laps had been run and the on track carnage had eliminated half the field and Stone, who had been trailing the leaders was on point.
On this restart Stone took off with Brian Poppa giving chase. Then there were more cautions, followed by a messed up restart and another attempt, which got things rolling again.
For much of the race dust was a problem, at least for some but most carried on. The final dozen or so laps were run under green and finally a relieved Stone took the checkered flag followed by Cory Sample, whose car lost a lot of body work in an earlier incident. Brian Poppa and Robert Miller ended up third and fourth.
Not to be outdone as far as cautions go, the Street Stock main was slowed by eight cautions. Right after the race began there would be one caution for each green flag lap.
It took two attempts to get the race rolling and Rick Miller jumped into the lead followed by Dwight Bolton. Close behind was Jake Baker.
As the race progressed Miller put a small gap between him and Bolton with Baker and J.T. Stark not far behind in third and fourth place.
One driver suffering bad luck in the form of flat tires was Travis Emery, who came with a Camaro painted like General Lee of the Dukes of Hazzard series. He finally had to drop out after running out of tires.
There would be three cautions late in the race but Miller kept the advantage. Then with two to go Bolton went wide and allowed Baker to grab second.
At the end the delighted Miller scored the victory followed by Baker, Bolton and Stark.
Later Miller said, “That was good, I earned it was for damned sure. He (Bolton) knocked me around a little so I just put it to the wood and got back in front.”
It would take three attempts to get the Pro Stock main rolling due to spins before the field completed a full lap. One caution was caused when the car of Al Goss just stopped running and left him stranded at the top of Turn 4.
On the third try Robert Miller and Mike Learn led the charge into Turn 1. With Miller on point James Gonzalez took over second followed by Learn and Brian Johnson.
Later Ed Goss would spin twice and end his night being towed to the pits. Then Ted Ahart spun and was hit by Gordon Russell, who couldn’t miss him.
Then after the half way point Learn spun out of contention.
The worst incident came after one of the cars dropped the lead weights that are used to help set the weight bias.
Flagman Kenny Newberry was hit by some of the debris but fortunately not badly injured. Later he was able to flag the IMCA main event.
The race had to be stopped as the emergency crew picked up the weights and other debris. Then two more cautions slowed the pace with one coming just before the white flag.
None of this mattered to Miller as he was driving B.J. Pearson’s Nuclear Banana car and would just rocket away from everyone on the way to the victory. Brian Johnson finished second ahead of Steve Nash and Tod Alonzo.

Robert Miller did double duty as he raced his IMCA car and B.J. Pearson’s Nuclear Banana Pro Stock, which he used to win that main.
The Dwarf Cars ran almost caution free in their main. When the green sent these speedsters off there was a charge down the front straight with Joe Frock taking the lead from Camden Robustelli.
Although Robustelli kept the pressure on Frock was uncatchable. The only time he was slowed was after Billie Canham spun and caused a short caution.
In the end Frock capped off a championship year by winning followed by Robustelli, Kalvin Morton and Dan Geil.
• On Saturday all but two classes ran two sets of heat races. Most of those ran caution free and kept the show moving.
When the Pure Stock main began there was a charge followed by a minor tangle between the leaders. By the third lap Jesse James had taken the lead and was on point. He later fell out of contention.
The first caution came when a car spun exiting Turn 2 and the second came after a car spun in Turn 4 because of a flat.
There would be one more caution with five to go but at the end Rich Innis took the checkered flag the celebrated by doing donuts after a victory lap.
It appears the posted results are error so the finishing order will be subject to review.
The other main was for the Super Stock 4 racers and when the green waved on their race Justin Busch was on point first. But that start had to be called back due to a first lap spin by another car.
Once the field was set back in order the green waved again and Busch took off with Steven Crook hot on his tail. Eventually Crook took the lead as Busch slipped back in the order.
There was a short red flag to check on one driver and two more cautions. But in the end Crook beat Kyle Davey, Busch and Justin McIlvain to the line and scored the win.
Before those two mains all the cars ran a heat race. After the two mains all those that would race on Sunday ran another heat as both finishes would set where a driver would start their races the next day.
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Fernley 95A Speedway – Two Day Show
- Saturday, Oct. 10
Pure Stock:
Heat #1: 1. Jesse James, 2. Justin Schilling, 3. Kyle Bieli
Heat #2: Rich Innis, 2. Josay Hartman, 3. Shawn Burton
Main (15-Laps)*: 1. Jesse James, 2. Rich Innis, 3. Justin Schilling, 4. Josay Hartman, 5. Kyle Beili, 6. Shawn Burton.
* – Results might be wrong as Rich Innis apparently was the winner.
Super Stock 4:
Heat #1: 1. Steven Crook, 2. Justin Busch, 3. Shaun Merritt, 4. Steve Crook Sr.
Heat #2: 1. Kyle Davey, 2. Justin McIlvain, 3. Kenny Martin.
Main (20-Laps): 1. Steven Crook, 2. Justin Busch, 3. Aaron McIlvain, 4. Shaun Merritt, 5. Kyle Davey, 6. Kenny Martin, 7. Stephen Crook Sr.
* Saturday’s Heat Winners:
Run 1, Heat #1: 1. Ryan McDaniel, 2. Riley Simmons, 3. Travis White, 4. Galen Hainline, 5. Chester Kniss, 6. Jesse Gonzalez, 7. Scott Foreman, 8. Jay Bradley, 9. Walter Ball
Heat #2: 1. Cory Sample, 2. Alex Stanford, 3. Paris Archie, 4. Mark Wauge, 5. Robert Miller, 6. Ron Dickerson, 7. Joel Myers, 8. Keith Walsh, 9. JimTurner
Heat #3: 1. Kellen Chadwick, 2. Jeff Olshowka, 3. Matt Murphy, 4. John Pierce, 5. Monte Bischoff, 6. Rocky Goetz, 7. Conner Tatum.
Heat #4: 1. Chris Nieman, 2. Bill Pearson, 3. Royce Goetz, 4. Larry McCracken, 5. Vincent Evenson, 6. Billy Anderson, 7. Reldon Hatch, 8. Lisa Taylor, 9. Mike White.
Heat #5: 1. Travis Peery, 2. Shawn Laroaque, 3. Brian Poppa, 4. Alec Childs, 5. Malen Gonzalez, 6. Andy Strait, 7. Russell Rosario, 8. Robert Mull, 9. #77 Unlisted
Heat #6: 1. Paul Stone, 2. Don Childs, 3. Tom Bradley, 4. Chris Olexeweicz, 5. Will Zinn, 6. Joey Price, 7. Scott McBeen
Run #2, Heat Winners: #1 Riley Simmons, #2 Alex Stanford, #3 Jeff Olschowka, #4 Vincent Evenson, #5 Travis Peery, #6 Joey Price
Pro Stock:
- Run 1, Heat #1: Mile Learn, 2. Steve Nash, 3. Rob Grace, 4. Ed Goss, 5. Jeff Marson.
Heat #2: 1. Robert Miller, 2. James Gonzalez, 3. Jay Sears, 4. Tod Alonzo, 5. Gordon Russell, 6. Ted Ahart.
Heat #3: 1. Al Goss, 2. Brian Johnson, 3. Gary Nevers, 4. David Rauscher
Did Not Start: Russ Murphy.
• Run 2, Heat #1: 1. Mike Learn, 2. Steve Nash, 3. Ed Goss, 4. Shannon Horn, 5. Jeff Marson
Did Not Start: Rob Grace
Heat #2: 1. Robert Miller,2. Jay Sears, 3. James Gonzalez, 4. Tod Alonzo, 5. Gordon Russell, 6. Ted Ahart.
Heat #3: 1. Al Goss, 2. Brian Johnson, 3. Gary Nevers
Did Not Start: David Ruascher, Russ Murphy.
Street Stock:
- Run 1, Heat #1: 1. Jake Baker, 2. Jessee Yankee, 3. Nathan Howard, 4. Michael Nicols, 5. Ryan Svensson, 6. Dan Edgington.
Heat #2: 1. Dwight Bolton, 2. J.T. Stark, 3, David Ausano, 4. Jim Erie, 5. Randy Boyd, 6. #11 Unlisted, 7. John Furr.
Heat #3: 1. Rick Miller, 2. Richard Longacre, 3. Adam Gilmore, 4. Shayna Nieman, 5. Travis Emery, 6. Shane Cazel.
• Run 2, Heat #1: Jake Baker, 2. Jesse Yankee, 3. Ryan Svensson, 4. Michael Burns
Did Not Start: Nathan Howard, Dan Edgington.
Heat #2: 1. Dwight Bolton, 2. Randy Boyd, 3. J.T. Stark, 4. Jim Erie
Did Not Start: David Ausano, John Furr, #11
Dwarf Car:
- First Run, Heat #1: Kalvin Morton, 2. Joe Frock, 3. Bobby Wilson, 4. Fred Hay, 5. Glen Sciaranni, 6. Shane Ramthun.
Heat #2: 1. Camden Robustelli, 2. Billie Canham, 3. Roy Peterson, 4. San Pieretti,5. Dan Geil.
• Second Run, Heat #1: Fredy Hay, 2. Joe Frock, 3. Glen Sciaranni, 4. Shane Ramthun, 5. Kalvin Morton, 6. Bobby Wilson.
Heat #2: 1. Camden Robustelli, 2. Roy Peterson, 3. Dan Geil, 4. Dan Pieretti, 5. Billie Canham.
• Sunday, Oct. 11
B Main #1 (15-Laps): 1. Chris Olexieweicz, 2. Alec Childs, 3. Wade Taylor, 4. Larry McKracken.
B Main 32 (15-Laps): 1. Mark Wauge, 2. Robert Miller, 3. Monte Bischoff, 4. Jesse Gonzalez, 5. Paris Archie.
Provisionals added to A Main: Royce Goetz, Collen Weinberger.
Main (45-Laps): 1. Paul Stone, 2. Cory Sample, 3. Brian Poppa, 4. Robert Miller, 5. Chris Nieman, 6. Riley Simmons, 7. Chris Nieman, 8. Jeff Olschowka, 9. Royce Goetz, 10. Paris Archie, 11. MarkWauge, 12. Bill Pearson, 13. Alec Childs, 14. Larry McKracken, 15. Don Childs, 16. Jesse Gonzalez, 17. Wade Taylor, 18. Vincent Evenson, 19. Kellen Chadwick, 20. Alex Stanford, 21. Travis Peery, 22. Ryan McDaniels, 23. Collen Weinberger, 24. Monte Bischoff.
Pro Stock Main (25-Laps): 1. Robert Miller, 2. Brian Johnson, 3. Steve Nash, 4. Tod Alonzo, 5. Gary Nevers, 6. Ted Ahart, 7. Gordon Russell, 8. David Rausher, 9. Jeff Marson, 10. James Gonzalez, 11. Mike Hearn, 12. Ed Goss, 13. Al Goss
Did Not Start: Jay Sears, Russ Murphy, Shannon Horn, Rob Grace.
Street Stock Main (25-Laps): 1. Rick Miller, 2. Jake Baker, 3. Dwight Bolton, 4. J.T. Stark, 5. Richard Longacre, 5. Randy Boyd, 7 David Ausano, 8. Shayna Nieman, 9. Jesse Yankee, 10. Michael Nicols, 11. Nathan Howard, 12. Michael Burns, 13. Shane Cazel, 14. Travis Emery, 15. Ryan Svensson, 16. Jim Erie.
Did Not Start: John Furrs
Dwarf Main (26-Laps): 1. Joe Frock, 2. Camden Robustelli, 3. Kalvin Morton, 4. Dan Geil, 5. Fred Hay, 6. Bobby Wilson, 7. Roy Peterson, 8. Shaun Ramthun, 9. Glen Sciarani, 10. Billie Canham, 11. Dan Pieretti.