Here are the official results from the Purge 100 at Moon Rocks. Wonderful weather and great racing that day.

Josh Wilson does a wheelie as he’s about to enter the pits at the end of his first lap during the Purge 100.
There is at least one change and that is in the Saturday Women’s results, congrats Chrystal Ponsock. And there maybe others as well and I’m also including class breakdowns.
And some mispelling of names was also corrected.
Best wishes at the next race, it’s a bit out of my range right now but I’ll be covering the last race east of Nightingale.
MRANN – Round 7
Purge 100 – Moon Rocks
• Sunday, Nov. 2
Big Bike Overall – 1. Tucker Larrieu,Open Exp., 2. Dan Capparelli, 3. Kyle Townsend, 4. Drew Chattin,250 Exp., 5,Zane Roberts, 6. Willy Heiss, 30+ Exp., 7. Corey Fletcher, 8. Tanner Tremaine, 9. Ricky Dahlberg, 4-Stk Exp., 10. Justin Miller, 11.Josh Wilson, 12. Joe Gatie, 13. Jake Osborn, 14. Mason Stone, 15. Danny Beever, 16. Jack Reader, 40+ Exp., 17. Tony Weatherman, 18. Titan McKibben, 19. Robert McAdam, 20. Caleb Frandsen, 200 Exp., 21. Alan Cameron, 22.Ryan Jackson, 23. Cole Carmichael, 200 Ama., 24. ChrisMaaso, 25. Jim Menesini, 26. Matt McKimmy, Open Ama., 27. Chad Heishman, 28. Austin Wilson, 29. Tom Ellis, 30. Jeff Klino, 31. Philip Rhodes, 30+ Ama., 32. Perris Hale, 4-Stk Ama., 33. Jarrett Tadman, 250 Nov., 34. Donavyn Morris, 35. Tyler Fischer, 36. Chris Kozlik, 37. Thomas Duncan, 38. Chris Sunderland, 50+ Ama., 39. Garrett Kooyers, Open Nov. 40. Seth Johnson, 41. Tim Fitzpatrick, 42. Dave Rennie, 43. Alex Ficco, 44. Jeff Engelke, 45. Ray Sbriglia, 46. Jesse Cunnally, 47. Jim Pickel, 48. Beth Legenbauer, 49. Layne Kolbet, 40+ Ama., 50. Wayne Weideinaier, 57. Ryan Blaire, 30+ Nov., 58. Ted Elswick, 50+ Nov., 63. Rodger Mercer, 60+, 64. Jakobee Reviglio, 200 Nov., 80. Julianne Zotter, Women Nov., 82. Leif Jacobson, 4-Stk Nov.
60+: 1. Rodger Mercer, 2. Mike Wilson, 3. Dave Rosenquest
Nov: 1. Ted Elswick, 2. Brad Moore, 3. Michael Gaurean
Ama: 1. Chris Sunderland, 2. Ray Sbriglia
Nov: 1. Chuck Faul, 2. Stacy Lewis, 3. Kevin Listman, 4. Wyatt Konrn,
Ama: 1. Layne Kolbet
Exp: 1. Jack Reader, 2. Titan McKibben, 3. Alan Cameron, 4. Jim Menesini, 5. Tom Ellis, 6. Tim Fitzpatrick
Nov: 1.Ryan Blaire, 2.Travis Hyatt, 3. Jodie Fell
Ama: 1. Philip Rhodes, 2. Dave Rennie, 3. JohnLudwick, 4. Casey Eckley, 5. Phil Fell
Exp: 1. Willy Heiss, 2. Justin Miller, 3. Josh Wilson, 4. Ryan Jackson, 5. Chris Kozlik
Nov: 1. Juliane Zotter
Ama: 1. Beth Legenbauer
Nov: 1. Leif Jacobson
Ama: 1. Perris Hale, 2. Donavyn Morris, 3. Thomas Duncan, 4. Joey Miller
Exp: 1. Ricky Dahlberg, 2. Joe Gatie, 3. Jake Osborn, 4. Tony Weatherman
Nov: 1. Jackobee Reviglio, 2. Folsom Smith
Ama: 1. Cole Carmichael, 2. Austin Wilson,
Exp: 1. Caleb Randsen,
Nov: 1. Jarrett Tadman, 2. Devin Walker, 3. John Whomes, 4. Kyle Banta, 5. Tyler Spelts
Exp: 1. Drew Chattin, 2. Corey Fletcher, Mason Stone, 4. Danny Beever, 5. Seth Johnson, 6. Jesse Cunnally
Nov: 1. Garett Kooyers, 2. Cameron Van Linsome,3. Jon Stringer, 4. Tyler Hough, 5. Cody Van Linsome
Ama: 1. Matt McKimmy, 2. Chad Heishman, 3. Tyler Fischer, 4. Alex Ficco, 5. Wayne Weideinaier, 6. Trevor Frey
Exp: 1. Tucker Larrieu, 2. Dan Capparelli, 3. Kyle Townsend, 4. Zane Roberts, 5.Tanner Tremaine, 6. Robert McAdam, 7. Jeff Klino,
Saturday, Nov. 1
Pee Wee Overall: 1. Chase Cannizzaro, 2. Austin Hough, 3. Tristan Morrice, 4. Jesse Miller, 5. Seth Rigsby, 6. Isaac Frandsen, 7. Brooke Davis, 8. Jordan Maas, 9. Dalton Legenbauer, 10. Destry Rigsby, 11. Jacob Engelke, 12. Wyatt Rankin, 13. Tyler Davenport, 14. Ryder Dixon, 15. Chista Ponsock, 16. Colton Leavitt, 17. Jonah Rhodes, 18. Shea Zastaniak
65 Nov: 1. Chase Cannizzaro, 2. Tristan Morrice
Over 7: 1. Austin Hough, 2. Isaac Frandsen, 3. Dalton Legenbauer, 4. Chista Ponsock
Under 6: 1. Jesse Miller, 2. Seth Rigsby, 3. Jordn Maas, 4. Destry Rigsby, 5. Jacob Engelke, 6. Wyatt Rankin, 7. Ryder Dixon, 8. Colton Leavitt, 9. Jonah Rhodes, 10. Shea Zastaniak
Women and Mini’s Overall: 1. Chrystdal Ponsock, 2. Mikey Hillyer, 3. Casey Carmichael, 4. Danny Hillyer, 5. Alek Simone, 6. Taylor Kemp, 7. Ethan Lewis, 8. Bryce Tremaine, 9. Ryan Palmer, 10. Raven Hyatt, 11. Chanel Honez, 12. Laura Townsend, 13. Sean Dingley, 14. Angie Figg, 15. Amanda Ross, 16 Seth Ramsay, 17. Doreen Rigsby, 18. Casssie Larrieu, 19. Carley Legenbauer, 20. Justin Larsen, 21. Elijah Frandsen, 22. Garrett Rychlik, 23. Zach Geddry, 24. Athony Edberg, 25. Cody Schlefstein, 26. Christina Courtney, 27. Zachery Larson, 28. James Larson, 29. Kylee Spring, 30. Hayden Carmichael, 31. Devynn Muhlenberg, 32. Jojo Stone, 33. Walker McGreal, 34. Isaiah Frandsen, 35 C.J. Lacruze, 36. Sheah Ferrara, 37. Jonas Thissen, 38. Alyson Wilson, 39. Sarah Gley, 40. Denise Ponsock
Saturday Women:
Nov: 1. Cassie Larrieu, 2. Christina Courtney, 3. JoJo Stone, 4. Shea Ferrara, 5. Alyson Wilson, 6. Sarah Gley, 7. Denise Ponsock
Ama: 1. Raven Hyatt, 2. AngieFigg, 3. Doreen Rigsby
Exp: 1. Chrystal Ponsock, 2. Taylor Kemp, 3. Chanel Honea, 4. Laura Townsend, 5. Devynn Muhlenberg
Nov: 1. Seth Ramsay, 2. Carley Legenbauer, 3. Elijah Frandsen, 4. Garrett Rychlik, 5. Zach Gedddry, 6. Hayden Carmichael, 7. C.J. Lacruze
Ama: 1. Mikey Hillyer, 2. Casey Carmichael, 3. Danny Hillyer, 4. Alek Simone, 5. Ethan Lewis, 6. Bryce Tremaine, 7. Ryan Palmer, 8. Sean Dingley, 9. Amanda Ross, 10. Justin Larsen, 11. Cody Schlefstein
Exp: 1. Jonas Thissen